Batman 3 "The Dark Knight Rises"

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Any batman reboot (which these are) has to do the Joker, it's a given and this Joker was one of the best, though I think the Joker in the batman video games is closer to the comics....

The best 'classic' joker was in the animated series, as voiced by Mark Hamill. The best presentation of that version was in Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker (Original Uncut Version) - a must see for Bat-Fans.


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Well I would disagree. The Dark Knight didn't feel, to me, like what Batman is supposed to be; the style and atmosphere of the film is all wrong; alot of the performances were flat; and the story was poorly told. Oh and the editing was dreadful.

I'd have to disagree again. I felt Watchmen was pretty poor.

Just trying to get a feel here, are there any comic book movies you like? Cause I mean the Nolan Batman films are pretty universally loved.

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The best 'classic' joker was in the animated series, as voiced by Mark Hamill. The best presentation of that version was in Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker (Original Uncut Version) - a must see for Bat-Fans.


That's the same Joker they go with for the video games, right down to Hamills trademark Joker voice acting.

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Oh and the editing was dreadful.

That I can agree with, The editing that was done clearly shows that TDK was a much much longer movie. They did a poor job of leaving certain scenes that felt like another line of dialogue was about to happen.

Hopefully some day we will see a directors cut.

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The best 'classic' joker was in the animated series, as voiced by Mark Hamill. The best presentation of that version was in Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker (Original Uncut Version) - a must see for Bat-Fans.


Totally Agree. I was actually impressed with how dark they made the Beyond episode. I didn't think they would include that with the childrens show. Was just really sinister and twisted. Mark Hamill has sadly retired from his voice of The Joker :(

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Totally Agree. I was actually impressed with how dark they made the Beyond episode. I didn't think they would include that with the childrens show. Was just really sinister and twisted. Mark Hamill has sadly retired from his voice of The Joker :(

Didn't he say that after Asylum? And then came back and did city. If they had him an awesome script I'm sure he will do it.

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New Dark Knight Rises Trailer Buzz

Warner Bros. gears up for another Batman promo.

Rumor has it that the next trailer for The Dark Knight Risesmay be coming as soon as early May.

Word on the street over at Batman on Film says the film "might" be attached to Marvel's The Avengers, opening May 4. The report also claims that the trailer could be coming a bit later attached to Dark Shadows, which opens May 11. This would seem more likely given that both films are Warner Bros. releases.

As with any whispers surrounding the Caped Crusader, it's probably best to take this news with a grain of salt.

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Batman is ending, a new Superman begins.

Not sure what I think of the new Superman idea, but losing this Batman really sucks.

At first I thought it would suck, but ending on a really good movie instead of dragging it out would be much better.

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Well I would disagree. The Dark Knight didn't feel, to me, like what Batman is supposed to be; the style and atmosphere of the film is all wrong; alot of the performances were flat; and the story was poorly told. Oh and the editing was dreadful.

I'd have to disagree again. I felt Watchmen was pretty poor.

Just out of curiosity. What's your idea of a good movie?

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Just out of curiosity. What's your idea of a good movie?

Don't get me wrong, I don't absolute hate The Dark Knight. It can be a fun film, but I just find it's a bit of a con and I've always been lost as to why people rate it so highly.

As for what my idea of a good film is; well I do like one that is structured and paced correctly, and not overbearing, pretentious or lazy.

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As for what my idea of a good film is; well I do like one that is structured and paced correctly, and not overbearing, pretentious or lazy.

Name a few

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Don't get me wrong, I don't absolute hate The Dark Knight. It can be a fun film, but I just find it's a bit of a con and I've always been lost as to why people rate it so highly.

Well think about it.. Doesn't the fact that you do not like two highly critical acclaimed by both fans and critics say more about YOUR taste in movies (or lack off) instead of something being wrong with the TDK or Watchmen.

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Name a few

I dunno, there's lots of great films

blade runner



no country for old men

die hard

once upon a time in the west

the departed

There will be blood

Schindlers List

Lawrence of Arabia

Well think about it.. Doesn't the fact that you do not like two highly critical acclaimed by both fans and critics say more about YOUR taste in movies (or lack off) instead of something being wrong with the TDK or Watchmen.

Well I feel I have valid points for why I find issues with these films. Others my find such issues insignificant, but I am certainly not taken by the simple theatre of a film.

