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Neowins iDevice Social Gaming User List


Figured we could use a Neowin list for those of us gaming on our iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch.

There are a number of different ones out there, with the Openfeint seemingly being one of the dominant ones and Apples Game Center just starting I figured I would start off with these and then add any others if anyone uses them.

If you add the services you use with the user name for the service and I will add it to the list.

GC - Game Center

OF - OpenFeint

P+ - Plus+

Neowin User - Service Usernames

ccoltmanm - GC: CColtManM

Corris - GC: CorrisD, OF: CorrisD

Evil Marge - GC: Amalee, OF: EvilMarge, P+: EvilMarge

Ironman273 - GC: Ironman273

Jase - GC: Jeayese, OF: Jeayese, P+: Jeayese

Ji@nBing - GC: Madrigal77

KoL - GC: KoL028, P+: KoL028

LaCydic - GC: FBI

LOC - OF: lordloc, P+: lordloc

Massiveterra - GC: massiveterra

metal_dragen - GC: metaldragen, OF: metaldragen, P+: metaldragen

SMELTN - GC: Smeltn, OF: smelt, P+: smelt

Pheee - GC: Pheee

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Heya guys,

thought I'd give Neowin a central place for us iOS gamers with GameCenter nicks, so we can connect as easy as 1-2-3. ^^

My nick is to follow as soon as my iPhone arrives! :)

Glassed Silver:lin

Glassed Silver

Everyone add me, if I didn't already add you! :shiftyninja: laugh.gif

Note: Please also add that you're from Neowin, when you send your message along with the request. I tend to not allow everyone who requests without reference / real life name if I know it / you get it...

Glassed Silver:mac

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