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Still having 560ti graphic problems.

Which guns recommended for assualt aek or 2000 or is there something better ?

I know people will laugh and there most certainly are better choices but my preference (especially since Assault is not my main class) I really enjoy the M16A3+RDS. Normally I hate RDS, but that is the only gun in BF3 I use it with. I'd recommend trying the FAMAS if you like fast guns, I hate the default iron site though. Also there is the VAL, which is as fast as the FAMAS but I prefer that over the FAMAS.

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Still having 560ti graphic problems.

Which guns recommended for assualt aek or 2000 or is there something better ?

The best gun assault rifle is the M16, whether you prefer burst or not you can use M16A3 or the M16A4. If you are good at handling recoil the Red Dot Sight, Foregrip and Heavy barrel makes it even more accurate at distance as well. If your not so great with recoil use it without the heavy barrel.

If your after something stealthy the AEK, foregrip and silencer can also be very handy for flanking and not popping up on the enemy minimap.

I see less and less people using the FAMAS as they begin to realize how bad it is.

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Still having 560ti graphic problems.

Which guns recommended for assualt aek or 2000 or is there something better ?

What sort of graphic problems?

As for assault weapons I prefer the m416 and m16a3. They both handle relatively similar (in my opinion). Both with holo or red dot sight, hand grip (a must for all assault rifles) and silencer or heavy barrel. Heavy barrel if you don't care about staying off the minimap. Silencer helps reduce recoil a little bit.

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I always go back to the AEK+Holo for Assault.

For some reason, hit detection is really bad with M406B (Engineer gun) at medium to long range. I can be shooting directly at the enemy and the shots don't register. Weird.

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I always go back to the AEK+Holo for Assault.

For some reason, hit detection is really bad with M406B (Engineer gun) at medium to long range. I can be shooting directly at the enemy and the shots don't register. Weird.

Are you sure that you aren't just straight missing? Because engineer weapons have a very large spread at 50m+.

To make longer range shots switch to single fire mode on your gun and aim high.

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Supposedly these are the upcoming balance tweaks -

Personally I'll take them with a grain of salt until the actual release of the February patch (that won't come out in February, gg DICE)

Not entirely sure how I feel about them changing the grip and silencer. Seems like they are doing that just for the hell of it.

They said it would be 3 or 4 weeks before the big patch would be out when they released that small maintenance patch a few days ago. I'm not even sure where people came to the conclusion there would be a big patch in February?

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I barely know the maps in the Back to Karkand DLC when playing Team Deathmatch. They all play in very similar ways, since height is dominant. If you're on a bigger building on those maps you have a better chance than the people on the ground. Shotguns are surprisingly effective for these maps, since most enemies will be looking out windows on second and third storeys of buildings. Claymores are a problem, though.

Wake Island offers the most TDM variety of the Karkand maps. One very helpful technique is to move through the foundations of the buildings and use those to your advantage. Most people rush in and don't check the darkest corners so you can often use those if a group of enemies are coming. You can just send a stream of bullets across them and it'll take a second or two for them to work out where they're being hit from, which is all you really need.

I've managed to slowly shuffle my most used weapons around, too. The AK-74M is now third, with just over 500 kills, and the PKP is fourth. Somehow I have two stars with the .44 Magnum, but I've also grown to love the 93R. I stole a Recon kit last night with it equipped and killed about three people who tried to come running into the building I was in (Caspian Border; TDM), as well as people coming to the building. I'm not such a fan of the G18, but the 93R is a lot of fun to use. I didn't like it in Bad Company 2 because it was basically useless but it seems a lot more effective in Battlefield 3. I still can't work out what possessed me to use the PKP either, since the recoil is still enough to take you right off target and the damage output doesn't seem to balance that. I'm finding a lot of success with the M240B and the M60E4, assuming you use it like a semi-automatic rifle.

Oh, and I finally got the L96. It's my go-to sniper rifle now, replacing the SV-98. I still like the SV-98 but the way you work the bolt on the L96 looks pretty cool. I'm pretty sure it's not really better than the SV-98 but for some reason I have difficulty with the M40A5, so they're my two main sniper rifles. I haven't posted in this thread in a long while so my post is a little drawn out. :p

L96 is better, far less drop, and more range and I think slightly higher damage.

93R is a fantastic pistol, that or the 1911

Which guns recommended for assualt aek or 2000 or is there something better ?

Out of those two AEK is better on stats...the M416 and M16 are both even better (all with HOLO sight), I also really like the FAMAS at mid to long range with the 3.4x scope.

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Well, its agood thing in a sense that they are increasing the damage abilities of Assault Riffles.

But they shouldn't nerf the damage of M98B :cry: :cry:

My Beloved

I mean, yeah it has too much damage and all but its a niper rifle and that is how its meant to be. As for L96 and M40A5, its good that they are finally getting more damage. (Y)

By doing this they are making all of the Bolt-Actions literally the same


Also what is with all the weapons' accuracy changes? Are they being made more accurate or less?

