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As a medic you can prevent your team from losing those tickets but you might not get any kills yourself. Get 1 kill, revive 10-15 times, die 3-4 times yourself.

That's what I'm after with my comment, you might not necessarily get as many kills as a medic but you can prevent your team from losing by "sacrificing your own ratio". And if you're hard staring at someones KD ratio, it might not really tell the whole story.

And all I meant to say was that while in some cases kdr isn't important like you said, it's nonsense to say that it's not important overall in the game. If everyone on your team is running around getting 5 kills and 25 deaths you're never going to win.

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I thought this was only possible with some of the choppers and all of the jets? At least it's been like that on all the servers I've played on so far.

I mean't it is available for all servers with vehicles, but yes, I don't think you can spawn into Humvees and jeeps unless you've got a squad member in there. You can spawn into boats and LAVs too, but there must be a driver already in it IIRC.

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Ah, true. And yeah, that's what I basically meant too, that you can spawn into jets and choppers regardless of a squad member piloting them. Though you can also spawn in the LAV and some tanks in Back to Karkand.

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If you wanna avoid getting TKed don't play hardcore, there's far less of it on the normal servers. Rush you may fine hard without a good squad at your side, conquest can be played and won without the best of squads.

Well the problem isn't just standard TKing, it's messing up the vehicles, planting C4 on vehicles, purposefully crashing vehicles, etc. Seems to be the biggest problem on Conquest on Hardcore or regular.

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Well the problem isn't just standard TKing, it's messing up the vehicles, planting C4 on vehicles, purposefully crashing vehicles, etc. Seems to be the biggest problem on Conquest on Hardcore or regular.

Wow, the Xbox version really sounds like it's full of douchebags! Maybe the PC version has them too, but I haven't noticed :s

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Wow, the Xbox version really sounds like it's full of douchebags! Maybe the PC version has them too, but I haven't noticed :s

I could just be joining the worst games, since there are a massive amount of players. But in the Conquest games I played, it was fairly rampant. Never had this big of a problem before in any Battlefield game (or, hell, any 360 or PC game).

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I thought this was only possible with some of the choppers and all of the jets? At least it's been like that on all the servers I've played on so far.

Nope, as long as a seat is empty, you can spawn into Tanks as well. I have done in numerous times.

Thanks for the answers from everyone else.

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Wow, the Xbox version really sounds like it's full of douchebags! Maybe the PC version has them too, but I haven't noticed :s

Just ran into some on the {ATF} 64 player EU server, guy was planting C4 on the jets because he didn't get into them. Admins? Dunno, nowhere to be seen.

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Nope, as long as a seat is empty, you can spawn into Tanks as well. I have done in numerous times.

Thanks for the answers from everyone else.

Haven't been able to do that in the classic maps at all.

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Just ran into some on the {ATF} 64 player EU server, guy was planting C4 on the jets because he didn't get into them. Admins? Dunno, nowhere to be seen.

That's fair. I think with a combination of no cheaters and no griefers, I think I have a gift for finding good servers. Good teams on the other hand, not so great. There should be something in place that prevents friendlies blowing up vehicles at spawns they own. So in conquest, if you own a point, you can't damage any vehicles that spawn at that point.

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I could just be joining the worst games, since there are a massive amount of players. But in the Conquest games I played, it was fairly rampant. Never had this big of a problem before in any Battlefield game (or, hell, any 360 or PC game).

Possibly just a question to you and other 360 users, do you use the other servers in the server list or just the official EA/DICE ones (or do you just use quick match)?...cause I only ever use the EA/DICE....I wonder if that's why I find less problems than some of the other 360 users on here....if you don't try going into the server browser and play on the official ones only.
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Possibly just a question to you and other 360 users, do you use the other servers in the server list or just the official EA/DICE ones (or do you just use quick match)?...cause I only ever use the EA/DICE....I wonder if that's why I find less problems than some of the other 360 users on here....if you don't try going into the server browser and play on the official ones only.

Doesnt the quick match connect you to the EA?DIce servers?

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Yeah I only play Quick Match and have never seen some of these issues (not to say they aren't there just that it hasn't affected my experience). This is on PS3. Pretty sure that puts you into official servers though.

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Doesnt the quick match connect you to the EA?DIce servers?

I wasn't sure if it did or not, so I use the server browser for safety...but your probably right it does.
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Wow, the Xbox version really sounds like it's full of douchebags! Maybe the PC version has them too, but I haven't noticed :s

I've played all three versions for a decent amount of time, and I have to say the Xbox games were the least fun for me.

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I find a lot of people don't play the game types properly. RUSH or Conquest end up turning into TDM with one team who gets the points and the other who just racks up lots of kills, no points and uses up all their tickets

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This is the first game I've ever completed on any console I've ever owed and its the first of the BF sequel I played. Have to say I enjoyed kicking Al-Bashirs ass but after that the last couple of missions were tough.

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I find a lot of people don't play the game types properly. RUSH or Conquest end up turning into TDM with one team who gets the points and the other who just racks up lots of kills, no points and uses up all their tickets

Yup. It's incredibly annoying.

My biggest pet peeves: tank ###### and snipers who have no interest in playing the objective-based game modes. I guess they just want to artificially increase their K/D ratio? I dunno, I don't see a point to it.

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Yup. It's incredibly annoying.

My biggest pet peeves: tank ###### and snipers who have no interest in playing the objective-based game modes. I guess they just want to artificially increase their K/D ratio? I dunno, I don't see a point to it.

Dont forget Jet ######!!

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It isn't always true.

Having a good Recon and MBT driver on your team can have drastic effects on the end result.

I was playing on Gulf of Oman the other day, and I had this great driver who was so good at driving that the tank only got destroyed once, in the entire 71 minute game.

And still he was going for every single capture point, taking all the flags and the enemies in the way

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It isn't always true.

Having a good Recon and MBT driver on your team can have drastic effects on the end result.

I was playing on Gulf of Oman the other day, and I had this great driver who was so good at driving that the tank only got destroyed once, in the entire 71 minute game.

And still he was going for every single capture point, taking all the flags and the enemies in the way

Yeah, that's the difference. Good Recon players are fine. The problem is that there are so many players that practice the art of "trash recon". You know, sitting on a hill somewhere shooting random guys that he/she happens to see. You can't spawn on them since they don't move and they don't contribute anything other than random spotting (if you're lucky) and a few kills. People don't get that recon does not mean remote sniper.

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^^ Agreed. I am starting to use Recon now, mainly on smaller maps like Grand Bazzar. Usually I hang behind the pack and pick off anyone I see to help my team push forward (either rush or conquest).

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I used to love the SCAR-H but damn theyve ruined it now.

Sick of them listening to all the people whinging about guns etc.. too many cooks spoil the broth, if DICE arent careful they are going to nerf everything into oblivion.

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Dont forget Jet ######!!

Jet ###### are annoying only if they're not supporting the objective. But I find that most tank ###### don't even bother to do that, whereas jet ###### generally do (since that vehicle actually takes some skill).

Edit: I'm getting beyond tired of jerks who play Rush and Conquest as lone wolves out for nothing but kills. It's really ruining the game for me -- it's impossible to win when you have a team full of morons like that. And then there are the ones who join just to mess around with vehicles at the spawn. Why? Just why?

I have some major complaints about the multiplayer ideas DICE implemented, too. I can't quit in the exit lobby? And why do teams almost always remain horribly unbalanced after lopsided wins?

Edit #2: I'm seriously going to rage if I join another team (in a Rush game) full of snipers who refuse to do anything. Six times in a row.

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