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Sell your 360 and upgrade your PC.

Today's consoles have no chance on catching the current and future PC components. Might as well sell them now before MS announces the Xbox 3 at E3.

The 360 has had little going for it in a while anyways. I sold mine about a year ago and haven't missed it once. PC games are cheaper, more diverse, numerous, customizable, and enjoyable. Add the fact that very few immature teenage boys are going to own and operate a gaming rig, I don't think I would have turned my 360 on in 2011 even if I still had it... And my PS3 has basically become a full time Bluray/DVD player...

Not realistic.

First of all, I love my 360, and there are tons of games I play for it. As Emn1ty said, the amount of money I'd get for it wouldn't even put a dent in the cost for a good upgrade. I don't see new consoles launching until next year, either, so it's not a big deal. I enjoy my 360 and its capabilities -- constantly use it, in fact. This issue isn't console-related, it's player-base-related.

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Well, you would think, but no. Sadly, I think more than half of the PC players out there are tweens with low-mid range, off the shelf desktop systems, who really paid no attention to the system requirements of this game.

Since the holiday, BF3 has been nothing but:

Run and Gun.

Little to no gameplay. (It's not that hard to capture a damn flag)

An increase of wallhacks, and othe cheats.



I think it's time to put this game away for a while.

Yeah, I may end up shelving it for a few weeks (or a month) so all the griefers and whatnot leave the game.

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Yeah, I may end up shelving it for a few weeks (or a month) so all the griefers and whatnot leave the game.

You're seeing that too? On PC?

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You're seeing that too? On PC?

No, I'm referring to it on the 360 -- I don't have the PC version, unfortunately. I've seen all the issues you mentioned except wallhacks (any kind of cheating, actually).

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I just want to have a quick moan. Why did EA prohibit Battlefield 3 from being released on Steam, and then put it on Origin for significantly more than it costs to go and buy the physical media in the shops. Are they really that stupid?

Can anyone give me an answer?

I want to buy the game. I'd like the convenience of buying it as a digital download. But I know I can buy it on the PC for around ?24.99 - and they want ?39.99 for it on Origin and an ADDITIONAL ?11.99 for Back to Karkand. Are they going to use the lack of sales on Origin as a scapegoat, and suggest that digital distribution doesn't work?

I don't suppose there is an answer.. I'm just annoyed!

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I just want to have a quick moan. Why did EA prohibit Battlefield 3 from being released on Steam, and then put it on Origin for significantly more than it costs to go and buy the physical media in the shops. Are they really that stupid?

Can anyone give me an answer?

I want to buy the game. I'd like the convenience of buying it as a digital download. But I know I can buy it on the PC for around ?24.99 - and they want ?39.99 for it on Origin and an ADDITIONAL ?11.99 for Back to Karkand. Are they going to use the lack of sales on Origin as a scapegoat, and suggest that digital distribution doesn't work?

I don't suppose there is an answer.. I'm just annoyed!

Because they're money hungry idiots.

But yes, they'll probably say Digital Distribution doesn't work and piracy is ruining them. Yet they will still be making huge profits.

I have no idea why they didn't release BF:3 on Steam, probably due to EA not agreeing to Valve's terms for using Steam, and the pure fact they want users to use Origin. Even though a lot of EA's games still pop up on Steam.

But at the end of the day, we, the consumer can give EA the middle finger and not give them our money. Just try telling and getting millions and millions of people to all do the same thing. Then EA will be forced to listen and adjust. Until then, we can only hope..

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I just want to have a quick moan. Why did EA prohibit Battlefield 3 from being released on Steam, and then put it on Origin for significantly more than it costs to go and buy the physical media in the shops. Are they really that stupid?

Can anyone give me an answer?

I want to buy the game. I'd like the convenience of buying it as a digital download. But I know I can buy it on the PC for around ?24.99 - and they want ?39.99 for it on Origin and an ADDITIONAL ?11.99 for Back to Karkand. Are they going to use the lack of sales on Origin as a scapegoat, and suggest that digital distribution doesn't work?

I don't suppose there is an answer.. I'm just annoyed!

Go on the EA help chat or mail them. You might get a 20% cupon.I had the same problem as you do. Only in Latvia most retail copies are in Russian, so I mailed them question about whether I can change language to English. And few days later they sent me a 20% off cupon with a rubish answer. Sure, it will still not be as cheap as in shop, but it will be some saving on DLC :)

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Why did EA prohibit Battlefield 3 from being released on Steam, and then put it on Origin for significantly more than it costs to go and buy the physical media in the shops.

Can anyone give me an answer?

I'd like the convenience of buying it as a digital download.

You just answered your own question. There are people who will pay more for the convenience of not leaving the house to buy the game, and EA know it.

