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Gotta move onto PC soon. Am up to level 15 on the PS3 but still at my wits end with the control pad! It's just so unnatural and weird feeling and I simply can't react enough to most situations.

Tell that to developers. They'll laugh at you. At least the idiots at InfinityWart will.

I guess old habits die hard. I've been a PC gamer for the last 16 years or so. It's also pretty frustrating not being able to communicate with people other than those in your squad over voice chat.. just being able to talk to the team, etc is a huge advantage and not having it on the PS3 feels like you're being choked!

I guess old habits die hard. I've been a PC gamer for the last 16 years or so. It's also pretty frustrating not being able to communicate with people other than those in your squad over voice chat.. just being able to talk to the team, etc is a huge advantage and not having it on the PS3 feels like you're being choked!

I hate to break it to you, but on the PC version we don't have in-game chat... at all :(

... I didn't mean offence, I just figured that given the badge in your sig that you'd have known. Recoil in games, as in the momentary loss of accuracy in the game when firing the weapon due to perceived movement of the weapon in the holders hands. i.e. The reason it's better to burst fire than spray.

That's not entirely true. Learn to manage your recoil and you can full auto all day and all night. You just have to compensate for it.

There is 2-4 person party chat if you join the server as a party.

I personally don't want to listen to 11-31 other males raging on video game testosterone simultaneously...

This is what I hated about CoD and Halo lol. The chat is sufficent enough for me, so I can enjoy the sounds of rapid gunfire and mind blowing explosions :D

There is 2-4 person party chat if you join the server as a party.

I personally don't want to listen to 11-31 other males raging on video game testosterone simultaneously...

But the developers did the wrong thing for the solution. Only thing they had to do, is add a mute future for specific players (the ones that annoy you) and not disable voip for all.

I wouldnt want in game VOIP, i like the fact that they have battlelog voip or you can use your own solution, squad voip i feel would put extra strain on the server/badnwidth

One of the reasons why bc2 servers were so laggy despite the fact that it never actually worked and still doesn't as far as I know.

One of the reasons why bc2 servers were so laggy despite the fact that it never actually worked and still doesn't as far as I know.

What didn't work? The squad based voip?

Worked like a charm and the only way I felt any lag in BC2 on PC, was if I'd join a server that pinged over 120.

What didn't work? The squad based voip?

Worked like a charm and the only way I felt any lag in BC2 on PC, was if I'd join a server that pinged over 120.

Well you were lucky then because for the majority of the people if it worked at all it cut out and had terrible delay.

Well you were lucky then because for the majority of the people if it worked at all it cut out and had terrible delay.

Why I'm the the lucky one out of the majority, and not you that is the unlucky one out of the minority (if such even exist and it's not just you making up a problem just to make your point)? From all the people that I personally know that I played BC2 with on PC, none had any problems with the voip in squads. It wasn't a large number of people (14 in total), but it's still a good variety of machines for that problem to happen to one of us.

Hell, even in the official EA forums of BC2 I can't find a thread in the first ten pages of results (out of 21, searching using keywords "squad" and "voip") mentioning anything about the problem you were talking about. And that place is usually filled with problems of all kinds, even if they're not with the game the forum is for.

Huh? BC2 was notorious for its VOIP being non-functional. In all of my 1200h of playing it I heard it twice. Once it was fine but the other time being broken just like trag3dy said. It's 3rd party VOIP software all the way. And to be honest I don't mind that all too much. While so many people are shedding tears about in-game voice chat, IMO it's much more important to fix the text chat, comrose and the context based communication. Hopefully it will happen someday.

It's actually the first time I heard BC2 had any problems with voip. BC2 was notorious for the rubberbanding problem, but then it was the result of network latency and I actually was "lucky" enough yet again and never encountered that issue on my 610 hours (according to with the game by not playing on servers that pinged for too high. The same problem still occurs in BF3 according to tragedy though, and I'm still somehow lucky enough to not get that issue on my side. Go figure :huh:

It's actually the first time I heard BC2 had any problems with voip. BC2 was notorious for the rubberbanding problem, but then it was the result of network latency and I actually was "lucky" enough yet again and never encountered that issue on my 610 hours (according to with the game by not playing on servers that pinged for too high. The same problem still occurs in BF3 according to tragedy though, and I'm still somehow lucky enough to not get that issue on my side. Go figure :huh:

I get rubberbanding on servers with less than 30 ping :-(

What do you think? 4-5 years til games start to look like this? (This is an actual photo of looking down a PSO-1 scope courtesy of wikipedia.)

While that looks amazing I'm not sure if it will really become the 'norm'. Maybe the extremely hardcore games will, but I can't see most franchises going this way. However, I'd love it if the black border was removed from sniper scopes when you're looking down them in all FPS games. While I was not a fan of the Medal of Honor beta (I can't speak for the full game), I did think that removing the black border was a good idea. If we can get the graphics that far, I reckon most people will be pleased. I might actually try a few of the 'mil-sims' if they could have that much realism. It seems insane but I think it would be interesting to play.

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