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I play! I'm level 30, I play with basically average playing skill, I'm not like pro or high ELO or anything. It's just fun for me. My name is Lazurea on there and I'm USA.

I currently have the following champs unlocked:

- Ashe

- Tristana

- Sivir

- Kayle

- Irelia

- Lux

- LeBlanc

- Poppy

- Shen

- Master Yi

Hit me up sometime if you desire :) I'm on quite a bit!

Also De.Bug, is there a reason you play on EU server when you live in the USA? :o I would imagine your ping is pretty bad!

I've played some, I first started LoL in the beta but right now I'm only level 6. Goes to show you how much I've played. Mostly because I suck at the game. Rather, I suck at DOTA style games. :blush:

Is there still only 2 different maps?

Yeah, but they are SUPPOSEDLY gonna be releasing a third one soon... but god knows how soon they mean by soon. There's actually quite a stir about it since it was originally speculated to be released last month. -_-

Yeah, but they are SUPPOSEDLY gonna be releasing a third one soon... but god knows how soon they mean by soon. There's actually quite a stir about it since it was originally speculated to be released last month. -_-

Yeah, How do you like that they removed the Winter Map?

Hey I created an account because of this thread and im loving the game, its pretty nice especially for free! Anywho anyone got any tips for me? I am only lvl 4 right now.

YounGMessiah is my gamer id or whatever you would call it.

Hey I created an account because of this thread and im loving the game, its pretty nice especially for free! Anywho anyone got any tips for me? I am only lvl 4 right now.

YounGMessiah is my gamer id or whatever you would call it.

The basics are:

- Try to avoid overextending. If the enemy champions are MIA (not seen in the vision of any teammates; out of view), try to hold back in your lane, perhaps just barely in range to still get XP From minions. Don't try pushing their tower or staying too far in the lane if you can't account for the location of the enemy champions elsewhere. They might try to gank you.

- Move around constantly at all times. Standing still makes you vulnerable to skillshots, especially from bushes which are out of view. By constantly moving, it makes it more difficult for players to get an easy gank on you through these types of skills. Also, move around to avoid constantly autoattacking minions early on so you can get a 'last hit' on them for bonus gold: this is important!

- Don't get greedy. Yeah, I know how hard it is to resist chasing a champion all the way across the map because you got him to 1% remaining health and only one or two hits could kill him. However, chasing someone too far, especially beyond a turret, leaves you wide open to be killed instead; the guy you chased could even survive anyways!

- When being overly harassed in a lane, and you cannot handle it... it's better to keep safe than to still try and last-hit/farm the minions. Stay at a safe distance behind your minion line, out of range of their harassment skills; you'll still get exp even if you don't get gold as long as you aren't TOO far from the minion line. Because you aren't attacking the minions, most of the time they'll stay near your tower and you can be better protected. Getting XP and no gold is better than trying to get gold but feeding the enemy champions gold from your death over and over.

- Practice good map awareness. This is key to saving your team from being ganked a lot of the time. Buy wards from time to time, placing them in bushes near lanes or by dragon or baron. This lets you see if enemy champions are setting up to flank you or your teammates! Also disable your camera lock (eye button) and move your view around a lot, checking other lanes or watching the minimap for missing enemy champions or towers being pushed! If the enemy team has stealthing champions (Twitch, Evelynn, Shaco, Akali, Teemo), you might wanna invest in a purple ward instead of a green one to detect them. You can also buy an oracle elixir to see invisible champions, however you will lose the buff upon death. Teemo and Akali have very situational stealths, and may not require you to get items to detect them, however.

- Avoid playing on twisted treeline too much. Twisted treeline is 3v3 and smaller and the gameplay balance is far different. To learn the game properly, spend most of your time on Summoner's Rift, the original DotA-based 5v5 map that is the bread and butter of League of Legends. This is because people do weird things on 3v3 that don't apply real well to 5v5 and if you get too used to it; you'll start bringing these bad habits into Summoner's Rift as well.

- Learn all the game's hotkeys. Very important. I know it's easy to just click the skill button, then click the map. However, this is slow and incredibly inefficient. Learn to use the following hotkeys:

+ Q W E R : your champion's skills. press one of these buttons on your keyboard to use the skill. You'll automatically be presented with a blue marker on most skills to target whatever needs to be targeted.

+ D F B : your summoner abilities. D is your first one, F is your second one. B is used to go back to base.

+ 1 2 3 4 5 6 : your items. some items in the game have 'active' abilities. this also includes consumable items, like potions or wards. each number corresponds to the item slot from left to right.

+ Spacebar : recenters the camera on your champion. utilizing good map awareness means you move your camera a lot to check other places on the map. space returns you quickly to yourself while doing this.

+ Tab : scoreboard. checking the scoreboard lets you see your allies and opponents levels, summoner spells, and item builds. use tab to get quick peeks at this and then quickly get out.

+ P : shop. sometimes it's quicker and more efficient to navigate the shop while you're at your tower or in a lane, so when you go to buy the item; you're already on the right page. use P to toggle shop quickly.

+ Shift+QWER : holding shift to use any of your champion's skills allows you to use the skill based on where your mouse cursor currently is at. This is called smartcasting and requires extra skill, but saves even more time as you skip the blue marker part.

+ Ctrl+QWER : holding ctrl with any of your champion's skills hotkeys will put a point in that skill when you level up. It's the same as pressing the + button above the skill. Learning this saves you from having to interrupt your battle to mouse down to the + button to learn the skill you want.

Hey thanks for the information pretty much been applying that in the last three games I just played. Learned a lot from just playing it as well lol, normally I am playing the 5v5. Useful post though thanks

And I am used to hotkeys and such, so that isnt an issue! :)

Finally a LoL thread. In game name is Skullpture

Feel free to add me. I'm on lvl 24 and my main champions are Miss Fortune and Jax, though I'm trying to learn Udyr and Singed. I'm on the U.S. servers BTW.

There used to be a thread a while back. Anyone play on the EU servers?

so question for you guys, does the CM tamat post alot?

he was CM and aion and mainly twittered about what he ate for dinner and other useless **** while claiming he had multiple 50s he played regularly. when he was spotted in game it was on admin mode god powers toons with spells that insta one shotted whole zergs interfering with normal server pvp. then we saw he went to LOL and claimed he had been playing LOL for a year, which means that he would've been doing it the whole time he was CM for aion and claiming he was working hard for aion players and playing the game daily and so on.

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