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LUCKY! is all I have to say. Metro is boring and only for attracting CoD players IMO since you can easily camp... :(

I don't think that has anything to do with Metro and everything to do with prone. Prone encourages people to camp. And that's why it was taken out of BC2, but if enough people complain...

Sent the request for the Neowin platoon, although I really hope they reset the stats once the retail game comes out, I have really just been messing with my graphics settings more than anything else, so my K/D ratio is horrid. Not like it will be much better when the final game is released, but it is truly awful now.

They should. The reset them after the BC2 beta thingy ended.

Anybody else feel as though the grenade physics in BF3 feel about 10 years old?

Seriously feels like im throwing a sock through water..

no you are right. gernades are pretty much useless in this game. effin hate how you can't cook them either.

Sent the request for the Neowin platoon, although I really hope they reset the stats once the retail game comes out, I have really just been messing with my graphics settings more than anything else, so my K/D ratio is horrid. Not like it will be much better when the final game is released, but it is truly awful now. I can pretty much guarantee once tanks are involved though, I will put up a damn good fight for that top tank driver though.



From EA.

Day off work due to rain, Waiting for public BETA to launch. Its already the 29th here, hopefully it launches at 12 in the U.S :(

WOW. Caspian Border is like a totally different game compared to Operation MeTROLL. Seriously, WTF was Dice/EA thinking releasing this buggy POS for the beta? Yeah sure, it's supposed to be a beta ... but all they did was repackage the Gamescon demo and not the actual game (apparently the ACTUAL game has over 200 bug fixes from this build).

I was able to play Caspian Border on the PC and damn, it doesn't run that well on my computer (Core2Duo E6750 @ 3.2 GHz + Radeon HD 4870 512MB). Operation Metro, however, runs much better than it did in the alpha. If they can optimize the final game, I may actually get decent performance in the larger maps.

Got into a really laggy caspian server for about 5 minutes before it crashed.

I was impressed. FPS was UNCHANGED from metro. All high settings, 6850. Smooth as butter. This is a very well optimized game. The graphics seemed nicer than metro too (better lense flair effect, more/better shadows). I didn't get any flickering issues. Looked amazing,

Got into a really laggy caspian server for about 5 minutes before it crashed.

I was impressed. FPS was UNCHANGED from metro. All high settings, 6850. Smooth as butter. This is a very well optimized game. The graphics seemed nicer than metro too (better lense flair effect, more/better shadows). I didn't get any flickering issues. Looked amazing,

Are you using the beta Catalyst drivers? I currently have a Radeon HD 4870 and my performance was worse in Caspian Border. I also had a flickering issue that only came up on that map. It did look a little bit better than the outdoor areas in Operation Metro.

Are you using the beta Catalyst drivers? I currently have a Radeon HD 4870 and my performance was worse in Caspian Border. I also had a flickering issue that only came up on that map. It did look a little bit better than the outdoor areas in Operation Metro.

Are you using the beta Catalyst drivers? I currently have a Radeon HD 4870 and my performance was worse in Caspian Border. I also had a flickering issue that only came up on that map. It did look a little bit better than the outdoor areas in Operation Metro.

I am running the beta drivers. I definitely had no terrain flickering :)

I picked up Medal of Honor for Xbox a little while back so I got the Xbox version of the beta, although I will be picking it up for the PC.

Xbox version is pretty buggy. Screen flickering, some model issues. In one game, the sounds for everything other than my gun completely stopped working. I was in a weird world where only my gun made noise.

Terrain glitches are really starting to ruin metro for me. It seems to be something server related because it seems to be getting significantly worse every day. I don't even need to be prone now for it to start glitching me into the ground and it happens in more places.

Btw, PC version looks MUCH MUCH better than Xbox 360 and I"m running PC version with dual 275s in SLI at high settings.

Btw, Caspian Border on PC is UNBELIEVABLE!!! Metro is not the true feel of BF.. it's just a mix of MOH and COD.. no vehicles, no killstreaks or anything of sorts, no environment stuff going on like bombing or anything like that to spice it up.. it's pretty dull by itself but Caspian Border.. OMG! It almost brought tears in my eyes how beautiful and awesome it looks and feels with 64 players.

I thought there was a down chopper or something big fell down. Didn't think there'll be earthquakes in Battlefield games :D

As long as it wasn't a tactical nuke - they kinda ruin your whole day.

I am getting lots of glitches as well including terrain ones, once i got stuck into a wall! That is sad since our team was attacking and I was a medic so didnt want to suicide either but then died due to a grenade! argh! :(

BTW I'm using 11.10 Beta drivers from AMD, dont know if I should have stuck with 11.8...

Also at 1440x900 I am able to run this game on ultra at 30-32FPS (with 20fps at intense zones) with AA a little toned down on 6850.

I was able to play Caspian Border on the PC and damn, it doesn't run that well on my computer (Core2Duo E6750 @ 3.2 GHz + Radeon HD 4870 512MB). Operation Metro, however, runs much better than it did in the alpha. If they can optimize the final game, I may actually get decent performance in the larger maps.

512 MB GPUs are no longer cutting it for shooters - in fact, they barely cut it for RTS titles any more.

Start planning on crossing that Sandy Bridge - I have, and I didn't even have BF3 on my radar.

Hey guys I'm having an issue... I'm not sure if anyone can help me because the Tech Support guys can't do crap and don't know anything...

So me and my bro have the BF3 open beta... However we can't both join the same server. If I'm in the server and he tries to join me, as soon as he gets in I get kicked out and get a message "Server timed out". If we're on different servers we can both play fine. We're both under the same router, but I think this could be solved with changing game ports but I have no idea how to do that. In Bad Company 2 we could play in the same server with no problems. Anyone have any ideas that can help me?

Thanks ;)

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