Fusion OS

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Nothing, just an opportunity to bash your annoying posts that for some reason cannot just be copy/pasted in the default text and size with a linked source and images that actually work. (I'm far from the only one who feels this way judging by posts on many of your topics)

huh.gif . . . . right.

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RKWJ25 stick to this phrase, it'll make your life easier. "Thank you for your input. Your suggestion has been taken into consideration." haha

laugh.gif +1, all the big successful corporations do it! That's their secret to success.

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Sorry I had to stop looking at your website, particularly after the part that said I wasn't allowed to use anything on it.

I realized that meant I couldn't click on any links, or even attempt to scroll the page since that would mean that I had attempted to use it.

Good catch, thanks. The wording has been updated.

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All good, I have my opinions, you have yours. Just put 'FMH' in all your topic titles and Neowin will appreciate it. That is all.

Thank you for your input. Your suggestion has been taken into consideration.

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Good catch, thanks. The wording has been updated.

No problem...just figured you might need an 'editor' ;)

That said, I'll be peeking at Fusion OS a little closer if/when I can...out of town the next few days. We'll see if it makes me like Linux more or less.

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Here's a little teaser image of the desktop. :) Can't show you the windows yet because I am having a few problems with the theme borders. Anyways enjoy!

No problem...just figured you might need an 'editor' ;)

That said, I'll be peeking at Fusion OS a little closer if/when I can...out of town the next few days. We'll see if it makes me like Linux more or less.

I really hope it will make you like more!


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Here's a little teaser image of the desktop. :) Can't show you the windows yet because I am having a few problems with the theme borders. Anyways enjoy!

I really hope it will make you like more!

Hmm...maybe it's just me, but for some reason it's not showing the image. It has a / which looks like it's trying to display a directory and then the image file...might be messing with Neowin's ability to parse the filename and display the picture.

Weird...right after I posted this, went back and it started working.

Having seen the pic now I will say I like what I see so far the design aesthetic. I'll have to decide further when I get the chance to play with it & see how it feels in motion. Thanks for the teaser image :)

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Hi there. I just stumbled across this thread like 3 hours ago, and I've read every single post up until now.

I sincerely enjoy what you have done with this project. Seeing how it appeared in that old first thread, and seeing how it looked in the mockups for the alpha a long time ago, this project has matured and grown into something that could very well be used by anyone who hasn't spent a single day with Linux. (Like me... Lol.)

The idea of having the search menu thingy in the top-right corner that allows you to search for apps that can be launched, and as well search on the web, is a great idea, and allows quick accessibility to everything with one click.

When this thread began, there seemed to be a lot of people who were against you and your project, but now it seems you have turned it around and you now have a fanbase. :)

This project seems to have been through a lot in the past year or so, and I'm excited to see what happens in the future.

When the beta 3 comes out, I'll definitely give it a try, by putting the ISO onto a CD, and using that. And honestly, this will be the first time I'll be using Linux, and in fact, my first time booting an OS onto any computer that did not originally come with the computer.

This project looks just wonderful, and I can't wait to try it out!

I'm anxiously waiting for the beta 3 to come out!

P.S. You had asked about loading FusionOS onto a flash drive and allowing people to install it or boot it from there. I personally would love that idea. Some new notebooks/netbooks are no longer coming with CD/DVD drives, and while you can just download it and go from there, it'll also be nice to have some physical media just in case.

I've looked into making my own operating system in the past, and I've seen how much work it can be, and while you're not really building it all from scratch, I'm sure there's still a lot of work involved, so it's amazing how far you've gotten with it. I'm interested in seeing how it'll be in the future! :D

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I agree with what JaykeBird said. I remember defending Fusion when this thread first started after everyone felt the need to be negative about it, and look how it's turned out. All the latest screenshots look absolutely beautiful, and I will most certainly be trying it as soon as it's posted. The Fusion team has done a great job, and I certainly hope you continue to work on the project and continue to grow. There's no Linux distro out there right now that looks as good as this.

