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I'm also really getting into it. My progress is slow in terms of getting promoted but really liking everything about it.. the sound on it is just incredible! Playing the Firestorm map with the jets and helicopters overhead and stuff - it's sensational.

I really do wish they would show you what map is next on the end of round screen. I don't see any reason why they can't do that, especially when they have that leaver stat and leaving affects your w/l ratio. I also hate getting put into conquest games when the server I joined is called 24/7 rush blah blah blah, too.

I guess maybe it's hard to do because map rotations aren't static and are unique for each server? That or dice is just lazy..

Agreed. It would be great if they implemented something like that soon. It doesn't bother me too much though as I like to play all the maps equally.

I'm also really getting into it. My progress is slow in terms of getting promoted but really liking everything about it.. the sound on it is just incredible! Playing the Firestorm map with the jets and helicopters overhead and stuff - it's sensational.

It's definitely awesome. :D

Anyway, I play on the Xbox 360 and there are two things that bother me: people that can't work together as a team and ace pilots. The former is to be expected on consoles but the latter came as a huge surprise to me. I don't use jets a lot but when I do, I get shot down by other jets quite easily. The same goes for helicopters. One thing I was really good at in Battlefield 2 was piloting jets and helicopters. I would take down a lot of people and sometimes, that resulted in me being kicked (and sometimes banned) by the server admin. All of this was with a keyboard and mouse, by the way. I bought a joystick back in 2006 for BF2 and I was even better at piloting the jets and helicopters. Unfortunately, those skills didn't fully carry over to the Xbox 360 controller. I'm great at piloting the helicopters in BF3 but not-so-great with the jets. I can pilot them fine in terms of staying in the air but I absolutely suck when it comes to dogfights. Maybe it's my controller sensitivity but I can't turn as sharply as other jet pilots. It's annoying because it's hard for me to level up the jets. I think I just recently unlocked flares after flying around for a combined time of ~40 minutes.

Unfortunately, those skills didn't fully carry over to the Xbox 360 controller. I'm great at piloting the helicopters in BF3 but not-so-great with the jets. I can pilot them fine in terms of staying in the air but I absolutely suck when it comes to dogfights. Maybe it's my controller sensitivity but I can't turn as sharply as other jet pilots. It's annoying because it's hard for me to level up the jets. I think I just recently unlocked flares after flying around for a combined time of ~40 minutes.

The 360 is harder to pilot, switch heli stick to legacy and their the same as BC2 I think, as for jets, I was the same took like 40mins to unlock flares, but once you have them things get a lot easier as you can avoid missiles, give it another 10-20 mins you'll have missiles and then it gets a lot easier, especially if you have a squad member in jets as well 1 can fire cause enemy to use flares 2nd takes the shot, enemy has no protection. Just persist and try attacking heli's as the don't move as fast they're easier to hit....Just be careful not to keep shooting them for too long on one run before pulling out, I did that a few times and just smashed right into them.

All I want is to be able to pick my spawn point from the actual map on the ride side of the screen while dead rather than having to scroll/click through the squad and captured points list on the left while surveying map to see who/where it will take me.

Just like BFBC2.

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Not sure if it was posted, but look at that :

How to get easy points. This will probably be patched asap.****s-broke

I just find that makes the game pointless, I like the challenge of not having the best weapons and working to get them and higher ranks.

I guess they only way they could fix that is make it so your own team can't damage the teams gadgets?

No, in BC2 you stopped getting points after a certain amount of repairs/revives/resupplies. They'll just add that into the game, although it seems kind of stupid they didn't have a cap already.

I guess they only way they could fix that is make it so your own team can't damage the teams gadgets?

This is why hardcore is hardcore, FF is on and so is team damage. I would think it would be hard for them to patch this in such a quick way because of the actual people who DO repair their own teams equipment alot, I do this alot as an engineer but dont play on hardcore so I'm doing it on our vehicles and it alone is alot of points as well. Just look for peoples accounts who have alot of engineering points but not alot of time played, then you can see whos doing this exploit.

and they no longer have that sniper rifle accurate machine gun?

Yeah, medic is combined with the assault kit to encourage people to push forward more and lmg's were given to an actual support class. The class balance is pretty damn good and actually makes a little bit of sense compared to BC2.

Yes, medic trains as they were in bc2 are impossible. No more revive immunity (also the defibs hit reg is kind of terrible lol)

nice. pretty much the reason i stopped playing conquest in BC2... 6-7 medics coming at you in a staggered line you might as well rage quit before they even get to you cause you have no chance.

Yeah, medic is combined with the assault kit to encourage people to push forward more and lmg's were given to an actual support class. The class balance is pretty damn good cause one douche doesn't have full balance control and actually makes a little bit of sense compared to BC2.

fixed ;)

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