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Childish? Then you like taking more deaths because your team mates let themselves get backed into a corner? it's hardly childish.

Yes, childish.

Throwing your toys out of the pram isn't going to make the game suddenly get better now is it?

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Hey guys and girls, its been a while since i posted. Just thought id come here and rant a bit about BF3. I bought it yesterday for my gf's brother as a present being used, it didnt have the passcode slip from EA, yea, 800 microsoft points for it, needless to say, that game went back on the shelf. Love how EA is getting greedy with used game buyers.

That's just the way of the gaming world these days. If you buy it first hand you get the code, if you buy it second hand you need to spend some money on getting a new code. Battlefield 3 isn't the first game to do it, and it certainly won't be the last.

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Yes, childish.

Throwing your toys out of the pram isn't going to make the game suddenly get better now is it?

Yes? If it saves you from experienceing frustration and tedium? Then hell yes. I think we can all agree that playing while frustrated you don't do nearly as well, which leads to more frustration which makes the game not fun. So yes, leaving when your team is doing bad and going to a new game (or maybe just stop playing for a while) can make the game "better".

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Does the tank mounted LMG do damage to other tanks?

No. Neither does the HMG.

Unless your referring to tanks as in IFV as you were earlier with regards to Grand Bazar which has no tanks. Then I'm not 100% sure, but I'm pretty sure it still doesn't.

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Well both types of tanks really, the APC (on Bazzar) and the main tanks. I'm certain the HMG does damage to the APC! So as a gunner, if there is no infantry around, all I should be doing is repair. Is it worth getting out and firing off an RPG, or is it too risky?

Might just have to get in a server with someone and play around in the tanks to see what does what.

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Ok, the LAV - 25 (on Bazzar)

-Light machine gun does NO damage

- Heavy machine gun does 4% damage per shot (6 shots before reload)

- ATGM does 55% damage per shot.

All guns were used at all angles - front, back, sides and roof. The damage taken was exactly the same. I have just unlocked the other Guided Missile, I will try it out later.

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Such as?

Spawns are *still* a mess in TDM.

Still getting hung up on map objects.

Still somehow shooting through people/objects.

The flashlight still hasn't been fixed.

The list goes on...

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Spawns are *still* a mess in TDM.

Still getting hung up on map objects.

Still somehow shooting through people/objects.

The flashlight still hasn't been fixed.

The list goes on...

Spawns are always going to be a mess in tdm. Dice does not care about that game mode and it's not how the game is meant to be played to get the most out of it. And getting hung up on world objects and shooting through objects are due to latency issues, not game bugs.

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PunkBuster/Anti-Virus Conflicts resolved

Connectivity issues that some PC players may have experienced relating to conflicts between PunkBuster and some anti-virus software have been resolved.

An update to PunkBuster that will resolve this issue will be automatically downloaded when players login to play.

If this update is not automatically downloaded and installed, the "PBSetup" can be found, downloaded, and installed here:

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Spawns are always going to be a mess in tdm. Dice does not care about that game mode and it's not how the game is meant to be played to get the most out of it.

Not really, on some maps spawns tend to be decent (Caspian Border, Noshar Canals, for example and for the most part). On others they are beyond horrible (Khard island). DICE really need to work on their spawning algorithm as it is catastrophic in CQ as well. Funnily, I never had a problem with this in BC2...

And getting hung up on world objects and shooting through objects are due to latency issues, not game bugs.

When getting killed behing objects, yes, that's latency but not when getting stuck on every little nook and cranny and then ending up vaulting over it (wtf). Hell, imo vaulting is one of the worst additions to this game simply because it's ****ing broken.

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Is anyone using the 290.53 nvidia beta driver? If so how are they? For bf3 and in other games? I haven't heard any news about them setting peoples cards on fire so I assume they are safe to install?

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Referring to the recent rage quit discussions:

Some of my more memorable matches have been conquest wins where my team was down 100-200+ tickets at some point. Also, arming and advancing the bombs on rush with little to no tickets remaining is very excting, especially if your the one who armed and defended it.

