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it is because people in dominion people mostly like to use ad/dps champion. I'm surprised that you won even though the majority of the enemy team had thornmail.

That's because Thornmail isn't a counter to Akali. Massing Thornmail when the biggest threat on the enemy team deals mostly magic damage is fail. The counter to Akali is magic resist, Oracles or pink wards, and to burst her down the moment she shows her ass.

Ya, thornmail is only usefull for melee attacks. But against the right characters, it will totally screw them over.

Last night, I played amumu during a match that had a gangplank and nocturn on the other team. I bought Merc Treads, 2x Warmogs, Thornmail, Force of Nature, and Abysmal Staff. I had about 5.4k of health and tons of armor. Gangplank rushed up to hit me, 1 of his hits did about 100 damage to me, but by that time, I had already taken half of his life bar with thornmail and my aura. Nocturn would dash at me, and kill himself, he was rather stupid. But for the whole game after GP realized that hitting me was hurting him more than me, he would rush at me for a second, then just bolt away. It was way too funny. Also, having over 200hp/5 regen is amazing :p

Actually, Thornmail works against any attack that procs on-hit effects.

yep, including akali's bonus magic damage from auto-attacks but she'll mostly spam q +r+e and repeats the cycle again which why thornmail's useless in general against her (other than her e which procs on-hit effects).


one rage quits after feeding me + almost everyone's getting magic resist just because i was the biggest threat to them

  • 5 months later...

Sent some invites, only heard from shakey so far. In game name is Amoxus in case you deleted my request :p

Gonna try streaming as well, I'm like 7-5 so far in normal SR (got to level 30 playing Dominion lol) so it's pretty low elo. If you wanna watch some baddies or join in hit me up. I also enjoy ARAB and ARAM so I might play those every once in awhile.

Just had a game where I picked support when nobody else did. Went bot with Vayne but a Sivir followed us. Asked him to go top (it was wide open since we had a jungler) but he just ignored us. I went to solo top as Soraka and proceeded to get my ass handed to me by a Graves and Maokai. Jungler eventually disconnects knowing the inevitable and the Sivir sits in base.

This is why I never play SR lol


Thanks for playing with me Emn1ty. I wonder if MM is determined by the host, because those guys were a lot better than the people I end up against solo. Hell, the Ahri I was laning with had over 1000 wins

I might just make a smurf account so I can get more practice in SR with, Playing Dominion only has put me in a completely different strategical mindset.

Thanks for playing with me Emn1ty. I wonder if MM is determined by the host, because those guys were a lot better than the people I end up against solo. Hell, the Ahri I was laning with had over 1000 wins

I might just make a smurf account so I can get more practice in SR with, Playing Dominion only has put me in a completely different strategical mindset.

Yeah, no problem. You were having a bit of a hard time but the game went well overall. The team fights are what ended up winning it, heh.

This was probably my best kassadin game. The other team was whining about how bad Malzahar did when in fact he won his lane and only started to lose mid once I got fed off top, jungle and bot lane after roaming a bit.


  • 5 months later...
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