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Well I've also been hit by the PunkBuster thing, I can't join any servers yet a friend of mine can no problem :( Something is very fishy but a user on reddit has apparently narrowed it down to a missing certificate in a file or something :pinch:

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I'd take vac any day of the week. It has far less false positive incidents than punkbuster, and when it does valve rectifies it quickly. VAC works great in tandem with well admin'd servers.

I've had plenty of issues with pb over the years, never a one with vac. If Evenbalance would get with the program and modernize their software it wouldn't be so bad. PB still has trouble updating itself these days.

I think the key there is "well admin'd servers". I play on well admin'd pb servers and have no problems, too. PB works just fine.

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Yesterday I encountered my first AA modder since a few days after release. AA in an AMTRAC is not very subtle...

I typically play in extensively admin'd servers that I've favorited. Haven't encountered any PB kick issues and I doubt I'd play in non-PB servers. If it came to that, I'd just play Skyrim until the next BF3 patch releases. (Which is past due imo.)

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His CoD style run-n-gun rambo gameplay is unbearable to me. He starts talking about flanking like he invented it and no one else is aware of it, yet he lacks any degree of actual tactics and teamplay. Couldn't watch past 5-6 min. He would have 80+ deaths in HC.

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Just wanted to share since I see people talking about it, I have just gotten into the habit that for any game that has Punkbuster, I literally always do a manual update before I launch said game. Like it is now as second nature for me as launching the game itself. Literally I do the manual update, it takes no longer than 15-20 seconds, and this has pretty much kept any issues I have had with punkbuster down to the bare minimum. The few times I have forgotten to do it, sure enough I would usually get kicked from a server for having an outdated version of punkbuster, so it pays to just take the 15-20 seconds to update it manually. Saves a whole lot of headaches when playing the game.

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Hey, guys. Check this out:


Bring back any memories? :D

Definitely. Here's the original:

I wish DICE made more videos like that for Battlefield 3. The trailers for Bad Company 2 were good too.

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His CoD style run-n-gun rambo gameplay is unbearable to me. He starts talking about flanking like he invented it and no one else is aware of it, yet he lacks any degree of actual tactics and teamplay. Couldn't watch past 5-6 min. He would have 80+ deaths in HC.

Its TDM. There are no objectives and rules. Its literally just run and gun

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Its TDM. There are no objectives and rules. Its literally just run and gun

Not always. Get in with the right people, and you can get some tactics going.

Its TDM. There are no objectives and rules. Its literally just run and gun

Not always. Get in with the right people, and you can get some tactics going.

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His CoD style run-n-gun rambo gameplay is unbearable to me. He starts talking about flanking like he invented it and no one else is aware of it, yet he lacks any degree of actual tactics and teamplay. Couldn't watch past 5-6 min. He would have 80+ deaths in HC.

lol Did he win the match? Yes, he did. Did he have the most kills in the match? Yes, he did. Did he have the highest amount of points in the match? Yep, he sure did. So I guess the apparently pitiful "CoD" run-and-gun style worked out quite well for him, didn't it?

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His CoD style run-n-gun rambo gameplay is unbearable to me. He starts talking about flanking like he invented it and no one else is aware of it, yet he lacks any degree of actual tactics and teamplay. Couldn't watch past 5-6 min. He would have 80+ deaths in HC.

How should he have played it? Sat in a one spot the entire game and get 5 kills?

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Just had a really good 3 hour session with some of the people from my clan (We're called Ceph on the Xbox 360)

This game is really fun when you're playing tactical as a team.

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For the first time ever I have a positive KDR!! When I first started, usually went 1 kill to 15 deaths... Love the smaller maps like Grand Bazzar and Metro. Tried playing Squad based games but I can never get on a half decent team.

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His CoD style run-n-gun rambo gameplay is unbearable to me. He starts talking about flanking like he invented it and no one else is aware of it, yet he lacks any degree of actual tactics and teamplay. Couldn't watch past 5-6 min. He would have 80+ deaths in HC.

Mate I think you and I watched a different video and heard different commentary. He said flanking was a good way of getting alot of kills in DeathMatches. How you got that he thinks he invented flanking is beyond me.

And how can you say he had no tactics?? His team won and he got 80 kills. Sounds like his tactics worked pretty well for him.

I watched the whole 16 mins and found his tips informative.

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His CoD style run-n-gun rambo gameplay is unbearable to me. He starts talking about flanking like he invented it and no one else is aware of it, yet he lacks any degree of actual tactics and teamplay. Couldn't watch past 5-6 min. He would have 80+ deaths in HC.

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hey don't make fun of us run and gunners!

BTW why is the progression so slow on this, i've been playing a few matches almost daily for the last month, averaging like 1200-1500 points per match. why am i still level 24? :rofl:

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