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Rank means points. (Vehicle) unlocks mean points as well. See what I'm talking about?

And, yes, sure the scenario you described can be possible. But tell me, how realistic when talking about the broad audience that plays BF3 is it? I still stand by my point - even though rank doesn't automatically mean skill, there is a higher chance that a team with a higher average rank will win.

BF3 in a nutshell: You want to rank up and unlock guns fast play Metro. You want to get unlocks for vehicles fast go to flying servers.

High rank players can still get dominated by lower ranks. Rank doesnt matter to me its all about teamwork. I think a low rank team with better teamwork will beat a team of high rank army-of-ones.

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High rank players can still get dominated by lower ranks. Rank doesnt matter to me its all about teamwork. I think a low rank team with better teamwork will beat a team of high rank army-of-ones.

Good luck finding it while pubbing...

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Probably wrong in this thinking but to me, higher ranks means (most importantly) you know the map in and out. I've put about 22 hours now into BF3 and I'm still finding myself turned around on some maps. You start to learn what tactics work, what shortcuts you can take, etc. Yes, there are some unlocks that are very beneficial but I agree, in BF3, going as lone wolf no matter what your rank is very difficult against even a somewhat proper team.

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To me levels only mean how much a player has been playing the game or how fast he's been ranking up. To me the rank doesn't always mean that they're better but in some cases they actually are. There could be low ranked players just as good as the ones with a high level but haven't played as much or haven't ranked as fast. A person could've bought the game 2 weeks ago and could be better than someone who bought the game at launch.

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Well I finally bought the PC version and also went and picked up a Palit GeForce 560 GTX OC yesterday.

Wow - it looks incredible compared to the consoles. And it seems to have levelled the playing field (or battlefield!) for me in terms of playing against much higher ranked players, and feeling like I have a chance! One thing I'm noticing though is the utterly ridiculous scorelines you can get on the PC version? On the PS3 I'd be lucky if I could rack up 2000-3000 in a round even... I've played a few games now and have in some rounds scored up to 17000?!

Also finding some slight issues with graphical gremlins - occasional slowdown and what I can only describe as black "spikes" occasionally sticking out of players and stuff.. not sure if it's my graphics card getting too hot or something or if these are normal glitches for the game?

Anyway - glad I got it for the PC. Think my PS3 days on Battlefield 3 are seriously numbered!

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I've had some decent rounds on metro, but I'll only ever play it if it comes up in a map rotation, I'll never set out to play it. It's great fun especially with the MG36 (the second assignment unlock for support). But like anything, it's great in moderation.

I started to really dislike rush, and only played conquest, now I'm getting bored of conquest so will probably go back to rush for a bit.

Like a lot of you though, I'm fed up with EITHER winning massively or losing massively, the games where it's ends maybe 1-0 or 2-0 are some of the best games I've ever had.

Thinking of picking up a 7950 in Feb, put my 5870 in the OHs computer, just got to convince her first :p

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Well I finally bought the PC version and also went and picked up a Palit GeForce 560 GTX OC yesterday.

Wow - it looks incredible compared to the consoles. And it seems to have levelled the playing field (or battlefield!) for me in terms of playing against much higher ranked players, and feeling like I have a chance! One thing I'm noticing though is the utterly ridiculous scorelines you can get on the PC version? On the PS3 I'd be lucky if I could rack up 2000-3000 in a round even... I've played a few games now and have in some rounds scored up to 17000?!

Also finding some slight issues with graphical gremlins - occasional slowdown and what I can only describe as black "spikes" occasionally sticking out of players and stuff.. not sure if it's my graphics card getting too hot or something or if these are normal glitches for the game?

Anyway - glad I got it for the PC. Think my PS3 days on Battlefield 3 are seriously numbered!

Use the latest Nvidia beta drivers if yoou are not already. They specifically addressed those "black spikes" you are talking about, they were a known issue with certain Nvicia cards, I myself also had them with my 2 460's in SLi, and ever since I installed the beta drivers they are compeltely gone.

