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Does anybody else hate Canals? I avoid it like the plague!

I sort of like it. If you're having a good round with a good squad/team, it's a great map, but if you're getting destroyed, it's the least fun map in the game.

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Coming from PC only gaming, I'm really struggling to aim quickly and accurately enough on the Xbox, any tips for a console noob?

All you can do is persevere. It's agonisingly frustrating.. you feel like you're playing drunk! You will gradually improve.

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All you can do is persevere. It's agonisingly frustrating.. you feel like you're playing drunk! You will gradually improve.

Hahaha I am unbelievable ****! If I get the opener on someone by the time if aimed at them to even attempt at a shot they have spotted me and killed me. I think there is a lot of practising to be needed here

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Thats exactly my experience. That, and coming up behind someone and you think you have all the time in the world.. then they turn around and you proceed to panic fire everywhere around them, but not AT them. I have to be honest and say it's got so frustrating for me I've given up on the PS3 version and am just gonna wait to pick up the PC version when I see it cheap next..

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Is there somewhere we are all exchanging usernames to add and try a few games together? I'm not sure if we can cross platform can we? Would be great if we could

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About the scopes; I'm finding the HOLO and the PKA-S scopes to fit my needs. Though I only use the PKA-S on a few weapons like the AEK-971 and the A-91. The HOLO is used an almost any other weapons.

What's funny though is that I used to dislike using the PKA-S as it didn't feel right. So I found myself in-game running out of ammo with no Support guy in my surrounding. So I picked up an AEK-971 (was using this myself but with the HOLO on it) and found myself aiming much better with the PKA-S sight. Not sure if it's was just a placebo effect or not, but I'm still better with the PKA-S on the AEK-971.

Picking up guns is a nice way of discovering new combo's for your weapons/kit (Y)

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My name on Origin/Battlelog is Jamushroom. Capric0rn was already taken since it's not that much of an original name, haha.

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Just had probably my best round since I have been playing, went 20-8 I think it was but capped a hell of a lot of flags as well, tank the entire round except when I had to go on foot, and I totally blew it with the blowtorch kill, I knifed the guy instead, would have completed my first assignment. :laugh: But really was a classic round, had another good tank driver on the other team, and I said earlier in the thread how that can almost become a game within the game, and it was me and that other tank driver trying to outsmart eachother. For whatever reason the battle report never showed up and when I checked it after I quit the game it said it was no longer available, as I would have like to have gotten his name and for that matter the server I played on, I just did a Server Search and picked the first one with the lowest ping and available slots.

It really is probably my favorite game of all time. Shame I just do not get to play it as often as I would like to, but when I do it really totally encompasses everything a MP game should be to me. Just a total immersion, and in this case a Battlefield, and that is just damn fun when all goes right. (Y)

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Yeah mine is in my sig, I'm on PC and anyone is able to add me to their list, just let me know you are from neowin.

Added you, my Origin / battlelog name is djdanster :)

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I'm El_Sid_UK, I'll add y'all when I'm back at a PC with Origin. I'm currently playing 32-player conquest/rush and 64-player conquest large.

About the scopes; I'm finding the HOLO and the PKA-S scopes to fit my needs. Though I only use the PKA-S on a few weapons like the AEK-971 and the A-91. The HOLO is used an almost any other weapons.

What's funny though is that I used to dislike using the PKA-S as it didn't feel right. So I found myself in-game running out of ammo with no Support guy in my surrounding. So I picked up an AEK-971 (was using this myself but with the HOLO on it) and found myself aiming much better with the PKA-S sight. Not sure if it's was just a placebo effect or not, but I'm still better with the PKA-S on the AEK-971.

Picking up guns is a nice way of discovering new combo's for your weapons/kit (Y)

I don't know what it is, but I really like the PKA-S. I used to use the Holo, but the PKA-S (which is holo too) reticle just seems to suit me better. The only other assault scope I seem to use now is the ACOG on larger maps, but I use that more rarely now since long range fighting with my suppressor is just futile.

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Both are indeed Holo but there's a huge difference between them as well. I use to use the ACOG on the F2000 a lot. Didn't matter in which maps but the combo just always worked for me. Then I switched to the M145 (3.4x) scope which worked perfectly as well. Now I've got it setup with the HOLO for whenever I want to use it.

I guess it's just that the PKA-S feels so big that I only use it on a few guns. And it takes less screen-space which makes me feel more comfortable with several weapons. I guess it comes down to personal choices one makes :p Though I feel like trying the PKA-S out on other weapons as well to see how I'll play then.

Also, I've read on another forum that the HOLO is actually called EOtech Holo. I Googled it and it looks to be the EOtech 552 Sight. Odd how they aren't using this name when all other ones have a distinct name :p

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11500 points and 20 ribbons aren't impressive.

Or are they?

I can get more than 20000 points and 30 something ribbons in a +800 ticket server

Wasn't this issue adressed a long time ago.

In early couple of weeks or so, I got this thing after every single round but haven't got it since the second update, I think

In BC2 11500 was a decent score, that's what he was talking about. There weren't extremely high ticket servers in bc2.

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Also, I've read on another forum that the HOLO is actually called EOtech Holo. I Googled it and it looks to be the EOtech 552 Sight. Odd how they aren't using this name when all other ones have a distinct name :p

Eotech sold the license to Infinity Ward for MW3, its etched into the sight in that game

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Does anybody else hate Canals? I avoid it like the plague!

Indeed, it can be a super rough map if you get in a server where everyone is just looking for kills. Canals has to be played strategically or you will get destroyed - I'm actually starting to like it more and more for that reason.

Anyone know what the vehicle loadout is for Conquest? It seems if you start on the carrier ship with the Little Birds you can pretty much choke the opponent. Maybe its just me.

Coming from PC only gaming, I'm really struggling to aim quickly and accurately enough on the Xbox, any tips for a console noob?

I played BF2 on PC for a couple years and my first BF game after was BC2 on 360. Frakk me, had a hard ass time adjusting. Now I'm playing BF3 on PS3 and its getting better but the key I've found is to NOT get in a hurry and use your aim constantly. I had the same problem, I'd run around and then go to my sights when I saw an enemy but that wastes time. Going around corners, going into hot zones, generally most anything you want to be down the sights.

And don't be like me and freak out once a firefight breaks out :laugh: I start becoming a spazz and just spray-shoot. It does nothing productive. I've actually started to force myself to use the Knife more and stop relying on the guns all the time. It's helped my gameplay for sure.

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