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I've never played SQDM in BC2. The only reason I'm playing it is to get the last Assault weapon. But that's going to be an awful task because I've been put into a ****ty squad each time I've tried to play it today besides 1 lucky match. I also wish there was a way to filter the amount of points you need to win a match.

The lucky match I joined today was a server in which we needed to get 150 points apparently. I bailed at 100 because I didn't want to play 1 match that lasted that long and I didn't know we only needed 42 more points at the time.

Try to find servers with 2-5 kill limits. Then the matches end very fast and you are bound to win some eventually.

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It was staged. That doesn't take anything away from it, but yeah, no actual team play involved.

Killjoy :laugh:

Hey, how do you get your BF3stats sig to update? Mine doesn't update in the sig, only if I go to the site directly. It stays on my current rank for some reason.

edit: nevermind, the cache refreshed now. weird.

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Killjoy :laugh:

Hey, how do you get your BF3stats sig to update? Mine doesn't update in the sig, only if I go to the site directly. It stays on my current rank for some reason.

It's what I'm here for. :rofl:

I click on my sig and it updates automatically most of the time. Make sure you're using the bb code for the graphic. It would be nice if it did it automatically once every 24 hours but nope, have to do it manually.

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Try to find servers with 2-5 kill limits. Then the matches end very fast and you are bound to win some eventually.

That's the hard part. You don't know what the kill limit is on a server before joining one. I'd rather join a server with either 16 as the player limit or 24, that way I can almost be certain that your squad needs to make 50 kills for the win.

Oh, and merry Christmas everyone! :D

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To add to my previous post: Turns out there was a Dutch server which was setup to get with "TheDrunken[Clam].net | 1ps, 5 kills required L85A2 SQDM" as the name. When I joined I won instantly with my squad without doing anything. Then 4 matches later I won the last match needed for the gun (I had only 2 matches to go). So now I'm finally done with SQDM.

Since this was the only time I could play today, I'll be going off to celebrate Christmas! :D

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The DLC maps play so much differently than the originals.

Every map in this game SHOULD have random dynamic weather. I would love soooo much to join a server, find that it's snowing and join a different server, hours later, to find clear weather, rain, or heat waves on the same map. Same goes with time of day.

I also can't wait for a FPS to feature random generated maps.

Random generated map design with dynamic weather and time of day. :woot: Can you imagine?

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Every map in this game SHOULD have random dynamic weather. I would love soooo much to join a server, find that it's snowing and join a different server, hours later, to find clear weather, rain, or heat waves on the same map. Same goes with time of day.

I also can't wait for a FPS to feature random generated maps.

Random generated map design with dynamic weather and time of day. :woot: Can you imagine?

Yes, we can imagine. In 2013

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To add to my previous post: Turns out there was a Dutch server which was setup to get with "TheDrunken[Clam].net | 1ps, 5 kills required L85A2 SQDM" as the name. When I joined I won instantly with my squad without doing anything. Then 4 matches later I won the last match needed for the gun (I had only 2 matches to go). So now I'm finally done with SQDM.

Since this was the only time I could play today, I'll be going off to celebrate Christmas! :D

Thanks for that I guess.. but seriously. **** assignments. I hope DICE don't decide they are a good idea and put more in future mini expansions like Karkand. I don't want to suffer through god only knows how many losses in a game type I hate to get a gun I'm probably not even going to use. Four losses in a row and that's enough for me, I'm okay with never attempting it again.

Assignments. Worst. Idea. Ever.

And Demize is at work again:


"Working on rebalancing foregrip, heavy barrel, silencer, and flash suppressor. Less OP combos and more interesting choices is the goal." "

I can only assume that means we're going to see the beloved grip nerfed along with silencers to make other attachments more appealing to use. But the thing is, none of the other attachments will ever be worthwhile to use. If I have to choose between a grip and laser sight I'm going to choose grip every single time. Same goes for silencer vs flash suppressor. I'm going to choose silencer every time because it has the same effect as the suppressor with the added bonus of keeping you off the mini map. Buff less used stuff instead of nerfing the stuff people like to use, please. Then you might see some more variety.

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Thanks for that I guess.. but seriously. **** assignments. I hope DICE don't decide they are a good idea and put more in future mini expansions like Karkand. I don't want to suffer through god only knows how many losses in a game type I hate to get a gun I'm probably not even going to use. Four losses in a row and that's enough for me, I'm okay with never attempting it again.

Assignments. Worst. Idea. Ever.