But yeah, it is almost a completely different game going from the consoles to the PC. Has nothing to do with some master PC gaming superiority complex, the PC version is just unquestionably the superior version of the game, both from a graphics and gameplay (read more players and larger maps) standpoint.

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Use the latest Nvidia beta drivers if yoou are not already. They specifically addressed those "black spikes" you are talking about, they were a known issue with certain Nvidia cards.

Awesome - thanks dude :)

The game is just stunning... you can't point at any one thing but it's just the way it immerses you. I know in 5 years time we'll look back and laugh (there was a time I found Stunt Car Racer on the Amiga amazing!) but you walk across a field chasing after someone, the wind blows in the grass, you hear the distant crackle of gunfire, and in the distance a helicopter is coming in to land - and with the sound you have the lens flare, the particle effects.. it's just a masterpiece.

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Awesome - thanks dude :)

I know in 5 years time we'll look back and laugh (there was a time I found Stunt Car Racer on the Amiga amazing!) but you walk across a field chasing after someone, the wind blows in the grass, you hear the distant crackle of gunfire, and in the distance a helicopter is coming in to land - and with the sound you have the lens flare, the particle effects.. it's just a masterpiece.

Battlefield 4 will come with a warning about game-induced PTSD. :p

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Awesome - thanks dude :)

The game is just stunning... you can't point at any one thing but it's just the way it immerses you. I know in 5 years time we'll look back and laugh (there was a time I found Stunt Car Racer on the Amiga amazing!) but you walk across a field chasing after someone, the wind blows in the grass, you hear the distant crackle of gunfire, and in the distance a helicopter is coming in to land - and with the sound you have the lens flare, the particle effects.. it's just a masterpiece.

Not a problem. (Y)

And totally 110% agree. The game is very much a masterpiece, and the sound truly has so, so much to do with it.

Well my fun having it hooked up to my 55" TV and my 7.1 Home Theater has come to an end. My wife just was not having me keep my monstrosity of a PC tower in our TV room downstairs, and there is really no way of me hooking it up down there without it being an eyesore (technically I could, but the only way I could the keyboard and mouse would then not even come close to reaching me), but wow, it truly was kick ass while it lasted. Especially the aforementioned sound. On a true 7.1 sound system, it truly is just phenomenal how good it sounds and how important sound is for knowing where the enemy truly is. My new goal is to have a new computer built for my TV room by mid 2012.

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Hope DICE has some nice DLC plans for BF3. I keep searching for announcements but have found nothing. With EA's footprint all over the franchise (which has been HORRIBLE for DLC on other of their games), I worry.

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Finally bought this for PC after owning it from launch on XBOX only to have spent the last 4 hours trying to get into a game, constant disconnecting from servers. I have only managed to play 2 halves of a game :(

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Finally bought this for PC after owning it from launch on XBOX only to have spent the last 4 hours trying to get into a game, constant disconnecting from servers. I have only managed to play 2 halves of a game :(

Do you get an error message? Did you make sure your punkbuster is up to date? Punkbuster usually requires a manual update the first time you install it with a game.

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I played today for the first time in a month and in my first game I got killed by someone with 97 stars with the m320.. I'm at a loss for words.

I get these all the time, especially on Metro.

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On a true 7.1 sound system, it truly is just phenomenal how good it sounds and how important sound is for knowing where the enemy truly is. My new goal is to have a new computer built for my TV room by mid 2012.

Hmm Ive got a 6.1 system here, but only using 2.1. The other 4 speakers are in the cupboard, thinking I might have to set them up. Just hate all the wires.

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Finally bought this for PC after owning it from launch on XBOX only to have spent the last 4 hours trying to get into a game, constant disconnecting from servers. I have only managed to play 2 halves of a game :(

Sounds to me like you have internet connection issues dude. Check your modem and your router (if you have one). If you have Cable service make sure you have your incoming coax signal levels checked for noise. Noise will cause intermittent connection. The cable company will send you someone to check and verify the lines free of charge.

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