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Last night somehow there was a bug while my brother was following me around on the map with defibrillators - he didn't need them! All of the sudden I was invincible, I popped 5 guys in face with a pistol as if it was Co-Op on Easy and blew up both M-COMMs simultaneously. This was on the 'Peak, the only thing that killed me was some C4 at the bottom of the mountain. Wish I knew what caused that invincibility again. I wasn't even showing up on thermal.

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What does the "auto" setting put your gfx on?

It defaulted to high but there is no way id be able to run it smooth. But now i can. Ive got Core i5 2400 but have a relatively crappy GPU the 5850.

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Last night somehow there was a bug while my brother was following me around on the map with defibrillators - he didn't need them! All of the sudden I was invincible, I popped 5 guys in face with a pistol as if it was Co-Op on Easy and blew up both M-COMMs simultaneously. This was on the 'Peak, the only thing that killed me was some C4 at the bottom of the mountain. Wish I knew what caused that invincibility again. I wasn't even showing up on thermal.

Kill yourself with a grenade, get your team mate to revive you. As you accept the revive, get your team mate to shoot you dead again, instantly as you accept it. Get revived AGAIN and you're now invincable. Game thinks you're still dead. Only thing that can kill you now is explosives and vehicles or people who have joined the server after you've done this.

It's a well known bug and needs fixing a-sap. Once you've done it, if you get in a vehicle or stationary you can also become invisable.

Another dumb bug, TV missiles on helicopters. You can use them to crash servers which require a hard reset.

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The patch made my game run smoother as well. Green flashes are gone! GPU seems to run cooler as well. I used to hit 75C and higher but now it maxes at 70C on BF3.

Good job Dice! I know some people are still unhappy. Hopefully it'll all work out.

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Seen that there is a Neowin platoon for the PC, just joined it. Going to change my server's name to Neowin :p if you guys want to join it. We should add it to the first page if able to. It's located in Dallas, TX.

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Seen that there is a Neowin platoon for the PC, just joined it. Going to change my server's name to Neowin :p if you guys want to join it. We should add it to the first page if able to. It's located in Dallas, TX.

Can you link to it in battlelog? I'd like to check what's my ping to it.

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It appears to have become unplayable for me... every 20-30 seconds this strange lag kicks in which renders it unplayable for 10-15 varying seconds and comes and goes and while it's occurring all input commands are delayed and fps drops massively.

so sick of all the basic problems with this game.

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Alright, my sig links to battlelog now instead of Gametracker

Cool next time I play the game which may be later on today I will see if anyone is on the server.

It appears to have become unplayable for me... every 20-30 seconds this strange lag kicks in which renders it unplayable for 10-15 varying seconds and comes and goes and while it's occurring all input commands are delayed and fps drops massively.

so sick of all the basic problems with this game.

What version? Is it PC? If so, I would try a manual update of punkbuster (if you are indeed joining servers with PB enabled).

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spent the last two days thinking to myself: 'where have all the servers gone?' as i was only finding 3 or 4 hardcore conquest servers. just noticed id been searching for servers with 'metro' in the title :blush: :D

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man, I hate joining games only to find out there are like 10 tickets left and the team is losing. I guess if I quit before losing, it won't affect my W/L ratio? My ratio is pretty bad because of instances like this.

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I am really getting sick and tired of this. The latest patch did not fix it. I am about to delete BF3 from my HD if this crap doesn't get fixed soon. very annoying.


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Cool next time I play the game which may be later on today I will see if anyone is on the server.

What version? Is it PC? If so, I would try a manual update of punkbuster (if you are indeed joining servers with PB enabled).

Yeah PC, has only been an issue since applying latest updates/patches. It's not my pc At least watching performance it's not spiking or anything so I'm assuming it possibly something to do with servers... though have noticed hard drives been struggling a little recently which may have to look into.

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Yeah PC, has only been an issue since applying latest updates/patches. It's not my pc At least watching performance it's not spiking or anything so I'm assuming it possibly something to do with servers... though have noticed hard drives been struggling a little recently which may have to look into.

Well I would still try a manual update of punkbuster if you have not done so. Reason I suggest it is you mentioned your lag seems to happen every 20 or 30 seconds. From my understanding that is how punkbuster works, it checks back with the server every 20-30 seconds to make sure no files have been altered since last time so no one can enable cheats while playing. Over the years I have seen punkbuster be responsible for everything from lag to disconnects to sound issues somehow, so since it only takes a matter of seconds once it is installed I always recommend it just in case. And I do know when I did a manual update after the patch was released there was a newer version the game had not downloaded on its own. Good luck regardless, issues like these suck.