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Keep up the good work, I'm really looking forward to trying this out. =)

That site needs an editor... badly. Someone who has gotten past High School English, preferably.

Glass houses? =) Your site is using wordpress with the credit in the footer removed as well as using a premium theme with all of the credits hacked out as well and the alignment is off in some parts which makes it look weird. I only really noticed because I'm familiar with the theme that you're using.

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Here is the screenshot of the App Center I promised, the Ubuntu icons there that you see are going to be replaced but thatb wasn't high-priority at the moment. I've also attached a picture of the default Ubuntu Software Center for comparison. Fusion OS Beta 3 will be ready in just a few hours all that is left is to finish up the window borders and tweak the installer a bit, then one test install of the ISO and its done!



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Keep up the good work, I'm really looking forward to trying this out. =)

Glass houses? =) Your site is using wordpress with the credit in the footer removed as well as using a premium theme with all of the credits hacked out as well and the alignment is off in some parts which makes it look weird. I only really noticed because I'm familiar with the theme that you're using.

If you don't like my my suggestions for his site... too bad. He asked for opinions and I'm giving them.

If you trolls want to discuss my website, do it in one of my threads.

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Here is the screenshot of the App Center I promised, the Ubuntu icons there that you see are going to be replaced but thatb wasn't high-priority at the moment. I've also attached a picture of the default Ubuntu Software Center for comparison. Fusion OS Beta 3 will be ready in just a few hours all that is left is to finish up the window borders and tweak the installer a bit, then one test install of the ISO and its done!



When you use new icons, stick with the big ones. It looks classier than the tiny icons you can see in the Ubuntu software center like "Accessories", "Fonts", etc.

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Just a heads up, I'm not sure what's going on with the websites, support.fusionos.net is completely down with a database error (but there isn't one) and the main site is having sporadic issues. It is something with the web host's servers, they have been having problems quite frequently over the past few months, not sure what wiull come of this and if we will even be able to launch the new websites. :( These things always seem to happen at the worst times :no:

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Just a heads up, I'm not sure what's going on with the websites, support.fusionos.net is completely down with a database error (but there isn't one) and the main site is having sporadic issues. It is something with the web host's servers, they have been having problems quite frequently over the past few months, not sure what wiull come of this and if we will even be able to launch the new websites. :( These things always seem to happen at the worst times :no:

I hope you guys are going to release Beta 3 on bittorrent? My HTTP downloads of distros mess up an essential byte or two in 90% of the time.

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If that ^ (the lines extending too far) is the only hold up I vote you go ahead and upload/release the OS. It is just a beta and I am really wanting to use this for the first time (also being my first Linux usage too).

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Alright, since everyone seems to be ok with the "line problem" for now I am going to release it, I have been working on the search menu for a while now, so I will tweak the last few things and build the ISO, and I'll have it pushed out tonight. The new search menu is like search and a main menu combined, it is based on Cardapio. Here it is:


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Hey Everyone!

Sorry for all the delays, but I am here to tell you that Fusion OS Beta 3 "Vision" will be launched tomorrow, August 13th, 2011. I am VERY sorry for these delays but most things were jusr unforseen and unpredictable. But just to let you know Fusion is complete the only thing left to do is build the final ISO, and then its done! I can't wait for you all to try it, I hope you will love it, its been a long journey getting to this point, but this is only the beginning! Remember this is the last Beta release so what you get next will be near final. Again SO SORRY for the delay but get ready because its coming.

PS: I am going to release it at around 3:00PM EST :)

PPS: The website issue are all sorted out, and they too will launch tomorrow.

- Keith

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Looking forward to it, will be downloading when released; excited. Just curious how many people are on the Fusion OS team?

Thanks, Me and two others, but they don't develop. One helps with interface design, and the other just tests all the builds and releases. We are always looking for more people though!

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