I would agree that frustration henders your play but I would suggest focusing on controlling the frustration and locking sh** down, not quitting. Besides, I take pride in keeping my quit % in single digits.

364 SPM. 9% quits. 1.406 k/d. 413 skill. 1.16 w/l. hardcore only.


That doesn't sound nearly as nice if the quit % reads 20-30+ (which isn't uncommon.)

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O.k. I'm playing with a friend for the first time (as opposed to playing solo online) and I've come across this weird issue. I've invited him, and in the menu we can chat to one another via VOIP without any problem. But then we went to join a game. He got booted the first couple of times (nothing special I imagine, just luck of the draw) but then when we entered a game that we were both able to play we were on opposite teams! That can't be right, can it? We each had the same idea, for a game that is squad-oriented it seems odd that it would take you and a mate and place you on opposing sides...

Is there a guaranteed way to be on the same team? Or is there a reason why we were on opposite sides?

This is on the PS3...

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When me and my friends are in a party, we usually get put-up in the same squad. If there is room in the server, of course.

On rare ocassions, we'll get put-up on different teams, but we manage to change the team, again, if there is space in server

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Not really, on some maps spawns tend to be decent (Caspian Border, Noshar Canals, for example and for the most part). On others they are beyond horrible (Khard island). DICE really need to work on their spawning algorithm as it is catastrophic in CQ as well. Funnily, I never had a problem with this in BC2...

When getting killed behing objects, yes, that's latency but not when getting stuck on every little nook and cranny and then ending up vaulting over it (wtf). Hell, imo vaulting is one of the worst additions to this game simply because it's ****ing broken.

The spawns on "Canals" is horrendous. I've spawn in the middle of an enemy group. How fair is that?

Still on Canals, when spawning on the barges, trying to get off them under fire is a super bitch. I can stand there forever trying to vault off of them. Vaulting itself is broken, because I can vault over smaller objects trying to get up on them. But what I hate the most is getting stuck on a curb or whatever and have to jump over it to move. WTF?

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Spawning will always be the problem in TDM and SQDM. Patch 2 or 3 made it waaay better.

See, I thought they fixed them. For a while there, I had no issues with the spawning system, but then it seemed to go back to the way it was when the game was first released.

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The spawns on "Canals" is horrendous. I've spawn in the middle of an enemy group. How fair is that?

Still on Canals, when spawning on the barges, trying to get off them under fire is a super bitch. I can stand there forever trying to vault off of them. Vaulting itself is broken, because I can vault over smaller objects trying to get up on them. But what I hate the most is getting stuck on a curb or whatever and have to jump over it to move. WTF?

I wouldn't call them horrendous. Personally nowadays I only have issues when spawning on the train tracks where it's quite common to spawn very near an enemy. Other than that it's no where near as bad as in the beginning.

And, yes, that place is very problematic to vault onto. Just like vaulting over the metal rails along the streets at the last stage of Op Metro rush. A guaranteed fail for the fist few times (this crap is so fun when being under fire!). Another fun thing with vaulting - enemies teleporting while they're mid-animation so it's pointless to shoot them. Which monkey coded and who greenlighted this garbage?!

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Yeah TDM spawns are better, you get put near an enemy, as opposed to right in front of them but facing the other way. Anyone else find on Metro, when you spawn you are always facing your base?

Why are there no good engineers out there when I am driving a tank? Non engineers get in which is just annoying........ Or if they do jump in, they don't get out and repair! I think I'm a good gunner, I never look the same direction as the driver, I just take care of killing infantry, spotting enemies and repairing!! if its safe I even fire off an RPG at the enemy which works great! We kick ass if I'm with a good driver, get tonnes of kills, caps and the tank stays up and running. I die quite often repairing but I spawn back in and keep going.

When I am driving, we get blown up.

edit - This game would be SO much easier with using a mic to communicate. Need some friends that have it on PC to play with as most my friends have it on X-Box.

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