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The tanks are fine now. They were just way too powerful before the patch, taking them out required too much resources, usually resulting in the asshat camping inside just hoping out and repairing the tank before you could fully destroy it.

This must be your first ever BF game, rofl!

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tanks are meant to be like that. THEY'RE TANKS.

Develop some skill on trashing them. I always snuck up on them and planted c4.

sounds like you were mad about tanks because your noob camping rpging wouldnt take them out.

Them intentionally making tanks weaker for RPG noobs is just as lame as them making unlocks available to any noob with some cash.

ruins the entire point.

No actually the problem was that people camped the tanks the entire round and would have a hoard of engineers follow them around the whole match. And then they would end with 94 kills and 2 deaths. It was damn near impossible for even 3 people with RPGs to stop a tank if it had engineers hiding next to it.

It was frustrating for the people that wanted to drive the tank but couldn't since their teammate camped it the whole match. And it was frustrating to the other team that either had to spend all their time avoiding the tank, or spending all match trying to kill it and failing at such.

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This must be your first ever BF game, rofl!

Nope. Played BF2 (Still do), and BC2. Tanks were never this strong in those games, so why would they here? The tanks in BF3 are now on par with the tanks in BF2.

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haha, thats not a problem with the tanks, that a problem with the players. There is a reason they are looked upon as "rpg noobs", because they are.

a group of idiots following a tank, and for some reason cant kill it (even though i've never had a problem with being killed, or killing one), but continue following it, and then get mad when the tank has like 50 kills at the end of the round? lol

Once again, you make another post based upon some extreme exaggeration.

Yeah you must be right... Dice just dumbed down the tanks for no reason, right? Of course it's an extreme exaggeration... There's only hundreds of people complaining about it on the forums. I guess that doesn't mean much...

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Yeah you must be right... EA just dumbed down the tanks for no reason, right? Of course it's an extreme exaggeration... There's only hundreds of people complaining about it on the EA forums. I guess that doesn't mean much...

EA had nothing to do with it, it was all Dice. Just sayin'

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oh yeah, a few people complaining/crying in the forums instead of playin the game with the many more others who enjoy it/have skill... proves a point.. but im not sure if its the one you're tryin to prove.

No, not just a few... Why do you think this issue got noticed? It was a big problem.

Plus in real life, it doesn't take 5 rpgs to disable a tank. It takes 1...

And yes, I know it's a game, but there's no reason to make it OP.

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IMO, the tank patch will be nice on the Xbox. There were some maps (especially in Rush) where you just couldn't get enough saturation to take out a tank easily, especially if the server wasn't full, or if the teams were stacked.

They'll still be powerful in the right hands. They'll be rolling death traps in the hands of noobs, but that's true of all the vehicles.

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Finally able to play this on my ps3... Apparently having the Media Server enabled causes the game to freeze. So after months of not being able to play, I can and finally will.

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i think they fixed that bug where the spawn menu shows up and you can't do anything becuase of it due to you being revived (well half fixed). it happened to me a couple of times last night but i was still able to move around and shoot.

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Do you people realise that there are tanks on the other team as well? You could take a tank down easy with a tank and an 'RPG noob' hiding around the corner, kill the repairer and you are pretty much set.

If the half a team has engineers following a tank around, you should win easily, split up, take all the flags and stay away from the tank.

@ C4 planting -

When suddenly- 'Hold 'R' to pick up'.



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Do you people realise that there are tanks on the other team as well? You could take a tank down easy with a tank and an 'RPG noob' hiding around the corner, kill the repairer and you are pretty much set.

I can't comment on how the tanks are now as the 360 still hasn't got the patch :angry: and maybe its different on the 360 as there are less players...but this isn't always true in RUSH (CQ yes) but in rush there are some maps that only have an attacking tank or if both have a tank attach also has an its not always balanced.
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If that really is his account and his only account, he has played the game for 6 hrs, ie, absolutely no input can be given regarding the multiplyer and its balance. Trolls be trollin?

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I can't comment on how the tanks are now as the 360 still hasn't got the patch :angry: and maybe its different on the 360 as there are less players...but this isn't always true in RUSH (CQ yes) but in rush there are some maps that only have an attacking tank or if both have a tank attach also has an its not always balanced.