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FAMAS already has a high recoil and they are increasing it even more.

And they are increasing the recoil on M416 and not touching M16? Pfffttt

And they've made the AS VAL pretty useless now

Also, they shouldn't nerf AEK :(

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Not entirely sure how I feel about them changing the grip and silencer. Seems like they are doing that just for the hell of it.

They said it would be 3 or 4 weeks before the big patch would be out when they released that small maintenance patch a few days ago. I'm not even sure where people came to the conclusion there would be a big patch in February?

Probably because Tomas Danko said that they will patch in a better comrose in February and then DICE stated that the new comrose will be part of a larger update. Either way, a decent patch is waaaaay overdue as the game still feels a bit like a beta, after over 3 months its release.

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I guess it also partially depends on personal tastes. I want a complete UI redesign (not gonna happen...) as it looks like **** but many seem to enjoy it. Nevertheless, comrose is actually useless and needs fixing/improving, just as squads in SQDM and SQR, fall damage, fade-in after spawning, rebinding of Q/spotting, 3D spotting through smoke etc.

Also, buggy vaulting, mysterious Bad Luck deaths, invincibility when in vaulting animation, teleporting when vaulting...

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Probably because Tomas Danko said that they will patch in a better comrose in February and then DICE stated that the new comrose will be part of a larger update. Either way, a decent patch is waaaaay overdue as the game still feels a bit like a beta, after over 3 months its release.

I guess it also partially depends on personal tastes. I want a complete UI redesign (not gonna happen...) as it looks like **** but many seem to enjoy it. Nevertheless, comrose is actually useless and needs fixing/improving, just as squads in SQDM and SQR, fall damage, fade-in after spawning, rebinding of Q/spotting, 3D spotting through smoke etc.

Also, buggy vaulting, mysterious Bad Luck deaths, invincibility when in vaulting animation, teleporting when vaulting...

Wasnt aware you were filing daily bug reports and feedback. Seems to be missing from my game. UI needs re-design how?

Think you expect a bit much tbh. Still valid points, but as with games these will likely be patched in later or just not at all. Fade in after spawn aint gonna happen thats for sure.

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Well, its agood thing in a sense that they are increasing the damage abilities of Assault Riffles.

But they shouldn't nerf the damage of M98B :cry: :cry:

My Beloved

I mean, yeah it has too much damage and all but its a niper rifle and that is how its meant to be. As for L96 and M40A5, its good that they are finally getting more damage. (Y)

By doing this they are making all of the Bolt-Actions literally the same


Also what is with all the weapons' accuracy changes? Are they being made more accurate or less?

That's Demize for you. He did the exact same thing in BC2 with all the sniper rifles and the .50 cal sniper rifle.

I guess it also partially depends on personal tastes. I want a complete UI redesign (not gonna happen...) as it looks like **** but many seem to enjoy it. Nevertheless, comrose is actually useless and needs fixing/improving, just as squads in SQDM and SQR, fall damage, fade-in after spawning, rebinding of Q/spotting, 3D spotting through smoke etc.

Also, buggy vaulting, mysterious Bad Luck deaths, invincibility when in vaulting animation, teleporting when vaulting...

I agree with all of that pretty much. Specifically the UI, it's pretty bad. Also the minimap is fairly useless.

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Wasnt aware you were filing daily bug reports and feedback. Seems to be missing from my game. UI needs re-design how?

Think you expect a bit much tbh. Still valid points, but as with games these will likely be patched in later or just not at all. Fade in after spawn aint gonna happen thats for sure.

All of the aforementioned bugs have been posted by many people, many times, in many places. DICE are aware of them. I experience them every time I play. And I'm expecting a bit much? Like a game without super annoying, easily reproducible and obvious bugs, and substantial regressions compared to previous releases? Are you serious?

BTW Demize99 said that the black, extremely long fade in when spawning on a squadmate will be fixed.

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And who is this Demize huy? Some developer I guess?

Well, seriously this sucks. Now all of the Bolt-Actions will be same, except for magazine capacities and such.

And they shouldn't even touch AEK-971 and M416

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And who is this Demize huy? Some developer I guess?

Well, seriously this sucks. Now all of the Bolt-Actions will be same, except for magazine capacities and such.

And they shouldn't even touch AEK-971 and M416

He is the guy who was in charge of balance for Battlefield 2142, Bad Company 2, and now for Battlefield 3. I'll just say that he has a good record of making terrible balance changes and leave it at that.

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Sad really.

Whats the point of having four Bolt-Actions then when all of their damage would be the same

That's what we asked when he did it in BC2 a year and a half ago. Why standardize damage?

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thanks for the advice Ferson, but i'm enjoying my run and gun antics in TDM :woot:

and i agree with Muhammad, the FAMAS is pretty bad due to recoil, if they make it worse it'd be useless.

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