the catalyst control center is not supported by the driver version of

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do you post on the tech sections for games you play nagisan? because this is where i see this problem/solution. kondrath's screenshot shows a mild case of it in aion, but we get people asking about it in bursts of 2-3 threads on AS and the solution is always the same from the 3 or 4 people that post there.

at least before AS died.

no it doesn't happen to EVERYONE obviously, but it DOES happen, and frequently. just because YOU haven't seen it happen, doesn't mean it doesn't happen. you should know better.

I do not post in them but I always at least browse them before I play the game (tech sections included, to see what I can expect on how polished the game is and what not).

It's sort of like any form of a god, I do not believe in any specific god because I have never seen any proof that proves their existence. In the same way, I do not believe in problems that can ONLY be solved by removing CCC because I have never seen any proof that there are any......just talk that says "It happens in every game I play", or "It's all over X games tech forums", yet again, I have never seen proof of it.

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it's even sillier to believe x brand is perfect because YOU personally haven't had any issues.

if i went by that reasoning then nvida would be perfect and amd would be complete ****, because i've had few/minor issues with the former and the other wasted $300 of my money in addition to years of subpar performance and snafus.

where as I post and lurk tech sections of every game i play for various reasons for weeks and months so i see what kind of issues different brands/models have with these games, and in this case, the text corruption, is solved most easily by removing ccc and using riva tuner instead. especially when the drivers settings are on default with no aa being forced by the driver and catalyst ai set to max IQ or disabled.

and tech sections don't really show how polished a game is, it's the bitching in every other forums for a game about it's performance and bugs that's going to show polish with out actually playing it for yourself. every game's tech section is full of posts about minor to major issues. if i go to a random wow fansite and check their tech section one might think it's the buggiest game ever with the page a day of new threads.

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it's even sillier to believe x brand is perfect because YOU personally haven't had any issues.

if i went by that reasoning then nvida would be perfect and amd would be complete ****, because i've had few/minor issues with the former and the other wasted $300 of my money in addition to years of subpar performance and snafus.

Not really. I have experienced more issues with nVidia than I have with AMD (both hardware and software related issues), but I still have no problem going with an nVidia card if it's price is right (sadly, most of the time, it's not).
where as I post and lurk tech sections of every game i play for various reasons for weeks and months so i see what kind of issues different brands/models have with these games, and in this case, the text corruption, is solved most easily by removing ccc and using riva tuner instead. especially when the drivers settings are on default with no aa being forced by the driver and catalyst ai set to max IQ or disabled.
That's probably because removing CCC and installing RivaTuner is easier than going through the settings and finding out what the actual cause is. The reason I find it hard to believe what your saying, is on default settings in CCC, the same exact settings are there without CCC. Which means if you go from default CCC settings to removing CCC, you are on the same exact settings, which means removing CCC did not fix your problem, something else you did along side it fixed the problem. So it's likely that those on default settings really are not, and when they remove CCC, the driver goes back to default settings.
and tech sections don't really show how polished a game is, it's the bitching in every other forums for a game about it's performance and bugs that's going to show polish with out actually playing it for yourself. every game's tech section is full of posts about minor to major issues. if i go to a random wow fansite and check their tech section one might think it's the buggiest game ever with the page a day of new threads.

Which is where a bit of common sense comes in. Obviously the tech forums are going to be filled with both minor and major issues, but ignoring the small minor issues that are likely caused by the end user and looking at the major issues lets you know what to expect.
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that's hte thing, users with default settings fix their problem like text corruption in these games, simply by removing ccc. it's such a common problem with a common fix in games tha ti'm more willing to blame ccc than the game, no matter what the state of the game otherwise may indicate.

for example there was a few posts on AS after a patch for aion where some people had artifacting like you would get from overheating. we were telling them to check temps and all the usual stuff for overheating. they uninstalled ccc to put in riva tuner and the problem miraculously fixed itself. in this case however i am more willing to blame aion rather than ccc, due to the timing and other details of these cases.

i'm not the kind of person that randomly assigns blame for issues to x product or brand. my thing about me having uissues with amd cards in the past was to point how silly it is to do so. similar to the TDR thingi can quickly find multiple 80+ page threads on both amd and nvidia forums for it yet people think it only happens to nvidia and is all their fault.

i'm currently getting occasional bsods in wow, and the bsod viewer says it's because of an error in teh video card driver. but knowing my system, and getting info from other people who are having a similar issue, i think it has to do with wow since 4.01, since some of those people had more bsod's with amd cards and swtiched to nvidia cards and got less errors, and it only happens to any of us in wow, and no other game. one guy says he fixed it by switchign from x64 win 7 to x86 win 7.

this all leading back to the point, that text corruption and other minor issues in games is very common with amd cards ONLY, and the common fix regardless of what the user does with settings or w/e is to remove ccc and use something like riva tuner instead. maybe it has something to do with ccc's .exe detection, idk. but it is quite common, and the fix is surefire.

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