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well people, i am officially addicted to TDM. Sharqi and Wake are my favorite maps now. i can just say the name Sharqi non-stop and i'd be happy. and TDM doesn't have any of you generals with your fancy golden eagles so idiots like me actually stand a chance :rofl:

EDIT: that's a cute dog up there!

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well people, i am officially addicted to TDM. Sharqi and Wake are my favorite maps now. i can just say the name Sharqi non-stop and i'd be happy. and TDM doesn't have any of you generals with your fancy golden eagles so idiots like me actually stand a chance :rofl:

EDIT: that's a cute dog up there!

TDM rocks

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that it does, so addictive! less points obviously than the other modes and no vehicles for some strange reason. why did they decide no vehicles for TDM? did they try big maps for TDM and people got lost or something?

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that it does, so addictive! less points obviously than the other modes and no vehicles for some strange reason. why did they decide no vehicles for TDM? did they try big maps for TDM and people got lost or something?

I think, TDM, as it stands, is perfect. I don't think vehicles or big maps would do any good.

Also, try Kharg Island. Freakin' awesome for TDM

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I've been getting some serious rubberbanding the past few days... anyone else? I'm pretty sure it's my internet but just wondering if that would be the cause. My setup is pretty ghetto. I have my old Dell Inspiron 6400 as my "wireless adapter" through internet connection sharing (don't laugh!). It's been running perfectly since I started playing BF3 at launch.

I know I should probably get a WiFi adapter but I have bought a few and had horrible luck. My PC is in the basement, so sharing from my old laptop has been the best solution I've had. I even do this for XBOX Live :shifty:

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TDM was added to lure CoD fans over to BF.

It's great if you feel up to running and gunning, but for some strange reason, a lot of the people on there are surprised at the gameplay. it's as if they don't know other game modes exist.

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Has anyone noticed that regular servers, before B2K have vanished? I tried looking for some Rush Metro/Bazar/Scene games, but I cannot find anything. I played with the filter, but all servers are empty. Am I missing something?

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Has anyone noticed that regular servers, before B2K have vanished? I tried looking for some Rush Metro/Bazar/Scene games, but I cannot find anything. I played with the filter, but all servers are empty. Am I missing something?

Its all fine here


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The only thing about TDM is that you can have a few of these guys running around hampering your team and/or personal progress:


Luckily, this guy is nowhere to be found on Rush or Conquest.

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I've been getting some serious rubberbanding the past few days... anyone else? I'm pretty sure it's my internet but just wondering if that would be the cause. My setup is pretty ghetto. I have my old Dell Inspiron 6400 as my "wireless adapter" through internet connection sharing (don't laugh!). It's been running perfectly since I started playing BF3 at launch.

I know I should probably get a WiFi adapter but I have bought a few and had horrible luck. My PC is in the basement, so sharing from my old laptop has been the best solution I've had. I even do this for XBOX Live :shifty:

Been getting a bit myself but nothing too serious.

All i want to say is I hope never have to play on Metro again. I tolerated it in the beta/open beta but compared to other maps in the game it cannot hold up. I also wish I could happen upon a map with the A-10 (anyone know which one has it?).

The one thing I would enjoy, however, is a limit set to the number of players who can have stingers. Really tired of them being so game changing on certain maps, especially when grouped with UAV's. Perhaps I just need to get a bit farther into the game (level 8 or so now) but if there are ever games where a single weapon can dominate (such as the stinger has done in several instances now) then I feel there is a problem. This opinion is subject to change as I play the game though.

PS: Not sure if I mentioned this before, but tired of players doing two specific things: 1) Engineers never repairing. 2) People afk'ing in vehicles.

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Yeah, I've posted this a few pages back :p It's why I mentioned it later on, haha. I'm really hoping that DICE is going to make the next DLC something similar to Vietnam for BC2.

My mistake man! Good looking out.

I tried a quick match (any mode) and got put into a TDM server on Wake. I felt so lost, hahaha. I play MW3, too, but it never occurred to me to do TDM on a BF game. Now, I think it would be a blast if I could get some of my friends into a party and do TDM but just with random people it didn't do anything for me. Maybe I'll give it another shot, I was pretty damn tired when I was playing (result: annoyed!).

Myself, I kind of like Metro, even though you can really get bogged down on the escalators. My favorite map to this point is Seine Crossing. Don't know why, just has some great strategic points to it and the setting is awesome. I wish Oman would come up more. And if I could delete Canals forever I would - freaking HATE that map.

