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I bought a boxed copy of the PC version for my brother and I'm currently installing it. Initially, the installation was going at 10.0 MB/sec (from the DVD). Now, the speed has dropped to 2.0 MB/sec and is continuing to drop. Has anyone come across this? It shouldn't be this slow because it's installing from the DVD. :/

EDIT: Never mind. It only slowed down with the first disc.

Very quickly, those of you who've applied to join the Neowin platoon, I will accept you all (<3) when I get home from work tonight.

Just applied while I am at work. Hoping to get some time in tonight with it, but looks like I will definitely have to work late and then tomorrow and Thursday have an on site meeting I need to be at, so just will not have that much time to play it it looks like until the weekend.

Also quick question for those eligible to answer it, is anyone running the game on a 5870? If so how is the performance?

My brother in law is making the jump back to PC gaming just for BF3, and he currently owns a 5870. He was asking me how it should run, and I told him from what I have heard so far it should be just fine, but would love to hear some actual feedback from people actually using a 5870. TIA, DL

This newer versions seem to be running worse than BETA (framerate wise) if that's even possible and i have noticed that graphics don't look as great as they did in beta. Did anyone else notice that..

It's like they scaled down environment visuals (trees, leaves all look so rough), water too. Beta looked much better.

And I'm playing GTX580 with ULTRA settings.

Anyone have issues with raw mouse input? When enabled, it causes extremely laggy mouse input (unplayable)... but when I disable it, everything works great.

I don't think it matters, but running 1920x1200 with ultra settings, using a Mamba.

Sorry man, im using raw mouse input and im not having any issues, running same resolution and settings, no issues :-(

Yeah the final build really runs 1000% better than whatever the crap they used for the "beta." I'm getting a constant 60FPS with VSYNC on my GeForce 570, with settings on high/ultra.

Also, this is most likely the most fun I've had in a multiplayer game in a while.

If you want to change your Origin ID visit...


It also changes your in-game solider name.

Wish I had seen that before I created a new account and purchased BF3 with it.

I wonder if they'll transfer the game to my old acount...

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