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Some of it comes down to taste. I remember watching The Dark Knight the first time, did it with two friends. I was literally amazed by pretty much every sequence and was honestly blown away by the entire film, by the end of it I was at the edge of the seat. One of the friends also kept focus, while around the last 45 minutes, the third guy was visibly bored -- he'd start kicking his foot against the floor etc. He hated it. I have another (girl)friend who fell asleep watching it. Despite that, pretty much everyone else I know liked or loved it. Note the two friends I mention have pretty broad film knowledge, they just didn't like TDK.

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Wonder if DC will do a series of films that lead to a JLA film << racial epithet >> what Marvel did with Avengers :p

I think there were rumors around the release of Green Lantern. Judging by that one, hopefully not.

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They're planning to do new Batman Trilogy in a few years for a JLA movie. At least that's what I have been reading here and there.

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The Dark Knight Rises to Feature Over an Hour of IMAX Footage

After wowing audiences with the IMAX portions of The Dark Knight in 2008, Christopher Nolan is back behind the 65mm lens for July 20th'sThe Dark Knight Rises which, The Wall Street Journal today revealed, will include over an hour of IMAX footage, making it the biggest use of the format in a Hollywood film.

Nolan, who spoke about IMAX at length in an interview last week, isn't the only director keen on the format. Last year's Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol also included scenes designed specifically for IMAX viewing while quite a few entries this summer have been designed to be shown in IMAX theaters even without having shot on 65mm. Last week it was announced that The Hunger Games will return for a week-long IMAX run before theaters switch over to the next major release, Marvel's The Avengers.

Starring Christian Bale, Michael Caine, Anne Hathaway, Tom Hardy, Gary Oldman, Marion Cotillard, Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Morgan Freeman, The Dark Knight Rises features a script by both Nolan and his brother, Jonathan Nolan.

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Only 3 months to go! Hopefully it will live up to the (self imposed) hype.

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The Dark Knight Rises ... Revealed

The studio previews Nolan's Batman finale at CinemaCon.

Warner Bros. screened footage from The Dark Knight Rises today at CinemaCon in Las Vegas, but they did NOT show the new trailer set to debut with next week's release of Marvel's The Avengers.

Some spoilers ahead!

Warners president Jeff Robinov introduced Christopher Nolan to present an extended montage of moody footage from his swan song to the Batman franchise that he rebooted back in 2005 with Batman Begins. First, it was plainly evident that Bane's audio had been boosted. Unlike in the prologue attached to last winter's release of Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol, some of the footage of which made its way into this several minutes-long sizzle reel, Bane was not muffled at all now. Indeed, I feel confident saying he was crystal clear now! So we can finally lay those "mumbling" memes to rest.

A new, atmospheric Bat-score was used here, music that slowly built in tension and eeriness the way Joker's theme did in The Dark Knight. There was plenty of images of Batman and Catwoman in action here, lots of Batpod stuff, brawling and explosions. The overriding take-away from this footage was that the very existence of Gotham City itself is at stake, with a stunning bridge destruction set-piece, more of the football stadium chaos, and the fighting in the streets between Bane's merc army and the Gotham City Police Department (including shots of Commissioner Gordon, Joseph Gordon-Levitt's John Blake, and Matthew Modine's politically-ambitious cop in action). We also see Bane and his men attacking the Gotham Stock Exchange. The rich and powerful of Gotham sure are in for it this summer.

We see lots of Anne Hathaway's Selina Kyle here. We see her posing as a maid leaving Wayne Manor at night, as well as Catwoman breaking into a hidden wall safe. We see her kicking gunmen in the streets, firing the Batpod's weapons, but most importantly a dialogue scene between her and Batman. Catwoman tells Batman, "You've given them everything!" Batman cryptically replies, "I haven't given them everything. Not yet." Oh, Gotham, will Batman pay the ultimate price for your sorry, corrupt ass?! That creeping sense of finality really is everywhere in the presentation of TDKR, from its "The Legend Ends" tagline to even Nolan himself stressing this as the conclusion of his trilogy and the final chapter of their story.

Other sweet stuff we spotted in the footage? Bruce working in his new Batcave, as well as a very "we were destined for this"/finding each other in the crowd showdown between Batman and Bane. It was like two mythic gunfighters meeting for the duel to decide who lives or dies. This town literally isn't big enough for the both of them. We also get some nice Alfred moments here, a very intriguing shot of a mystery man at that stronghold in India they began filming at last year, as well as a hot and heavy shot of Bruce and Selina kissing.

Overall, the Dark Knight Rises footage was stunning. Atmospheric, unsettling, nerdgasm-inducing and epic. This will be the Batman movie to end all Batman movies ... perhaps literally!

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