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How do you know they had the B2K stuff was ready at launch? Considering it wasn't on disc and was a seperate download that was released a few days before it was actually playable.

Either way, if you didn't pre order you had to buy it, so it's still considered dlc.

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My BF3 name is Jamushroom :) I'm usually playing Conquest Large with 64 players and I avoid maps like Tehran Highway and Canals. Though I want to get into Rush again since I'm really missing that. I'm also going to try and play regular Conquest with 32 players. Also, I'm playing without a Mic so I usually add most players on Origin as well if there's a need for communication and I'm not in the same team/squad.

Also, did you mean Seine Crossing with SC? :p

Maybe, if you want to, I can suggest some servers.

Or, we can play together sometime.

Beware, I suck big time.

My ping is high.


My PC specs are low

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Was playing this game yesterday (on the Xbox 360), after not having played it for a few weeks, and had to quit after 2 matches. I just couldn't handle the bull****.

In those 2 matches, I got killed by an MAV 4 times, and spawn killed 10 times. Also, over half of the players in the game were cheating, using MAV's to get to higher points of the map and snipe from there.

I think I'll just stick to Crysis 2 now...

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BF3 has been crashing on me lately. I don't really know what the issue is. I only had time to play 1 game last night and it crashed on me. Same thing happened a few days ago as well. I'm thinking it might be the server, but I haven't had time to investigate. Anyone else with these issues?

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Maybe, if you want to, I can suggest some servers.

Or, we can play together sometime.

Beware, I suck big time.

My ping is high.


My PC specs are low

Haha, playing with a high ping is useless :p Though you may always add me on Battlelog and recommend me some servers.

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Haha, playing with a high ping is useless :p Though you may always add me on Battlelog and recommend me some servers.

Its actually kind of in the middle, but on the higher end. :(

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Haha, playing with a high ping is useless :p

Even though it's not high, I find that the sweet spot (for my connection at least) is around 50-60 ping. If it's substantially less, I get one hit killed way too often. Weird, but those seem to be my observations.

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I have. It's terrible.

As terrible as bright red triangles, following every players every move? As terrible as auto regenerative health and auto vehicle repair? As terrible as warping out of your head to 3rd person views as if that little cloud ****er from Mario and Mario Cart was following you around? As terrible as your ability to write a defending arguement?

Tell us, how terrible is it?

Or do you just lack the ability to play and succeed in it, thus writing it off as "terrible", when in reality, it is you that is "terrible"?

Softcore is a handicap.

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As terrible as bright red triangles, following every players every move? As terrible as auto regenerative health and auto vehicle repair? As terrible as warping out of your head to 3rd person views as if that little cloud ****er from Mario and Mario Cart was following you around? As terrible as your ability to write a defending arguement?

Tell us, how terrible is it?

Or do you just lack the ability to play and succeed in it, thus writing it off as "terrible", when in reality, it is you that is "terrible"?

Softcore is a handicap.

lol so mad

I didn't feel I had to explain myself because you didn't explain why we should play it in the first place. And still, after how maturely you responded I see no reason to even bother replying to you anymore after this.

Nice job with the personal attacks though.

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Its actually kind of in the middle, but on the higher end. :(

There's no server with low pings for you to join?

Even though it's not high, I find that the sweet spot (for my connection at least) is around 50-60 ping. If it's substantially less, I get one hit killed way too often. Weird, but those seem to be my observations.

I usually play on servers with a ping below 30.

And the only game mode I like to play on hardcore is rush. I really dislike conquest in hardcore mode. I walk a bit on say, Caspian Border and PANG! shot by a recon. And that after the next couple of respawns without me being able to do something. This might be due to me not trying my best when I play conquest in hardcore mode, or not. I just rather play rush in HC mode than conquest.

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Opinions don't require explanation until questioned. I have now explained my opinion, since it was (somewhat, but not really) questioned. I don't expect you to explain yours. I'm pretty sure I've been through this before with you.

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To be fair, you did imply that HC is as a fact and no questions asked better than SC. Which it isn't. And then you implied that SC is only for those that can't play well enough thus claiming that HC players are more skilled. Which isn't true either.

But, really, arguing which mode one likes to play more? Seariously guys?

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Had a few rubbish days, but went back to vanilla maps for a bit. Enjoying them a lot, all the idiots seem to be playing b2k.

Had a few great rounds. Went 38-9 with the MG36 on firestorm, and got combat efficiency and LMG medals to boot.

My SPM is slowly on the way up (after my first noob hours of about 50 PPM). If anybody fancies a game just add me on battleog, same name as here.

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There's no server with low pings for you to join?

I usually play on servers with a ping below 30.

There are, of course, and I play on them mostly.

30 is insanely low :(

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Had a few rubbish days, but went back to vanilla maps for a bit. Enjoying them a lot, all the idiots seem to be playing b2k.

Had a few great rounds. Went 38-9 with the MG36 on firestorm, and got combat efficiency and LMG medals to boot.

My SPM is slowly on the way up (after my first noob hours of about 50 PPM). If anybody fancies a game just add me on battleog, same name as here.

One way to spike SPM, is to go after the medals that are close and require least ribbons.

You getting what I'm saying?

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One way to spike SPM, is to go after the medals that are close and require least ribbons.

You getting what I'm saying?

Yeah, I've gotten 3 medals in the last 4 matches. Has helped a little bit. I want to get to around 350 and I'll be happy.

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