I like the idea of assignments, but they shouldn't link them to specific game types. I don't appreciate being forced to play a game mode I don't enjoy just to get a gun.

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I guess I should rephrase; assignments are an okay idea that was terribly implemented. They got some things right, like for unlocking the L96 you need 5 melee kills which can be done with any class, recon not required. But then, you have to play SQDM to unlock the second assault gun. Do not require people to play in ways that they do not like because that is not fun. Simple idea that most people can grasp... and yet somehow dice gets it wrong. :no: :pinch: :punch:

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I think it was a poor attempt to get people to play modes they would never have played just to see if they like them, I never played SQDM till the L85A2 Assignment but I'll never play it again because its garbage.

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Boosting is getting on my titties, was playing earlier and this guy admitted to abusing bugs to get loads of points, in the 15 mins i had played he only had 7 kills but over 12000 points on Caspian.

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I agree about assignments, to be honest. I don't want to have to play SQDM since it's a horrible mode. I have been consoling myself with the possibility of EA releasing one of those 'fast-track' packs to unlocking all the guns like they did with Bad Company 2, since I mainly play Team Deathmatch with a friend. Since both of us tend to want to just get into the action we normally stick to the mode we are familiar with, but occasionally play a few games of Rush or Conquest. I can count all the times I have played a 'Squad' mode in Bad Company 2 or Battlefield 3 on one hand.

I also unlocked the G3A3 a few days ago, and I have to admit, that gun is amazing. It might have overtaken the F2000 as my Assault weapon of choice, since I typically love the G3 in every game it appears in. I was going to say it is probably overpowered in Battlefield 3, but then I realised someone probably is already heading a campaign to have it nerfed down since it killed them at one stage or another. I have six Service Stars with it though so it is my second top weapon.


"Working on rebalancing foregrip, heavy barrel, silencer, and flash suppressor. Less OP combos and more interesting choices is the goal." "

I noticed this tweet as well, and I asked Demize if there was any chance the PKP recoil would be nerfed. Apparently it has the highest KPM of any of the LMGs though, so I can see my tweet being ignored. I've also been using the PKP recently (four Service Stars with it), and I still think the recoil is way too much. I prefer to fire everything in bursts even when it is on fully-automatic, and by the time I'm done firing a burst from the PKP I have to readjust my aim, in which time the person I was hoping to kill has his FAMAS sights on me, since that gun is the flavor of the month.

I don't see any difference with the Heavy Barrel on any gun I use, but I use the Flash Suppressor on my G3A3 over the Suppressor. I may just change it to the Suppressor since you say it doesn't make any difference except for being better in every way. If so, then why on earth have I even persevered with the Flash Hider? :p

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I guess I should rephrase; assignments are an okay idea that was terribly implemented. They got some things right, like for unlocking the L96 you need 5 melee kills which can be done with any class, recon not required. But then, you have to play SQDM to unlock the second assault gun. Do not require people to play in ways that they do not like because that is not fun. Simple idea that most people can grasp... and yet somehow dice gets it wrong. :no: :pinch: :punch:

TheLegendOfMart is correct, this most probably was to get people do something out of their norm and try some new game modes and what not. And personally I wouldn't mind the SQDM wins if the mode wasn't just so HORRIBLE in BF3. And the same goes for flag capture and MCOM plant assignments. It's entirely possible that a person doesn't play either of those modes but this might motivate them to check those out and maybe even like them (except that unlike SQDM they both are implemented well...).

Hell, in BC2 for the first hundred hours or so I played rush exclusively and only later discovered the excellence of CQ.

Regarding the upcoming foregrip/silencer/heavy barrel/etc tweaks, I welcome them. Currently there is pretty much no reason to use anything else than a foregrip and the flash suppressor is useless due to the accuracy penalty and pretty much no gains.

@Paul Ferson

G3 was already nerfed once. So far no news of further adjustments. Amusingly, quite a few cried it being useless when the nerf was announced...

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I'm fine with them tweaking attachments really. I think some are overpowered while some are useless; no reason to not try and get there to be more of a proper balance between them. The question and the worry comes from them overdoing it and with that, I am with you on.

As for the assignments, I agree, the implementation is bad and should not require specific modes. There has to be a better way to go about it.

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G3 was already nerfed once. So far no news of further adjustments. Amusingly, quite a few cried it being useless when the nerf was announced...

It was? For once I can almost understand nerfing a weapon since the G3 is still excellent, and if it was better than it is at the moment then wow! The only thing I imagine would have made it better would be a larger magazine since 20 rounds isn't much when there are a couple of enemies.

