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Just had a cracking game, seems like all the idiots are off doing christmassy crap and the server i love playing on had decent people. 1000 ticket HC Caspian server.

Got 15k points just with LAV-AD then with the assorted medals such as Conquest Medal and AA Service Star i ended up with:



Not bad for a noob like myself.

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Meanwhile he single handedly ruined game balance in Bc2 patch after patch and only bitched about how uptight pc players were instead of listening to our feedback and fixing the real issues. And I'm not making that up, he was actually talking crap to the pc players of BC2.

Have you ever actually read some of the feedback given by the "gaming master race"?

Seriously, you should read it with an objective mind sometimes because it paints pc gamers in general as arrogant selfrighteous ******** with no brain, no imagination and nothing else for that matter except their "I'm the center of the world!" -opinion that everyone should cater to. It appears every pc gamer thinks they're the special twinkling little star.

Well, you're not.

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Also like the irnv I fear how DICE adjust things. They don't do it in small incriments. Things go from being really useful to completely useless with no in between, and that's what I fear the most. They just don't know how to compromise with their balance changes, there is only extremes. So yeah, I'm worried they'll make the grip and silencer near worthless while still not making the other attachments appealing to use.

So I'm not the only one who thinks that the IRNV is a useless piece of crap now? Seriously, I used to love it (for it's obvious over-poweredness), but they've just turned it into the green screen of death now. It's compltely worthless.

PKA-S holo FTW now!

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So I'm not the only one who thinks that the IRNV is a useless piece of crap now? Seriously, I used to love it (for it's obvious over-poweredness), but they've just turned it into the green screen of death now. It's compltely worthless. PKA-S holo FTW now!
IRNV works fine in CQC as it's intended to.
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IRNV works fine in CQC as it's intended to.

I guess, but it just seems to turn into a mess of green at anything beyond 20 metres, which basically means that unless your stuck in a permanent corridor fight, you're screwed if you're fighting at any reasonable distance. I was expecting things to degrade a little more gracefully (I.E. still actually see the surroundings, but not pick up people's heat signatures at distance as red/yellow/whatever.

Anyway it doesn't matter, because the PKA-S rules supreme anyway. :p

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Normally, I hate team killers, but I stumbled across this video last night and couldn't stop laughing.

Warning: Some of the language is NSFW.

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Normally, I hate team killers, but I stumbled across this video last night and couldn't stop laughing.

Warning: Some of the language is NSFW.

I hate to admit it, but if the team is really crappy sometimes I do the exact same thing.

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Normally, I hate team killers, but I stumbled across this video last night and couldn't stop laughing.

Warning: Some of the language is NSFW.

Nope, not funny. Their reactions indicate he was doing it the entire game, which given the purpose of the video is understandable. I don't think I've ever reacted like that personally, but I can't blame someone dealing with griefing the entire game for those reactions.

Also, got Battlefield 3 for the 360 for Christmas. Looking forward to playing (Y)

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Have you ever actually read some of the feedback given by the "gaming master race"?

Seriously, you should read it with an objective mind sometimes because it paints pc gamers in general as arrogant selfrighteous ******** with no brain, no imagination and nothing else for that matter except their "I'm the center of the world!" -opinion that everyone should cater to. It appears every pc gamer thinks they're the special twinkling little star.

Well, you're not.

I get what you're saying, but we had a lot of threads purely with constructive criticism which they soundly ignored. Patch after patch they left the m60 being the most over powered laser accuracte gun with 200 round magazine and also thought it was cool to give that class god like abilities to make others immune to damage at the same time. So in the end you had a lot of what we called rambo medic revive trains. It was a whole lot of not fun, and I don't think it's even been fixed to this day. Same goes for the an-94 remaining a death ray while other guns were left behind in the dirt and even nerfed for no reason even though 1 in maybe 50 players actually bothered trying to use them (f2000 in bc2 was god awful).

Anyways, that game is over and done with, yet we're still stuck with the guy who thought all of that was okay in charge of the balancing for bf3. He enjoys making changes just for the sake of having changes and not on stuff that actually needed it.

Normally, I hate team killers, but I stumbled across this video last night and couldn't stop laughing.

Warning: Some of the language is NSFW.

