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I haven't tested it, but go to Tools > Internet Options > Advanced tab > Accessibility section > Check "Play system sounds"

You got it, That did the trick, Thanks so much!

it does have sessions, my browser crashed and it offered to restore session. You can also restore sessions on new tab page.


It would be great for this page to behave like chrome's speeddial extension.

I am in love with this browser it is really fast, simple and the ui is excellent however:

I don't like the ugly bar betweek the web page and the tabs (I know what it is no need to explain, I just don't like it);

I noticed, on neowin pages with like a hundered comments, mouse scrolling is not smooth at all;

And there is no decent spellchecker for it.

Hope these will be resolved, else I'll be waiting for an IE9 theme for Firefox 4. It's beautiful!

edit: oh, and there seems to be missing some css features like shadows and fadings...

I am in love with this browser it is really fast, simple and the ui is excellent however:

I don't like the ugly bar betweek the web page and the tabs (I know what it is no need to explain, I just don't like it);

I noticed, on neowin pages with like a hundered comments, mouse scrolling is not smooth at all;

And there is no decent spellchecker for it.

Hope these will be resolved, else I'll be waiting for a IE9 theme for Firefox 4. It's beautiful!

Agreed on all counts (Y)

You mean theres no button to open Quick Tabs? Because pressing ctrl-q does give you a UI to select which tab you want to use lol =/

Ctrl-Q doesn't work, they removed it according to an article on zdnet because not a lot of people used it. But it read like QuickTabs itself won't be removed. Guess it's a bug that it doesn't work right now.

Is there a way of changing the default downloads folder? Every time I click Save it saves the file in user Downloads folder, I always need to use Save As and specify a path.

Click the options button right on the download window lol. The one and only option is to set the download location...

i already have quick tabs enabled, i do not see no option/button to use it.

Yup, same here. Quick Tabs is now enabled, but there is no UI for it.

OK, but there is still no UI for me to click with my mouse. ;)

You all need to open at least 2 websites in order to have the Ctrl+Q hotkey working as long as Quick Tabs enabled in settings. Pull 2 websites up first (for example: Neowin on 1 tab, and Bing on other tab and then press hotkey ... there you go!

Apparently the method used to keep inprivatefiltering on does not work anymore?

The registry key for that now is

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Safety\PrivacIE\FilteringMode

Create it if it doesn't exist (DWORD) and set it's value to 1.

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