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All i want to say is I hope never have to play on Metro again. I tolerated it in the beta/open beta but compared to other maps in the game it cannot hold up. I also wish I could happen upon a map with the A-10 (anyone know which one has it?).

Kharg, op firestorm, and caspian (but only on Rush not CQ)
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Been getting a bit myself but nothing too serious.

All i want to say is I hope never have to play on Metro again. I tolerated it in the beta/open beta but compared to other maps in the game it cannot hold up. I also wish I could happen upon a map with the A-10 (anyone know which one has it?).

The one thing I would enjoy, however, is a limit set to the number of players who can have stingers. Really tired of them being so game changing on certain maps, especially when grouped with UAV's. Perhaps I just need to get a bit farther into the game (level 8 or so now) but if there are ever games where a single weapon can dominate (such as the stinger has done in several instances now) then I feel there is a problem. This opinion is subject to change as I play the game though.

PS: Not sure if I mentioned this before, but tired of players doing two specific things: 1) Engineers never repairing. 2) People afk'ing in vehicles.

I think the opposite. Metro is one of the better rush maps. The canals map I wouldn't mind if it was removed from the game entirely though. Both rush and conquest versions of that map are terribly designed.

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PS: Not sure if I mentioned this before, but tired of players doing two specific things: 1) Engineers never repairing. 2) People afk'ing in vehicles.

What is the deal with no repairs? Unbelievable. Its almost as bad as Assault not dropping health or reviving (I have racked up insane scores from those two things alone because NOBODY else does it). I remember BF2 being a defib fest and engineers were beasts with repairs. I am convinced this is the reason my death count is up :shifty:

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Four players can easily devastate the opposing team if they use the correct vehicles and engineers actually do their job. A friend and I were doing extraordinarily well pairing an M1A1 and MAA with our third and fourth either repairing or scouting. Teamwork is underutilized by the current community.

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My mistake man! Good looking out.

I tried a quick match (any mode) and got put into a TDM server on Wake. I felt so lost, hahaha. I play MW3, too, but it never occurred to me to do TDM on a BF game. Now, I think it would be a blast if I could get some of my friends into a party and do TDM but just with random people it didn't do anything for me. Maybe I'll give it another shot, I was pretty damn tired when I was playing (result: annoyed!).

Myself, I kind of like Metro, even though you can really get bogged down on the escalators. My favorite map to this point is Seine Crossing. Don't know why, just has some great strategic points to it and the setting is awesome. I wish Oman would come up more. And if I could delete Canals forever I would - freaking HATE that map.

No problem, haha. I've played CoD as well but since I've stopped playing that and only been playing BF, I don't like TDM or SQDM at all. I rather play with an objective and make strategic moves throughout a match. Though I can imagine that TDM or SQDM with people who you actually know would be loads of fun.

I only like Metro in Rush mode. It's a spam heavy map in all the other modes if you ask me. I don't like Canals either. The only part about it I like is around A and E. I'm also not that much of a fan of Kargh Island but that's not the maps fault. The map looks great and fun, but I'm just running around too much. The ones I like the most from B2K are Strike at Karkand and Gulf of Oman.

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only had BF3 on PC for a few days but I do have one question thats been buggin me since i bought it. The way in whcih you load the game seems odd to me. each time you want to play do you really need go through the follwing procedure:

double click Bf3 shortcut on desktop

Orgin loads

orgin opens browser at your battelog

user clicks campaign

user waits 5-10 mins on game "initialising"

seriously is this the normal way to load it or am i being dumb....rather cumbersome and long winded


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only had BF3 on PC for a few days but I do have one question thats been buggin me since i bought it. The way in whcih you load the game seems odd to me. each time you want to play do you really need go through the follwing procedure:

double click Bf3 shortcut on desktop

Orgin loads

orgin opens browser at your battelog

user clicks campaign

user waits 5-10 mins on game "initialising"

seriously is this the normal way to load it or am i being dumb....rather cumbersome and long winded


While the first four steps are all usual, the last one doesn't take 5 - 10 minutes.

Only a minute, at maximum, at least for me

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While the first four steps are all usual, the last one doesn't take 5 - 10 minutes.

Only a minute, at maximum, at least for me

it takes about 5 mins to get from the browser to the actual game environment, then abvout another 2 mins to get to the resume game section.

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