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Played Metro after a very long time and couldn't stand the M320 b****es. One had 11 Service Stars with it.

I just looked and found some servers which have banned M320 and AT rockets. (Y)

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People rag on metro, i feel its the Dust2 of BF3, i wouldnt play it if all I was going to do was M320/Rocket spam, but I hardly use them, I like to Rush and capture objectives, which I do very well and use actual guns, also I'm the admin on that map, so I play it to monitor it, If i were to be an admin on a server with a rotation I'd play on that one. Also that saGot3n profile isnt mine on gametracker, someone in china or something like that has that profile lol.

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I play Metro and Seine manly because im having graphics issues still and i find your actually killing people oftern, where as conquest on some maps you spend more time running around not earning points. The first section on rush is annoying especially as an attacker, Conquest on metro is good also.

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Not really to be honest: http://www.gametrack...Got3n/?game=bf3

Not having a go, just saying it like it is. I just find Metro grind boring after one or two rounds. Playing 24/7 just seems pointless to me.

SG553 is alright, prefer the G36C if I'm honest.

Never seen that. I only checked his Battlelog. Oh well, everyone's entitled to play the game however they want. As long as it's without hacking, cheating, etc :p

IMO guns are a personal thing in BF3. I find myself playing with a particular gun for a while and it goes really well. Then for some reason I'm not as good with it anymore and I need to switch it up. Switching my loadout every now and then refreshes the game to some extend.

Also, I'm not sure if anyone else does this. I know at least one random guy does as he mentioned it yesterday ingame. But whenever I'm running in Battlefield or any FPS, I tend to lower my mouse a little bit. I know that I started doing this since UT2004 and I've been doing it ever since. Not sure why as it's completely automatism, haha. Perhaps to make the running a bit more realistic.

Metro is fun in Rush mode but I really dislike the M320, RPG/SMAW and Mortar spam. Sometimes even the attackers use Mortar which is kinda stupid if you ask me. If they used smoke rounds, that would be really helpful but they use grenades. Why would you when the defenders have unlimited spawns?

Regarding DLC; I'd love for DICE to bring some BC maps into BF3 at some points. Maps like Arica Harbor, Laguna Presa, Oasis, Port Valdez, Heavy Metal (modified for all game modes) and perhaps even Atacama Desert. They could also put some weapons and vehicles from BC into BF3 along with those maps. That would also mean that they should bring the AT4 to BF3 :D

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I'd like to see Atacama Desert on BF3 - it's one of the only maps I really play on BF:BC2! :)

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^They could add these jets:


And the jets that fly over Panama Canal which was also a great map in BC2. Though they should reduce the brightness Atacama Desert if they'd add it to BF3 :p

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when are we getting more maps for this?

We should expect more if EA sticks to their "aggressive DLC plan". At this point, it seems like they're waiting on Activision to release their DLC first.

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I'd like to see Atacama Desert on BF3 - it's one of the only maps I really play on BF:BC2! :)

Yes! I loved that map as well in BC2. I dropped quite a few hours on 24/7 Atacama servers.

I'm enjoying the maps in BF3 so far though, just based on the limited time I have spent with the game thus far. Operation Metro and Grand Bazaar are probably my two favourites (though I'm a sucker for urban-style maps in any multiplayer game). Can't say that I'm a huge fan of what they did with Wake Island though. I can't really put my finger on it, but it doesn't seem to have the magic that the original BF1942 map had.

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Still being put into **** team :/ Like just a moment ago someone decided to hop into a chopper into a pilot. But did he fly? Now. After 2 minutes or so he decided to fly. What did he do? He deciced to crash the chopper into our own base with all the seats being taken -_- And then earlier today I had to look for an hour to be able to find a good server to no avail.

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Sounds good, i was quite a fan of Atacama Desert originally. One of the few maps i would like to see re-introduced .

it was my fav all time Bad Company 2 map, so much fun with that chopper.

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Converting BC maps to be payable in BF3 would be a bit harder then the BF3 maps I would guess. The maps are quit a bit smaller then the BF2 and BF3 maps. Valparaiso was quite fun in BC2 as well.

I've tried playing BC2 against last week and it really takes some getting in to after having played BF3 for such an amount of time.

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Sorry for the double post but the search for at least 1 good server is off. Found a pretty good/fun one just now :D Now, to fill my favourite list with more, haha :p

I used to have good/fun servers in my list but they all turned into lesser servers with spam fests etc.

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I'd like to see Atacama Desert on BF3 - it's one of the only maps I really play on BF:BC2! :)

Please no, Atacama desert is one of the worst maps ever created for any game. It's so bad, especially for rush. They need to make new maps, not import stuff from older games.

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New and original maps would indeed be more fun with perhaps added weapons and vehicles. But having those BC maps in BF3 would be fun too :)

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No had much time to play this week. Flatmates got me into Star Trek mmo somehow. Keep meaning to get a good game of Conquest in Metro. After playing a lot of "fly boy" maps its been a welcome change. Love the power struggle when its 2 semi decent teams. Bit rubbish tho when either your being forced into the back of the tunnel or held down in the streets.

Mind you I cant not say I say Ive done it to others before :p

Metros just made for that tbh, used to get annoyed by it at first but you just learn to deal with it and be more sneaky in your approaches. Only time I find the whole being forced back or base raped a major issue is when its an open area`d map. On Seine and Metro its more just a really harsh mechanic, but it can be overcome. Least felt it has a few times in the games Ive had.

Yes! I loved that map as well in BC2. I dropped quite a few hours on 24/7 Atacama servers.

I'm enjoying the maps in BF3 so far though, just based on the limited time I have spent with the game thus far. Operation Metro and Grand Bazaar are probably my two favourites (though I'm a sucker for urban-style maps in any multiplayer game). Can't say that I'm a huge fan of what they did with Wake Island though. I can't really put my finger on it, but it doesn't seem to have the magic that the original BF1942 map had.

Had to add my 2 cents after this aswell, Ive not played much of the original wake island, but I really aint much a fan of it. Only cool section of the map is the airport rest is dull and like you say on a personal not theres just something not right about it.

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Please no, Atacama desert is one of the worst maps ever created for any game. It's so bad, especially for rush. They need to make new maps, not import stuff from older games.

It sucked balls only in rush, the maps was very good in CQ.

I too would like to see some brand new maps but to be honest I'm a bit scared they might end up being ass... With old ones at least you can be more or less sure that they will be good. That said, I'm not sure how well would BC2's maps translate over to BF3. They would have to get quite some remodeling to be able to fit 64 players and not end up like Operation Cluster****.

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^I mentioned that earlier as well. They'd have to make the maps larger to be a proper BF3 map as they're quite a bit smaller when compared. Brand new maps would be nice too and I'm sure that DICE is able to make them good. Converting old maps to BF3 is risky as well as they could either ruin the whole map or make it better.

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I play Metro and Seine manly because im having graphics issues still and i find your actually killing people oftern, where as conquest on some maps you spend more time running around not earning points. The first section on rush is annoying especially as an attacker, Conquest on metro is good also.

You must be new to Battlefield.

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^AEK is one of my favourite guns for the assault class.

@Mike Chipshop: True that :D

Also, did anyone know about this? There's apparently five of them, haha:

Also, the sandcastle that's seen in BF1943 and in BC2 is in Operation Metro as well on the playground where MCom B is.

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