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Why not buy the physical disc if you're able to save money that way? I've done this too when I pre-ordered. I opted for a physical copy as I was able to save money that way AND get Back To Karkand + SPECACT camouflage. The later was as special as it was with BC2 but at the time I didn't know this, haha. I used the SPECACT in BC2 a lot in order to have 2 different kits for each class. Was pretty convenient though they've done a great job with the current way class setups are being done.

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As Capricorn said, you can buy the physical copy and just use the serial from it, once you do you have the digital copy.

It was also on sale at least two times over the holidays on Origin. So they have had it on sale.

And the Back To Karkand pack was an incentive to get people to preorder it. May not have been the best idea, but certainly not a new one and companies have been doing it for awhile now.

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Anyone wanna setup a time to grind out co-op points on PC?

I only have like two unlocks and i'm sitting at Colonel 5, just seems... Kinda odd, the only weapon that really appeals to me though is the last unlock.

If anyone wants to setup a time, please send me a PM, thank you.

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It would be worth it to do an $800 base upgrade and then spend $400 or so in the next year to complete the upgrade and keep it up to date. Ended up with being able to splurge on hardware due to not needing to purchase a new psu, hdd or case (although I ended up finding a case I wanted anyways and buying that).

$1,200 isn't an upgrade, it's a new system.

I built a 7.6 WEI system, for a friend, over the Black Friday/Cyber Monday week for $1,007 total, including shipping.

It maxes BF3 and Skyrim 100%, on 1080p, 40+ fps Skyrim (with mods), 50+ BF3. Such an amazing machine, I was more than jealous and hesitant when it was time to let it go.

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Why not buy the physical disc if you're able to save money that way? I've done this too when I pre-ordered. I opted for a physical copy as I was able to save money that way AND get Back To Karkand + SPECACT camouflage. The later was as special as it was with BC2 but at the time I didn't know this, haha. I used the SPECACT in BC2 a lot in order to have 2 different kits for each class. Was pretty convenient though they've done a great job with the current way class setups are being done.

I meant "wasn't" instead of "was" :pinch:

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Why not buy the physical disc if you're able to save money that way? I've done this too when I pre-ordered. I opted for a physical copy as I was able to save money that way AND get Back To Karkand + SPECACT camouflage. The later was as special as it was with BC2 but at the time I didn't know this, haha. I used the SPECACT in BC2 a lot in order to have 2 different kits for each class. Was pretty convenient though they've done a great job with the current way class setups are being done.

It's mostly been down to timing.. ridiculously I keep forgetting about picking up a copy when I'm in town or near anywhere that sells PC titles. When I do remember, it's normally when I'm in the supermarket getting shopping and they only sell PS3 and Xbox 360 titles. I'll just go find a sealed copy on eBay NOW and get it over and done with I think!! :)

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$1,200 isn't an upgrade, it's a new system.

I built a 7.6 WEI system, for a friend, over the Black Friday/Cyber Monday week for $1,007 total, including shipping.

It maxes BF3 and Skyrim 100%, on 1080p, 40+ fps Skyrim (with mods), 50+ BF3. Such an amazing machine, I was more than jealous and hesitant when it was time to let it go.

$800 base + $400 spent over the year to upgrade it to where you want it isn't upgrading? Sure by the end of it its a new PC but technically everyone gets an entirely new PC eventually even through upgrading.

Buying a mobo, ram ad a new cpu while keeping your old hard drive, gpu, psu and disc drive are what I would consider an upgrade. I personally ended up basically buying a new pc. But for around $400 you can merely upgrade (which is what I was talking about over the year).

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My plan has always been to splurge on the mobo, ram, psu, and cpu. Then buy an efficient, but capable, gpu and sell it once a year, add $50-$100, and replace it. Do all of this on Black Friday.

This means rarely replacing anything besides the gpu, annually, while maintaining top of the line gaming performance.

When it comes time to sell the mobo/cpu, I sell the whole system and have a blast starting over. I typically sell it to a friend, have them choose their own case and hdds, and transfer the components.

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That's what she said.


Well anyway... found a guy on eBay doing the PC version for ?25, brand new sealed, with free postage and buy it now. Sold. Screw you EA - you're still getting SOME of my money, but a bit less than you would have done on Origin!

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Completely got all of the co-op achievements now. The "Bullseye" one wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be. Now just need the ribbons and rank multiplayer ones (still have to buy "Back to Kirkland").

If anyone ever wants to squad-up on the 360, just message me. I've only played with a couple of people from Neowin so far. (I primarily play assault/medic.)

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What unlock is the stupid little drone? Almost threw my PS3 controller through the TV last week. Playing on Seine Crossing (love that map) and someone had the drone. Absolutely POS, kept following me over the map killing me. Was able to take it out once but its hard to hit. Never did find the player during the round.

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