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does anyone mess around with the config file? or cvars? i only know the command those shows the FPS. was wondering if there is anymore that people like to use.

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Play The F*cking Objective :p

I've been having a hard time finding a good server again. Either the team I join is bad as hell with 100 tickets difference between both teams. People just run around doing whatever they want like it's a death match >_<

Also, the base camping recons are proper annoying. Any camping recon is annoying, but the base camping ones especially. I was on a server the other day where we couldn't shoot people in their base (this was rush). I said that they should move out of their base. Then the admin, who was also playing, said don't baserape or you'll get a kick. They wouldn't leave and tanks started to join the camp. So I decided to shoot them out with the jet. Of course they didn't care and kept camping. They where the attacking team :/

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Has anyone noticed this lately? But the claymore's seem to begetting more popular, and everyone seems to be laying them. Had a very annoying game last night where the other side kept leaving claymores all over the place and was constantly being killed.

Annoys me and ****es me off, but at thes same time i love it, because the game makes you think. I need to quit holding down the sprint key (noob MW style), and be more cautious.

Yup, they seem to be pretty annoying, but only when I'm not playing support.

Whats more, is that, in Rush, the defenders completely surround the MCOM stations with these and only way to destroy them, is to either get close and shoot them with handgun or just jump on them

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Has anyone noticed this lately? But the claymore's seem to begetting more popular, and everyone seems to be laying them. Had a very annoying game last night where the other side kept leaving claymores all over the place and was constantly being killed.

Annoys me and ****es me off, but at thes same time i love it, because the game makes you think. I need to quit holding down the sprint key (noob MW style), and be more cautious.

But as with all of the guns, they seem to have their monthly popularity/fad and then they die down, so i hope this doesnt last much longer and a newer gun comes along, lol

Also i cant figure out which gun i like more. the famas or l85. I think the famas has a wider damage spread or whatever, but the l85 seems more powerful and accurate.

i think i've been getting more and easier kills with famas, but im a bit confused and still figuring it out.

Yep. I even got banned from one server after the admin mistook me for leaving them in front of spawns. Just gotta watch out for em.

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I would LOVE to play on a proper server again. This afternoon, again, each server I join I'm being spawned into a crap team >_< No one was taking points and the other team kept having 100 tickets more thean us.

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Finally got my network problems sorted, this game is so much more awesome on PC than XBox, 64 man Caspian Border Conquest is brilliant.

Its just a shame that I`m terrible with mouse and keyboard :(

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Did you not watch the video? Unless I missed something he kills the guy jumping out of the window with the claymore in his hands..

Saw it but didn't get it.

He didn't deploy it. It was in his hand.

Maybe I missed something

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I don't know if this was posted but Alan Kertz (Demize99) will no longer be working on Battlefield 3.

Moving on from BF3, leaving the gameplay in the very capable hands of @gustavhalling and @stormonster. I will still read and pass on OFC!!/Demize99/status/158883411866558465

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No idea why I'm trying to join a proper server so much. In 1 hour I've joined at least 6 or 7 servers. All with **** teams or instant vehicle respawn. Really starting to dislike the game if this is how it's going to be now.

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No idea why I'm trying to join a proper server so much. In 1 hour I've joined at least 6 or 7 servers. All with **** teams or instant vehicle respawn. Really starting to dislike the game if this is how it's going to be now.

What's your BF3 name, Capric0rn? Since you're not a filthy American we could squad up sometime. I can try to be a team player if I'm motivated enough. :D

As long as you play SC with <64 players that is...

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Gah whats with the base-raping! Just had it again on Op Metro. Tho have to say it lead to a quality wee bit of gameplay. Stuck in the initial spawn building for RU, was left emptying my ammo across the streets. Took a shed load out with my rifle, then ran out of ammo. Rest of team getting killed left right and centre with total disregard for me shouting for ammo. Oh forgot to mention rockets were now depleted after taking half the adjacent streets front walls off taking care of snipers.

So here I am on my belly with a handgun and a knife, great! So up i get bunker behind a crate and unload the pistol as best I can at a door way across the street where I can just make a few of them out. No out right kills as range was a bit of a factor, but "kill assist" for them.

Then "tkz, tkz, tkz...." pistols gone, still no ammo crates and team seem to be in a state of self sacrifice running across the roads gunning into the air in hope of killing passing birds. Right, whats left? Of course a bit of the old Glasgow way, KNIFE THE HELL OUT OF THEM!!

So off I go across the street, being careful to aviod the snipers like my lemming team seem to be bonding well with. Up the doorway Ive been watching with the pistol.

It happened quick, the glint of the blade, the 2 thuds. Shame I only took one of them out, still what a stand Id made :)

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What's your BF3 name, Capric0rn? Since you're not a filthy American we could squad up sometime. I can try to be a team player if I'm motivated enough. :D

As long as you play SC with <64 players that is...

My BF3 name is Jamushroom :) I'm usually playing Conquest Large with 64 players and I avoid maps like Tehran Highway and Canals. Though I want to get into Rush again since I'm really missing that. I'm also going to try and play regular Conquest with 32 players. Also, I'm playing without a Mic so I usually add most players on Origin as well if there's a need for communication and I'm not in the same team/squad.

Also, did you mean Seine Crossing with SC? :p

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^Haha, could've been that :p And yeah, I play SC. I like to try Rush in hardcore occasionally which is pretty fun and makes me play the objective even better.

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The DLC for BC2 was ummmm Vietnam

This isn't Bad Company though. 'Vietnam' was good though, I enjoyed it. But the other "DLC" they claimed for BC2 was original maps in new modes - garbage. BF3 deserves more than just one DLC pack (I don't consider B2K DLC - they had that **** finished with the launch).

Maybe I'm just being a ******.

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