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There are 7 to 8 flags in total, at the most.

Some servers I know, have 5, some have 4 and some have 3. Don't know about other ones, but I have played these 4 variants.

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I need to get into this game online, just way too busy at the moment. Would prefer to finish the SP campaign first but who knows. Playing Portal 2 but should finish it soon (tonight hopefully) so if you see a StrikedOut running around, Go gentle!! ;)

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There are 7 to 8 flags in total, at the most.

Some servers I know, have 5, some have 4 and some have 3. Don't know about other ones, but I have played these 4 variants.

Argh I miss my PC BF, but I've put over 100h into my I really wanna put that all into the PC again lol + I only have 1 person to play with on PC bout 10 on the 360
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G and H! What is this madness lol.

Console has like 2 map varients that go to E rest are only A-C and of the ones with E you end up with the A-C versions 95% of the time....I need my new graphics card badly!

but yeah on Gulf we get it at RU spawn and D (construction site) when RU hold it, if the US holds it you get a LAV.

lol i know! It's almost enough to get me dusting of my old gaming rig.

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Loving the tanks. Still can't get a good engineer to go gunner. A couple of times I was switching between driving, gunning, CITV and repair, its hard work by yourself! Locking on to choppers with the CITV and then jumping back to seat #1 and firing guided missiles is fun though!

in one game, I did get a good repairer, but we just kept running into groups of 2 or 3 tanks and were destroyed in no time.

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MAV Exploit to To Be Patched, Missing B2K Vehicles

Battlefield 3?s Gameplay Designers, Gustav Halling and Alan Kertz talk MAV exploits and the differences between BF2 versions of the Back to Karkand Maps and their BF3 counter-parts.

Gustav Halling was recently asked if the rather goofy MAV exploit has been patched yet. For those who don?t know, the MAV exploit, which has given rise to hilarious videos like this, allows players to ride on top of it to lift themselves to generally unreachable areas of any given map. Halling responded, ?not yet, will be fixed in next [patch],? confirming that it will, indeed, be patched. Hopefully, this fix will be included in the long awaited February patch. No more free rides for you recon players, it seems.

Source: Battlefield 3 ? MAV Exploit to To Be Patched, Missing B2K Vehicles

Finally they're going to do something about this :D Now, if only they would patch away the road killing.

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Gotta disagree with you Dot Matrix, once you get used to it the leveling up is just right. And the game is far from glitchy, there are some issues like overpowered drones and shotties, but they're not enough to ruin the game.

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I hope they'll fix the MAV's ability to kill people by flying into them as well, because that's just as ridiculous.

I hope they don't take away the ability to do that away completely but it should do significant damage to the MAV in return.

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What overpowered drones and shotties/

I don't get what you are talking about

The fact that you can ram a MAV into an enemy and its a one hit kill....people are saying it should take a few hits...

The exploit is where you climb onto of your own or a teammates MAV and then get lifted up to places you shouldn't be able to get to...some of the cranes, the highway on tehran etc...

and the overpowered shotties...I presume that's just the Frag rounds people are talking about?...tho I think the USAS is just a bit overpowered on its own.

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The fact that you can ram a MAV into an enemy and its a one hit kill....people are saying it should take a few hits...

The exploit is where you climb onto of your own or a teammates MAV and then get lifted up to places you shouldn't be able to get to...some of the cranes, the highway on tehran etc...

and the overpowered shotties...I presume that's just the Frag rounds people are talking about?...tho I think the USAS is just a bit overpowered on its own.

Yeah, or onto your own mav, I've seen that too.

You know, I actually saw a server the other day that said no shotguns in the name. Not no frag rounds, but no shotguns. For anything but a frag round you have to be up close and personal and actually aim a little bit, don't get why anyone would ban them altogether.

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Yeah I have seen people jumping on it and going onto towers.

Never worked for me though :shiftyninja:

Also, USAS ain't overpowered. All of the shoutguns are supposed to be overpowered in close quarter combats. And with Frag rounds, I think they are pretty useless anyway, since their damage is terribly low

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I've seen people using shotguns at a mid/longer range distance and still pulling off ridiculous kills... reminded me of BF BC2 where you could snipe someone with a shotgun XD

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Yeah I have seen people jumping on it and going onto towers.

Never worked for me though :shiftyninja:

Also, USAS ain't overpowered. All of the shoutguns are supposed to be overpowered in close quarter combats. And with Frag rounds, I think they are pretty useless anyway, since their damage is terribly low

It is hard you tend to fall off...seems to work better with your own one...possibly cause your "in a vehicle" it won't let you move...but don't fly the MAV sideways, you just go straight up and then jump/parachute onto the thing you wanna get to.

I've seen people using shotguns at a mid/longer range distance and still pulling off ridiculous kills... reminded me of BF BC2 where you could snipe someone with a shotgun XD

You can with the slug, providing your accurate/lucky this guy (was posted way earlier in this thread by someone else).

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It is hard you tend to fall off...seems to work better with your own one...possibly cause your "in a vehicle" it won't let you move...but don't fly the MAV sideways, you just go straight up and then jump/parachute onto the thing you wanna get to.

You can with the slug, providing your accurate/lucky this guy (was posted way earlier in this thread by someone else).

That also appears to be hardcore mode, which in fact takes less shots to kill someone. Although I do have to say MAV one hit kills are absolutely ridiculous.

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I took a huge step forward by spending some time flying around in a jet on a low player Caspian server. I finally unlocked the flares and I can hold my own in a jet now! I just need to work on accuracy and maneuvering techniques :)

I agree with the USAS. I've died a few times from a player using it from a distance.

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I hope they don't take away the ability to do that away completely but it should do significant damage to the MAV in return.

Agree with this.

They shouldn't take it away completely because just having it bounce of a soldiers head instead would be ridiculous. They need to make it so that it isn't worth it rather than just remove the fact it can be done.

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