I agree, not funny. Go to his battlelog profile and report him for griefing. Or do console versions have battlelog? *unsure*

Now that would be funny, getting a griefer banned after he's thinking he's so cute doing this.

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DICE decided to wish us a Merry Christmas :p


Would be nice if they decided to add such weather effects to the game like what has been said before. Thought it will make the game even heavier than it already is.

And yeah, doing that with the jets is pretty sad. People blowing up jeeps in spawn with tanks are pretty sad too tbh. They also did this in BC2 with the choppers btw. If anyone besides themselves would use the chopper, they would shoot it down.

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DICE decided to wish us a Merry Christmas :p


Would be nice if they decided to add such weather effects to the game like what has been said before. Thought it will make the game even heavier than it already is.

I KNOOooooWWWW... That'd be so awesome playing Seine Crossing with snow

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I really dislike petitions for things you want to see in a game. It's like forcing a painter to add stuff to a painting which he made, only because you want to see an extra flower on the piece.

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Things I've learned about Battlefield 3 in the last week after getting it;

All new player servers are camped by R45+'s and the server admins are either never there or completely impotent

People are about as awful as in CoD or XBox Live, once again admins are nowhere to be seen.

Seen a few guys with "aiming assisting programs" so far, much less than I had anticipated tbh. one guy with over 100-0 kill ratio with snipers. Must've been skill :p

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Anyway it doesn't matter, because the PKA-S Holographic rules supreme anyway. :p

I think you made a mistake. ;)

The Russian sights in the game are okay, but I have more success with the US Holographic than with anything else. Maybe the US sights are better for my play-style or something, but I definitely prefer most of them. The only Russian sight I can think of that I prefer is the Kobra, since the Reflex sight isn't to my tastes either. I'm picky with weapon sights, I guess.

Made it to my seventh Service Star with the G3A3 last night, and now it is my second most used weapon after the F2000 by only a few kills. I'm thinking I'll take the G3 to 10 Stars, if I can be bothered to, and then switch to Engineer or Support since I have neglected both of those classes. To be fair, I also neglect the Recon kit but I don't think anyone will be too annoyed at that. I don't even have the M40A5 yet, so maybe I should set myself the goal of getting it.

I might sound strange but I actually do like the SV98 with the PKA-S and a Suppressor.

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If I had to guess, I would say weather effects will either come in the form of a patch, DLC, or new maps completely.

I just wish I had time to play the game. :(

This new puppy I got, while he is super awesome, is truly a handful, and having my gaming PC upstairs is not conducive to taking care of a puppy mainly downstairs. Luckily my PS3 and 360 are downstairs, but I really wanted to play some BF3 on my two weeks off from work. Gonna see what I can pull off tonight actually.

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I just beat the campaign on easy on the 360.

I definitely see all the complaints about the campaign. It's just... it's almost like a five-hour tutorial. You're always chasing a squadmate, you have to wait on him to tell you what to do (even if you know what to do), and the whole "leaving the battlefield" thing when trying to advance the campaign is completely annoying. Story-wise, it's pretty bad as well. The graphics are amazing, though -- the HD texture pack looks so much better than the beta. It's a shame they probably lost quite a few customers because of that. I look forward to seeing what Danger Close does with the Frostbite engine.

Now to go through on hard, then the multiplayer and co-op.

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This new puppy I got, while he is super awesome, is truly a handful, and having my gaming PC upstairs is not conducive to taking care of a puppy mainly downstairs. Luckily my PS3 and 360 are downstairs, but I really wanted to play some BF3 on my two weeks off from work. Gonna see what I can pull off tonight actually.


To rephrase, 'kids these days', I would now say, 'puppies these days

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hahaha, what a day, 10 rounds on metro conquest, 5 on each side, and me and my clan mate won every one of them, as long as you have a squad that can rush properly you can win on either side.....also it helps when you run 114-19 lol. oh and i was apparently hacking, LOVE IT

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hahaha, what a day, 10 rounds on metro conquest, 5 on each side, and me and my clan mate won every one of them, as long as you have a squad that can rush properly you can win on either side.....also it helps when you run 114-19 lol. oh and i was apparently hacking, LOVE IT

Any squad you are in, is sure to be on top

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