[Official] Bulletstorm

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Afaik it's banned in turkey, but can't find any info anywhere. There are lot of people complaning about this.


Its weird why it has been banned here in Turkey.

Cant be for sales reason as there are other EA titles available.

And ofcourse cant be anything I can think of as there are way more brutal games available as well.

Its messed up.

Just did some research and its been only banned in Germany, China, Israel and Singapore

Weird that Turkey is also effected

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  • 2 weeks later...

Does anyone has .tga for steam folder, I bought the game from BB it was on sale and after installing and adding it to steam but it doesn't show the rectangle icon only small little bitty one.

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I really enjoyed this game, was pretty fun, a lot better than the Call of duty games when it comes to the single player, I never knew kicking people could be so much fun. every FPS needs this from now on. Sniper rifle had the mechanics of the redeemer from unreal tournament, pretty nice. Pretty good weapons overall just didnt like the shotgun. This game really reminds me of Unreal 2 in terms of action, I really hope they make a Unreal 3 one day and a sequel for this game.

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