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Well I would still try a manual update of punkbuster if you have not done so. Reason I suggest it is you mentioned your lag seems to happen every 20 or 30 seconds. From my understanding that is how punkbuster works, it checks back with the server every 20-30 seconds to make sure no files have been altered since last time so no one can enable cheats while playing. Over the years I have seen punkbuster be responsible for everything from lag to disconnects to sound issues somehow, so since it only takes a matter of seconds once it is installed I always recommend it just in case. And I do know when I did a manual update after the patch was released there was a newer version the game had not downloaded on its own. Good luck regardless, issues like these suck.


In the early days, I got the exact same thing happening to me. Around 15-20 second mark, lag kicked in and I was extremely frustrated.

And then I realized, I have to update the punkbuster.

So I did and now problem is solved (Y)

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That patch seems to have stabilized a lot of stuff for me now. I used to get disconnected after exactly five rounds without fail, and that is gone, as are the green artefacts. The only annoyance I'm still having is that the game absolutely will not load correctly the first time I try to connect to a server. Every time after the first attempt I'm fine, but that first time, the game will start loading, and will then show the "Battlefield has stopped working" message. Not a massive inconvenience, but still odd.

The only thing that disappointed me was that they didn't nerf the taclights in daytime or scale back the lens flare.

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That patch seems to have stabilized a lot of stuff for me now. I used to get disconnected after exactly five rounds without fail, and that is gone, as are the green artefacts. The only annoyance I'm still having is that the game absolutely will not load correctly the first time I try to connect to a server. Every time after the first attempt I'm fine, but that first time, the game will start loading, and will then show the "Battlefield has stopped working" message. Not a massive inconvenience, but still odd.

The only thing that disappointed me was that they didn't nerf the taclights in daytime or scale back the lens flare.

This is my only huge technical problem... very weird.

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Make sure you filter by servers in your local region, and if you talking things like sniper rifles then yes there is travel time and drop, and you need to lead your targets and aim high if your a long way away.

but with assault weapons there should't really be any lag..more likely server issues or your connection.

No this is single player, campaign. I push to the left and it must take about 0.5s before anything happens, theres a definite noticeable lag.

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That patch seems to have stabilized a lot of stuff for me now. I used to get disconnected after exactly five rounds without fail, and that is gone, as are the green artefacts. The only annoyance I'm still having is that the game absolutely will not load correctly the first time I try to connect to a server. Every time after the first attempt I'm fine, but that first time, the game will start loading, and will then show the "Battlefield has stopped working" message. Not a massive inconvenience, but still odd.

The only thing that disappointed me was that they didn't nerf the taclights in daytime or scale back the lens flare.

This is my only huge technical problem... very weird.

Same here. Its really frustrating

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I wish they'd fix that damn Noshair Canals map where some nub can sit in the AA gun on the ship and snipe people on land with it. Damn annoying, and there is no way for us to get him back. So stupid.

Just rage quit a game cuz of that, ha.

All these problems that the game is still having is making this last patch so very annoying, because they didn't seem to fix any of the major problems/bugs/concerns, and the damn thing still wont remember my camo/appearance.

Where is the AA gun on the ship?

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Where is the AA gun on the ship?

its on the top deck right behind where the planes spawn.

Edited by Knightwolf20024
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I'm kinda annoyed with this Colonel Level though, now i need like 300k points to level up, which i guess is kinda cool though since you can keep leveling up, and it doesn't stop at a certain level.

yeah, battlefield 3 is very fun....but the ranking system sucks. Instead of stopping at should have been Brigadier General, Major General, Lt General, General, and then General of the Battlefield of something of the sort, instead of just stopping at "Colonel Service Star 100". Colonel just doesn't have that cool feeling to it, like a General does.

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yeah, battlefield 3 is very fun....but the ranking system sucks. Instead of stopping at should have been Brigadier General, Major General, Lt General, General, and then General of the Battlefield of something of the sort, instead of just stopping at "Colonel Service Star 100". Colonel just doesn't have that cool feeling to it, like a General does.

Who knows there might be a General after all.

After 100000k points :D

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