I'm only starting to play Rush so I really can't comment there. Would I be right in saying tanks needed a bit of a nerf on console as there are less players?

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I'm only starting to play Rush so I really can't comment there. Would I be right in saying tanks needed a bit of a nerf on console as there are less players?

Urm 6 of 1 half a dozen of the really depends on situation...

I can quite happily take out just a tank by myself...sneak round the back, 1/2 hit disable, 2/3 for the kill.

Other times when there are 2 engineers out the back and the tank is in a good position that I can/have trouble flanking then it can be incredibly that case the fewer player does make a difference and I'll normally just run or get the rest of my squad to help....

I think in a way that's what it comes down to...BF is meant to be a squad and team based game...and if you don't work as a squad then yeah tanks seem overpowered...have a squad take on a tank it'll go down 99% of the time...

I'll give my proper views once I've played with the patch...

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I think you'll dislike the patch as well, only takes a couple hits from the rpgs now, but its still hilarious, because the engineers are now more daring thinking they can easily take the tanks out (which they can, but they still are without skill), so they hide less, and i seem to be killing more of them :p

Only thing that really annoys me now is it seems jets and heli's can easily take tanks out as well, But i'll overcome it and find ways around it, rather than crying in the forums like some here do til they change it and make it sillier :whistle:

you back up what you say? with what? when? I've never seen it. Such as your ignorant tank claim. Back it up.

Your stats certainly dont back it up ;) (0 time spent in tanks) and wow only 6 hours in the game total, my bad, you're an expert.

I thought Dirty Larry's post was entertaining, certainly not boring. You're just upset that a mod called you out ;)

you just mad cause you a tank ###### too. i just called him out too, but you don't know anything about that. you don't need to spend a million hours in a tank to think camping in a tank is stupid... play ANY battlefield game. i hate vehicles in MP FPS.

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i hate vehicles in MP FPS.

Just out of curiosity why are you playing BF3 of its biggest features and selling point over other FPS's is vehicles... Surely CoD would be a better choice for you.

And If you want to play BF for other reasons such as graphics quality or friends playing it then just play the infantry only servers...its even an option in the server filter to make it easy for you...

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Just out of curiosity why are you playing BF3 of its biggest features and selling point over other FPS's is vehicles... Surely CoD would be a better choice for you.

And If you want to play BF for other reasons such as graphics quality or friends playing it then just play the infantry only servers...its even an option in the server filter to make it easy for you...

that's what me and my buddies do... we all hate tank ######. but we are also a bunch of cod kiddies, so it works.

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you just mad cause you a tank ###### too. i just called him out too, but you don't know anything about that. you don't need to spend a million hours in a tank to think camping in a tank is stupid... play ANY battlefield game. i hate vehicles in MP FPS.

Stop whining you baby.

A squad can take out a tank pre-patch with no problems. It's called team work. If you've got C4 to hand then you can take it out alone with one big bang.

If a tank has a fleet of engineers repairing it then good on them, you need to take out the engineers before taking out the tank. An engineers job is to be an engineer! :rolleyes:

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Then why do you post in this topic if you dont even play bf3 and have no idea what you're talking about?

I dont post in the justin bieber topic cuz i never listen to him, and dunno anything about him, besides that i know i probably wouldnt like him. SO I DONT BOTHER POSTING ;)

And no you ddint call dirty harry out, you posted alot of gibberish as you usually do.

i played last night for like 2-3 hours last night... and just because you don't understand what i said to him, doesn't mean he doesn't.

i love how easy you guys get your panties in a bunch.

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Can we just drop all the bickering about the tanks? If he wants to continue flaming away let him, at this point it's clear he's only doing it to get reactions out of people. We had relatively flame free discussion going on in here until 2 or 3 days ago.

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Can we just drop all the bickering about the tanks? If he wants to continue flaming away let him, at this point it's clear he's only doing it to get reactions out of people. We had relatively flame free discussion going on in here until 2 or 3 days ago.

Add a dash of rajputwarrior to the pot and it all goes sour.

Vote to ban!

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