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hey don't make fun of us run and gunners!

BTW why is the progression so slow on this, i've been playing a few matches almost daily for the last month, averaging like 1200-1500 points per match. why am i still level 24? :rofl:

You gotta go after medals. Look at your battlelog to see which ones you are close to and go after those. Also using guns that are close to proficiency stars helps, too, and attachment unlocks are 200 points each (takes 300 kills per weapon to fully unlock everything).

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thanks for the tip man, but have actually been doing that. using the same guns to get the stars on them, then moving the next weapon that is closest to the next star...still slow heh heh!

BTW how does the loadout work for Russian/US? it seems inconsistent. and at least on the 360, the My Soldier tab only gives access to the US side. what gives?

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I'm not sure what you mean. Your loadout should remain the same no matter which side you are on. The only time it will differ is if you choose a starting weapon. The m16 is the first spot for us assault, but for the russian side it's the ak-74 and son. Picking any other gun than the classes initial weapon should stay consistent between each round/side. I have no idea how it works on the consoles though.

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i already tried that and still isnt working. getting kicked 1-2mins into the game.

Try just simply restarting your computer. I had the same issue a few days ago. I updated PB etc. Restart seemed to fix it. DICE is looking into it, as I noticed a message at the Battlelog home page. Hope that helps.

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thanks for the tip man, but have actually been doing that. using the same guns to get the stars on them, then moving the next weapon that is closest to the next star...still slow heh heh!

BTW how does the loadout work for Russian/US? it seems inconsistent. and at least on the 360, the My Soldier tab only gives access to the US side. what gives?

I know what you mean...if you sat the M16A3 as your default...even if you have unlocked it for RU as well...when you go RU it changed to the AK...I Havn't found how to fix it except use the M16A4 which is a later unlock and no side specific...similarly use the M4 for eng rather than the M4A1
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I know what you mean...if you sat the M16A3 as your default...even if you have unlocked it for RU as well...when you go RU it changed to the AK...I Havn't found how to fix it except use the M16A4 which is a later unlock and no side specific...similarly use the M4 for eng rather than the M4A1

Like I said, they are not located in the same "spot". There is no fixing it, outside of DICE changing it.

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so beat the single player game ... NOT IMPRESSED :/

It's not that bad IMO, but the game is multiplayer oriented and much more fun. :)

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Anybody finding with the newer maps, that it's either WIN massively or LOSE massively? I know that to some extent that the vanilla maps are like that also. But on Gulf of Oman for example, there are just way too many vehicles for the winning team. To the point where if your down to one or two spawn points, your screwed because of the sheer amount of tanks and IFVs coming your way.

I really enjoyed the B2K maps when they were first released but now I've turned them off in my server filter I'm finding the games on them so un-enjoyable. I would rather lose every game I play and have the game within 50 points or so, than have a side take it in turns to have land slide victories.

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You are quite right, to some extent.

The other day, before this punkbuster outbreak, I was playing on Gulf of Oman. We had to Capture the objectives. It was a 64 player match. We first captured A, B, C, and D, and started to advance. The other team was exceptional. They wouldn't let us cross the halfway. It was literally like a defensive line and we couldn't cross, it no matter what. All the BTRs and Tanks and infantry were there and we were helplessly watching at the other objectives. But then came two great chopper helicopters from our side, took three vehicles of enemy and we advanced. Then it was usual capture and re-capture thing.

At the end, we just lost by 3 tickets. Thats right 3 to 0.

It was one of the best games I've ever had. It was simply awesome.

So, you are right that its either a massive win or a massive lose, it's just that sometimes, if the teams are good, then you can have a close game.

And yes, if you do go down to one or two objectives, you are screwed. For the whole match. Found myself in similar situations quite sometime. And its really frustrating, when your team isn't helping much

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If you're in a game where a loss is inevitable why stick around? Seems like you can save yourself some frustration if you quit that game and join a different one that maybe isn't so hopeless. Either way you're getting a loss so why stay?

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If you're in a game where a loss is inevitable why stick around? Seems like you can save yourself some frustration if you quit that game and join a different one that maybe isn't so hopeless. Either way you're getting a loss so why stay?

No, don't do this ^^^

Talk about spoiling it for everyone. If your teams losing then fight as hard as you can to the final whistle blows. Quitting out just because your losing is childish!

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No, don't do this ^^^

Talk about spoiling it for everyone. If your teams losing then fight as hard as you can to the final whistle blows. Quitting out just because your losing is childish!

Childish? Then you like taking more deaths because your team mates let themselves get backed into a corner? it's hardly childish.

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Childish? Then you like taking more deaths because your team mates let themselves get backed into a corner? it's hardly childish.

Sorry, but your really not helping your case. What your doing is rage quitting because things aren't going your way.

@Iceman, I've had some amazingly close games too, the other day on Caspian, our team came from 30-10 down to win 0-2. I can remember numerous games on vanilla maps that were very close, just not so many on the newer maps.

Swapping teams is almost as bad as quitting though. And it's a bit more difficult when your playing with 1 or 2 friends.

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Its quite rare, that the game comes this close, but when it does, its loads of fun.

And its not like I change teams every single time I am loosing. Just on some rare ocassions, when I am too frustrated from my team.

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If you're in a game where a loss is inevitable why stick around? Seems like you can save yourself some frustration if you quit that game and join a different one that maybe isn't so hopeless. Either way you're getting a loss so why stay?

Can you imagine if everyone had that mentality? A game would never end properly because the losing team would just disconnect. Then you would be angry because the game ended before you could win.

Man up, fight to the bitter end and accept defeat graciously.

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Can you imagine if everyone had that mentality? A game would never end properly because the losing team would just disconnect. Then you would be angry because the game ended before you could win.

Man up, fight to the bitter end and accept defeat graciously.


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Just had a great 8v8 conquest on Grand Bazaar. won reasonably convincingly, I got 15-3! spent most the time in the tank, smashed them at the start but I couldn't get a gunner that would repair, the other tank killed me a few times because of it. Was in a game eairler when I was the gunner, spent most the time outside repairing, got killed a lot but ended up with lots of points.

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Sorry, but your really not helping your case. What your doing is rage quitting because things aren't going your way.

@Iceman, I've had some amazingly close games too, the other day on Caspian, our team came from 30-10 down to win 0-2. I can remember numerous games on vanilla maps that were very close, just not so many on the newer maps.

Swapping teams is almost as bad as quitting though. And it's a bit more difficult when your playing with 1 or 2 friends.

I wasn't really trying to make a case, and I didn't say that's how I play. Just pointing out that if he's getting stuck on hopeless teams so often why stick around? Save yourself some frustration. He's the one that said it happens quite often for him.

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Suppose you all have seen this? I did a similar thing last night, got 17 kills before I was out of ammo. Much eaiser to catch them off guard when you are on RU side(on metro). I find it hard to get up the stairs without being spotted, going down is much easier.

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Can you imagine if everyone had that mentality? A game would never end properly because the losing team would just disconnect. Then you would be angry because the game ended before you could win.

Man up, fight to the bitter end and accept defeat graciously.

See: Left 4 Dead series.

Rage quitters ruin games. Even if I'm losing terribly, I rarely rage quit. I just take it on the chin and make an effort to organize the team a little via chat. Never works, but it's still possible to have fun being on the losing team. :)

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Hey guys and girls, its been a while since i posted. Just thought id come here and rant a bit about BF3. I bought it yesterday for my gf's brother as a present being used, it didnt have the passcode slip from EA, yea, 800 microsoft points for it, needless to say, that game went back on the shelf. Love how EA is getting greedy with used game buyers.

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