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Well length is always subjective :p but variation is definitely needed for the sequel. I don't think they can do much with the storyline because any attempt at elegant and meaningful storyline would be destroyed the first time you forcibly pushed a grenade up a grunt's behind then booted him into the gaping maw of a giant venus fly trap :p I guess sometimes we have to compromise between comic book gameplay and comical storylines.

That's not what I'm saying. I'm saying the storyline was just stupid and poorly scripted. All the random sci-fi garbage they threw in there for no reason was horrible. Just look at action comedy movies: there are tons of them that have fine storylines.

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That's not what I'm saying. I'm saying the storyline was just stupid and poorly scripted. All the random sci-fi garbage they threw in there for no reason was horrible. Just look at action comedy movies: there are tons of them that have fine storylines.

I thought the story was perfectly fine. Wasn't expecting much considering the type of game it was, and was surprised it had a decent story. Of course it's not deep, but it gets the job done. In fact, I thought it was pretty genious how they did the tutorial level. My only complaints are the few spots were the quips seemed a little forced.

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Yeah, I saw it. Dude's voice made me want to punch him in the face. It's that annoying! That said, if he was trying to be funny, he failed hard at it. I'd rather see AVGN or egoraptor do a video than that guy.

Seriously... needs to take lessons in being funny

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Finished this yesterday, I really enjoyed it :D - I wasn't a fan of the ending though - I know its setting itself up for a sequel but DAMN!

He went through all of that and STILL couldn't kill the General!?

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Finished this yesterday, I really enjoyed it :D - I wasn't a fan of the ending though - I know its setting itself up for a sequel but DAMN!

He went through all of that and STILL couldn't kill the General!?

Yeah I was hoping to

Whiplash serrano a bunch but meh, I enjoyed the dinosaur part!

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  • 3 weeks later...


Epic just released the "Gun Sonata" add-on, which adds two new Echoes maps and three new Anarchy maps for 800 MS points. There are 5 new achievements. Apparently there will be another new map pack soon, because the PC version of the DLC accidentally revealed an additional 5 new achievements for unreleased maps.

Seems like a rip-off to me, given how little time it takes to make Echoes maps from the campaign and how small the Anarchy maps are (and likely how little time goes into making them, compared to other multiplayer map packs).

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I love this game, and I especially like being able to drink then kill lol.

Only part is how stupid Ish plays, doesnt help or anything.. gets in the way damnit lol

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Ishi/Trishka definitely does get in the way half the time. While trying to improve my scores in Echoes, I'm usually yelling "Get outta the way you ****!!" lol Still love the game, though. It's amazing how much potential there is for skillshots. Just when you think you've seen it all, someone finds ways to unleash even more mayhem.

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Ishi/Trishka definitely does get in the way half the time. While trying to improve my scores in Echoes, I'm usually yelling "Get outta the way you ****!!" lol Still love the game, though. It's amazing how much potential there is for skillshots. Just when you think you've seen it all, someone finds ways to unleash even more mayhem.

Yeah I know huh lol, I keep unlocking new ones. Have you used the nail gun yet haha??

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Just finished the game and yeah it leaves open for next one.

I was hoping Hunt & Trishka would have boned lol and I am ****ing ****ed Ishi died!

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Ishi is not dead, after credits you can hear the voice of general, Ishi is alive and is in control of general.

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What's the final game like, I played the demo and it was pretty sweet, I couldn't believe some of the stuff in it lol, for example the combo kill being called a gangbang

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What's the final game like, I played the demo and it was pretty sweet, I couldn't believe some of the stuff in it lol, for example the combo kill being called a gangbang

If you liked the demo you should love the full game. I didn't enjoy the demo but mainly got the full game for the Gears of War 3 beta and enjoyed it a bit. It has very limited replayability, though.

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Ishi is not dead, after credits you can hear the voice of general, Ishi is alive and is in control of general.

I posted that before I let the credits finish :p

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It's been on Steam since day one. :blink:


I cant see that game in the Steam Catalogue.

Perhaps the Steam limited it to some regions.

My adress is Turkish, perhaps thats why?

Whenever I search for the game I get nothing.

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