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I don't know why you guys are ripping on SQDM so hard. I've joined with a party and greatly enjoyed it.

It's not something for the lonewolf, and it's not something that I would want to play the majority of the time, but a group of friends can have a blast. IMO, it's a welcome mix-up from time-to-time.

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TheLegendOfMart is correct, this most probably was to get people do something out of their norm and try some new game modes and what not. And personally I wouldn't mind the SQDM wins if the mode wasn't just so HORRIBLE in BF3. And the same goes for flag capture and MCOM plant assignments. It's entirely possible that a person doesn't play either of those modes but this might motivate them to check those out and maybe even like them (except that unlike SQDM they both are implemented well...).

Hell, in BC2 for the first hundred hours or so I played rush exclusively and only later discovered the excellence of CQ.

Regarding the upcoming foregrip/silencer/heavy barrel/etc tweaks, I welcome them. Currently there is pretty much no reason to use anything else than a foregrip and the flash suppressor is useless due to the accuracy penalty and pretty much no gains.

@Paul Ferson

G3 was already nerfed once. So far no news of further adjustments. Amusingly, quite a few cried it being useless when the nerf was announced...

Well the problem is there is a huge lack of consistancy. You can unlock the L96 as any class... any class can get melee kills and heatshots and spot assists, I did that one entirely as assault. But you can only unlock the assault gun by playing sqdm, and you can only unlock the engineer stuff by playing engineer.

They all need to be exclusive to their class and a certain mode or none of them should be.

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I agree about assignments, to be honest. I don't want to have to play SQDM since it's a horrible mode. I have been consoling myself with the possibility of EA releasing one of those 'fast-track' packs to unlocking all the guns like they did with Bad Company 2, since I mainly play Team Deathmatch with a friend. Since both of us tend to want to just get into the action we normally stick to the mode we are familiar with, but occasionally play a few games of Rush or Conquest. I can count all the times I have played a 'Squad' mode in Bad Company 2 or Battlefield 3 on one hand.

I also unlocked the G3A3 a few days ago, and I have to admit, that gun is amazing. It might have overtaken the F2000 as my Assault weapon of choice, since I typically love the G3 in every game it appears in. I was going to say it is probably overpowered in Battlefield 3, but then I realised someone probably is already heading a campaign to have it nerfed down since it killed them at one stage or another. I have six Service Stars with it though so it is my second top weapon.

I noticed this tweet as well, and I asked Demize if there was any chance the PKP recoil would be nerfed. Apparently it has the highest KPM of any of the LMGs though, so I can see my tweet being ignored. I've also been using the PKP recently (four Service Stars with it), and I still think the recoil is way too much. I prefer to fire everything in bursts even when it is on fully-automatic, and by the time I'm done firing a burst from the PKP I have to readjust my aim, in which time the person I was hoping to kill has his FAMAS sights on me, since that gun is the flavor of the month.

I don't see any difference with the Heavy Barrel on any gun I use, but I use the Flash Suppressor on my G3A3 over the Suppressor. I may just change it to the Suppressor since you say it doesn't make any difference except for being better in every way. If so, then why on earth have I even persevered with the Flash Hider? :p

You do slightly less damage with a silencer but the damage difference is negligable at best.

Anyways, the way I see it is if people are exclusively using the silencer and grip on their weapons that's not because they are "the best", it just means everything else isn't worth using. Make everything else worth using and people will use them (se irnv).

Also like the irnv I fear how DICE adjust things. They don't do it in small incriments. Things go from being really useful to completely useless with no in between, and that's what I fear the most. They just don't know how to compromise with their balance changes, there is only extremes. So yeah, I'm worried they'll make the grip and silencer near worthless while still not making the other attachments appealing to use.

It's this Alan "demize" kurtz guy. He's an aggrogant ******* that thinks he does no wrong because BF2142 was a pretty well balanced game. Meanwhile he single handedly ruined game balance in Bc2 patch after patch and only bitched about how uptight pc players were instead of listening to our feedback and fixing the real issues. And I'm not making that up, he was actually talking crap to the pc players of BC2.

Eventually they realized they had to balance the pc and console versions seperately and all our complaining in the bc2 forums is probably the only reason BF3 has different patches for pc and consoles. But sadly we're still stuck with Demize in charge of balancing and God only knows why. He honestly doesn't know what he's doing, he's so out of touch with how the game is played on the pc version, at least.

Anyways.. that's a whole rant thing... lol, I've got nothing to do sitting here waiting for family members to go out and do stuff. I could go on and on. :rofl:

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