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An open letter to the Battlefield development team.

Let me start off by saying I am happy to see that PC gaming is still alive and well. I was overcome with joy when I found out Battlefield was being developed for the PC first, and consoles second. It's one thing that has been missing from gaming for a while now. With that said, Battlefield 3 is nothing short but disappointing. It's incomplete. It's buggy. It's broken. I wanted to take this opportunity to list some things that I have noticed about this game since I first bought it.

First of all, gameplay. There's many things I like, but there are many more that I don't. First of all is the ranking system. This is one thing BF2 never had, and one thing I was happy to see, but the way it is implemented is ruining the game. Battlefield has always been a game that has focused on teamwork. If you didn't work with your team, your team lost, plain and simple. With Battlefield 3, the emphasis is on ranking up. This unfortunately means you will have players that are only interested in the almighty kill, and will stop at nothing to achieve that goal. They're playing for themselves, and themselves only. If you get in their way, they are not afraid to teamkill you in order to rank up. The ranking system also creates lopsided matches between teams, especially when vehicles are involved. Not sure why vehicles have ranks, but here a lot of higher ranking players take advantage of lower ranking players and really prevent them from doing anything. After all the basic starter jets are no match for the ones carrying heat seekers and jamming systems. In BF2, vehicle gameplay was based off skill, and wit. Not exactly "realistic", but it created a balance to the force.

Continuing on, in BF2, each team had a VoIP system that allowed free and open chat between players, and a commander's position to lead the team. Those things are both missing from BF3. Frankly speaking, VoIP should have been front and center in the development process, it's an essential service to ANY first person shooters. There is simply no reason why this shouldn't have been included in BF3. Without this, there is no team! Only a loose collection of players running around without heads. PC players have been asking for this feature since the game's release, and so far have fallen on deaf ears.

It was for this reason alone, that I loved and still love playing Battlefield 2, however, I just cannot continue with Battlefield 3. The botched gameplay piled on top of numerous bugs and glitches that have gone unresolved has killed the game for me. It is my hope that the development team can some how pull off a miracle and update the game to incorporate all that that made Battlefield 2 fun to play and a huge success among gamers.

I wanna add more to this letter, but at the moment I'm a bit stuck.

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With Battlefield 3, the emphasis is on ranking up. This unfortunately means you will have players that are only interested in the almighty kill, and will stop at nothing to achieve that goal.

There are players who only care about their K/D in games without ranking systems. Some people call them snipers :p I love Snipers clans in TF2 2Fort, its so easy to **** them off.

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An open letter to the Battlefield development team.

They didn't include voip because they figured any one who was serious into team play would have their own vent/mumble/teamspeak/whatever server going and a group of friends to play with on a regular basis. Doesnt battlelog have voip as well? Pretty sure it does but I haven't tested it.

Also you mention tking which leads me to believe that you play hardcore.. which I think is a large part of your problem. Hardcore encourages people "play for kills", and I'll leave it at that.

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They didn't include voip because they figured any one who was serious into team play would have their own vent/mumble/teamspeak/whatever server going and a group of friends to play with on a regular basis. Doesnt battlelog have voip as well? Pretty sure it does but I haven't tested it.

It does, but in-game VOIP would still be nice. I do a lot of pubbing on my own, and so in-squad communication is hard sometimes :(

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It does, but in-game VOIP would still be nice. I do a lot of pubbing on my own, and so in-squad communication is hard sometimes :(

I understand that. But it never worked right if it worked at all in previous games so they just decided to scrap it altogether from what I remember reading and my experience with it as well.

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I understand that. But it never worked right if it worked at all in previous games so they just decided to scrap it altogether from what I remember reading and my experience with it as well.

Yeah that's what I heard too. If it's true, I can see why they removed it, and in all fairness, I don't miss it particularly often, it certainly isnt the zomgwtfbbq problem that everyone made it out to be when we first found out.

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Why is that you need a highend machine in order for the graphics to look at clear as the ones in Modern Warfare 3?

What? MW3? Graphics not even comparable...

Frostbite 2.0 is a modern engine, MW3's engine is God only knows how old now? Older than dirt?

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Why is that you need a highend machine in order for the graphics to look at clear as the ones in Modern Warfare 3?

Modern Warfare 3 has a 3 or 4 year old engine, which looked good back in the original Moder Warfare' days.

Frosbite 2, the one that Battlefield 3 is running on, is a new one, and it is designed to be demanding, just like CryEngine 2.0. And 3.0?

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They didn't include voip because they figured any one who was serious into team play would have their own vent/mumble/teamspeak/whatever server going and a group of friends to play with on a regular basis. Doesnt battlelog have voip as well? Pretty sure it does but I haven't tested it.

Also you mention tking which leads me to believe that you play hardcore.. which I think is a large part of your problem. Hardcore encourages people "play for kills", and I'll leave it at that.

Agreed, Hardcore is asking for a TK in BF3...I like HC as a game mode...but with all the newer CoD style players its not worth the hassle...

The last kills with M60E4 were awesome

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Impressive gameplay with a variety of guns and jets.

I like the no scope whilst parachuting in, that was cool. Anyone have any ideas what the name of the song is called? I can't see the comments from work and soundhound doesn't pick anything up.

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I like the no scope whilst parachuting in, that was cool. Anyone have any ideas what the name of the song is called? I can't see the comments from work and soundhound doesn't pick anything up.

Make Me Worse (Muzzy Remix) by Kings of the City, was the top comment.

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Apparently the ps3 version received a patch this morning, ps3 owners will be happy to hear they are still working on the input lag issues. Also contains some info on adjusting medals/ribbons and a few other tid bits of information about changes in an upcoming patch (tonight???).

This is cool too, what BF3 might look like during winter:

And last but not least there is this, Better Battleblog plugin for Firefox and Chrome:

I'm not sure I want to try it out but it looks really interesting. They are saying some dice devs have tried it out so I don't think anyone will get banned for using it but I'll wait until there is an official word on it.

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That wasn't a hard find. At all.

Maybe not on the PC but on the 360 its seems as though its on 1 map (Gulf) and only on 1 of the 3 variants of that map, just the large one, not the 2 smaller...and it never seems to comes up.
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Don't know about consoles, obviously. :laugh:

On PC, in full Conquest Assault, on Gulf of Oman, there are three of them, as far as I think. One on D, one on B and one on G or H maybe

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Don't know about consoles, obviously. :laugh:

On PC, in full Conquest Assault, on Gulf of Oman, there are three of them, as far as I think. One on D, one on B and one on G or H maybe

G and H! What is this madness lol.

Console has like 2 map varients that go to E rest are only A-C and of the ones with E you end up with the A-C versions 95% of the time....I need my new graphics card badly!

but yeah on Gulf we get it at RU spawn and D (construction site) when RU hold it, if the US holds it you get a LAV.

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