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Haha, indeed. There's a top secret document about it as well on Wake Island:

Their first find in this video is pretty awesome. A thank you from DICE to the community. And the care-bear is awesome too, haha.


New stuff happening. Good day today :). Fans well be in for a treat later on.

Source: Daniel Matros's tweet (@zh1nt0)

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Haha, indeed. There's a top secret document about it as well on Wake Island:

Their first find in this video is pretty awesome. A thank you from DICE to the community. And the care-bear is awesome too, haha.


Source: Daniel Matros's tweet (@zh1nt0)

Took us close to 2 hours to find those bloody dinos lol. Also Capri, Don't know if you remember me but I am ARiES in that video. Mighty_Exodia from NXSecure :D

P.s: Hope you're the right capricorn haha

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Haha, that's a coincidence and that's pretty long XD But who/what do you mean with the right Capric0rn? Is there an imposter running around on the interwebs!? :ninja: I'm Jamushroom in BF3 just to be sure.

I'll be checking those easter eggs out when I have some time :p

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As for hackers. We've seen a recent spate of hackers since the new year. So we've started to stream to GGC and enabled a plugin that will ban anyone with a SPM above 1150. That will keep the majority of hackers out.

Caught my first hacker with this 1150+ SPM Checker I set up. The hacker in question is this guy. Whatever he was using evaded Punkbuster, GGC & Metabans.


As far as I can tell (from the server logs) he didn't even get a chance to kill anyone. He joined the server and got banned instantly.

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He most definitely is a hacker.

Haha, indeed. There's a top secret document about it as well on Wake Island:

Those are interesting finds, but there SPM would be gone to HELL, now. :D

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anyone else getting this?

Game disconnected: you were kicked by PunkBuster. Stated reason: PunkBuster kicked player 'JeT51' (for 0 minutes) ... This PB Server Requires (A1386 C2.287) - Error loading pbcl

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Yeah I just downloaded it and did a clean install and it was fine. Maybe it does not update automatically?

PB almost always requires a manual update the first time you install it with a game. At least that's been my experience with it.

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Kind of getting sick of all the kids that are playing. Constant 'your mum' type insults in chat, constantly accusing others of cheating and then leaving the game as soon as their team starts losing.

Are all online games like this? This is really the first online game I have played in a very long time.

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Kind of getting sick of all the kids that are playing. Constant 'your mum' type insults in chat, constantly accusing others of cheating and then leaving the game as soon as their team starts losing.

Are all online games like this? This is really the first online game I have played in a very long time.

Uh. Pretty much. Maturity need not apply, for online games.

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I've either been really lucky during my time playing, or I just don't play enough, but I still haven't encountered any hackers, or too much raging. Yes, people do quit at the end of rounds, but so do I when I'm finished playing, it wouldn't make sense to leave half way through now would it?

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I'd much rather have Punkbuster than not. A lot of the games I've played (AA, RTCW) have used punkbuster and although when things go wrong, it can be frustrating, it definitely keeps the majority of hackers quiet especially when combined with community ban lists.

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I'd much rather have Punkbuster than not. A lot of the games I've played (AA, RTCW) have used punkbuster and although when things go wrong, it can be frustrating, it definitely keeps the majority of hackers quiet especially when combined with community ban lists.

I'd take vac any day of the week. It has far less false positive incidents than punkbuster, and when it does valve rectifies it quickly. VAC works great in tandem with well admin'd servers.

I've had plenty of issues with pb over the years, never a one with vac. If Evenbalance would get with the program and modernize their software it wouldn't be so bad. PB still has trouble updating itself these days.

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