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it takes about 5 mins to get from the browser to the actual game environment, then abvout another 2 mins to get to the resume game section.

Then something is wrong with your setup, it shouldn't take any more than a minute or so.

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only had BF3 on PC for a few days but I do have one question thats been buggin me since i bought it. The way in whcih you load the game seems odd to me. each time you want to play do you really need go through the follwing procedure:

double click Bf3 shortcut on desktop

Orgin loads

orgin opens browser at your battelog

user clicks campaign

user waits 5-10 mins on game "initialising"

seriously is this the normal way to load it or am i being dumb....rather cumbersome and long winded


I bookmark Battlelog.

So... Click Battlelog bookmark, click game you want to play, it does the rest for you, you just wait.

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I bookmark Battlelog.

So... Click Battlelog bookmark, click game you want to play, it does the rest for you, you just wait.

Same with me. usually I click my bookmark and join one of my favorite servers. Once It starts logging in etc. I usually browse Neowin or other forums. If there is no server queue, it only takes 2 minutes or so. Gotta love SSD!

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What is the deal with no repairs? Unbelievable. Its almost as bad as Assault not dropping health or reviving (I have racked up insane scores from those two things alone because NOBODY else does it). I remember BF2 being a defib fest and engineers were beasts with repairs. I am convinced this is the reason my death count is up :shifty:

Some people pick mines instead of repair tool...

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Some people pick mines instead of repair tool...

And then proceed to co-pilot a tank?

In response to the 5-10 minute load time, check your taskbar to make sure it isn't opening in a minimized window. Not sure what's up with that but BF3 does it without fail.

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Its not that difficult.

In Op. Firestorm, near C or D, the objectives just outside the buildings, camp inside and just wait for the tank to appear.

Yes, your SPM will go downhill but its worth it

Or join an empty server with a friend lol

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Radio beacons and T-UGS count as vehicles as well.


It's not as bad as you are making it sound. Just bookmark Battlelog and when you fancy a game, open it up, pick a server, join and everything will open and load automatically. Loading times are pretty bad on vanilla maps though, at least for me. B2K is surprisingly quick.

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Its not that difficult.

In Op. Firestorm, near C or D, the objectives just outside the buildings, camp inside and just wait for the tank to appear.

Yes, your SPM will go downhill but its worth it

My buddies and I just joined a SQDM that only had like 8 players, switched teams when we joined and took turns grabbing the vehicle and each destroying it.

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Radio beacons and T-UGS count as vehicles as well.


It's not as bad as you are making it sound. Just bookmark Battlelog and when you fancy a game, open it up, pick a server, join and everything will open and load automatically. Loading times are pretty bad on vanilla maps though, at least for me. B2K is surprisingly quick.

IT is for me buddy!

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Don't know if this has been posted in this thread already, but thought I'd post it anyway.

Most likely the most beautiful trailer I've ever seen :)

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Its now 50% off on Origin til midnight xmas day

I have it on xbox and not really enjoyed it, is it better on PC?

Much better.

As long as your PC can handle it you'll experience better graphics and performance, more players, better maps (more vehicles, static guns, etc.) and a smoother connection (I'd assume).

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Don't know if this has been posted in this thread already, but thought I'd post it anyway.

Most likely the most beautiful trailer I've ever seen :)

That was beautiful.

Its now 50% off on Origin til midnight xmas day

I have it on xbox and not really enjoyed it, is it better on PC?

It's still $59.99 on the US/Canadian site. :(

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Much better.

As long as your PC can handle it you'll experience better graphics and performance, more players, better maps (more vehicles, static guns, etc.) and a smoother connection (I'd assume).

I have an E8500, 4GB ram and a GTX560ti, ran the beta just fine

That was beautiful.

It's still $59.99 on the US/Canadian site. :(

?20 in the UK plus ?11.99 for Karkand

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It's frustrating when you only need 2 SQDM wins for the assignments and you get put into a team with a vehicle camper. The person who thought it was necessary to get the vehicle made 1 kill in the entire round and got fragged 16 times >_< I'm so glad when I'm done with this assignment. I'll never play SQDM anymore after it, that's for sure.

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I'll never play SQDM anymore after it, that's for sure.

DICE really ****ed up SQDM in BF3. It was decent in BC2 but here it's just AWFUL. The maps are way too big and you can't pick/make squads easily (at all). WTF how could they ruin it so much.

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I've never played SQDM in BC2. The only reason I'm playing it is to get the last Assault weapon. But that's going to be an awful task because I've been put into a ****ty squad each time I've tried to play it today besides 1 lucky match. I also wish there was a way to filter the amount of points you need to win a match.

The lucky match I joined today was a server in which we needed to get 150 points apparently. I bailed at 100 because I didn't want to play 1 match that lasted that long and I didn't know we only needed 42 more points at the time.

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