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Players: 2-16


Perhaps I'm wrong but I don't think DICE realizes we don't want small tight maps full of choke points and low player counts. If we wanted that we would play Call of Duty.

This fall will also bring the expansion pack Battlefield 3: Armored Kill. Featuring all-out vehicle warfare with new tanks, ATV?s, and mobile artillery, it also includes the biggest map in Battlefield history. Come winter, it is time for the fourth expansion pack Battlefield 3: End Game.

Come back next week for the first gameplay trailer and screenshots from Battlefield 3: Close Quarters.

Biggest BF map ever? Of course we won't see it for 8+ months. People are already speculating that we won't see the expected march patch now until the first dlc is released. I want to say that won't happen, but they did the same thing in bc2.

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I'm looking forward to

This fall will also bring the expansion pack Battlefield 3: Armored Kill. Featuring all-out vehicle warfare with new tanks, ATV?s, and mobile artillery, it also includes the biggest map in Battlefield history. Come winter, it is time for the fourth expansion pack Battlefield 3: End Game.

I want them to create like a Tank Deathmatch or something where everyone has a vehicle hopefully Armored Kill will bring something like that.

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Close Quarters is the first expansion. There are two more after that: Armored Kill and End Game. All of the expansions should be out within the next 10 months. There's also a major patch on the way with tweaks, bug fixes, and optimization to the PC version. Whether that patch is released before or after Close Quarters is currently unknown. I wouldn't be surprised if it's released alongside it in June.

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Close Quarters is the first expansion. There are two more after that: Armored Kill and End Game. All of the expansions should be out within the next 10 months. There's also a major patch on the way with tweaks, bug fixes, and optimization to the PC version. Whether that patch is released before or after Close Quarters is currently unknown. I wouldn't be surprised if it's released alongside it in June.

Which is irritating if they hold off on the patch for that long. I can't see any reason why they would need to do that though. But like I said, they held off patches in bc2 for longer for stupid silly reasons so it won't be surprising if they do.

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Close Quarters is the first expansion. There are two more after that: Armored Kill and End Game. All of the expansions should be out within the next 10 months. There's also a major patch on the way with tweaks, bug fixes, and optimization to the PC version. Whether that patch is released before or after Close Quarters is currently unknown. I wouldn't be surprised if it's released alongside it in June.

They've already announced the patch is "comming soon" I can't believe it'd be later than the end of this month...they wouldn't make us wait till June.
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I wonder if this article is true...


Says consolers will be able to rent their own servers, with their own rules. Didn't know MS would allow such witchcraft.

Take your pick...

- USAS-12 Frags



- M320

- Claymores

Or maybe, the 1HK snipers, which are being added to the game in the patch.

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Blah. DICE/EA have officially ruined this series for me. I'm done with Battlefield. All they do is talk, talk, talk. Talk about a patch for months. Talk about DLC for months. All talk and no action. For those of us who hate choked up maps, the first DLC is worthless, so we're sitting on release day content through the early summer. Lame.

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I really doubt I will spend money on this.

I like close-quarter battles, but this 16 player limit?

Should've been at least, at least 32 players.

Battlefield has so much potential in its own gameplay types, so why are they taking notes from other games?

I really doubt, I'll buy this

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I wonder if this article is true...


Says consolers will be able to rent their own servers, with their own rules. Didn't know MS would allow such witchcraft.


16 player count isn't so much of an issue for the consoles...only missing a few players :)

But I'd like to see them up in to 32 on consoles in general especially if we're gonna be getting bigger maps in Armoured Kill...CQ does look as if its just to keep the CoD noobs who bought BF happy.

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Players: 2-16


Perhaps I'm wrong but I don't think DICE realizes we don't want small tight maps full of choke points and low player counts. If we wanted that we would play Call of Duty.

as a COD kiddie, i like it :)

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Do either of those do tank damage?

No, Hummer and Gaz are the largest those do damage to I think, I use the canister on maps like seine and noshair It's fantastic at taking down infantry and heli's.
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Don't know how they got it. Looks lame. It also doesn't help that the person playing can't aim.

Please god let it be real. Was just saying how the game needed more QCB yesterday. I know several folk will moan and say, but itss not COD. Well all Im saying is Metro and Seine are my 2 fave maps, so this is all kinds of good if true personally

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Please god let it be real. Was just saying how the game needed more QCB yesterday. I know several folk will moan and say, but itss not COD. Well all Im saying is Metro and Seine are my 2 fave maps, so this is all kinds of good if true personally

I think you're in the minority. Just about every bf3 forum I've looked at is blowing up with hate at these maps. For me though, I don't mind them so much, but the part that sucks that we have to wait 8+ months until we get the bigger maps.

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If done correctly, the indoor maps could be a lot of fun for BF, especially if they're high-rise type buildings where you're attacking from the bottom up. I don't think there will be too many similarities to CoD... all of their maps are like two hallways where the game forces you to lob grenades and fire shotguns down. :s

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I think you're in the minority. Just about every bf3 forum I've looked at is blowing up with hate at these maps. For me though, I don't mind them so much, but the part that sucks that we have to wait 8+ months until we get the bigger maps.

Kinda agree about the 8month part. Not too good, hell its june before we see any new maps. One thing i wish they had allowed was for some sort of mod tool, even if just specifically for maps. As altho im still by far learning the maps, i know theres a shed load of hardcore folk who,ll be the complete oppossite.

Still good of them to atleast tell us were getting stuff down the line, eventually.

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I don't think there will be too many similarities to CoD... all of their maps are like two hallways where the game forces you to lob grenades and fire shotguns down. :s

huh? I don't find that in COD at all. In fact that's what I dislike about some of the tight maps in BF3, like metro. They seem to encourage the tight, cramped corridor gameplay.

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Love metro due to the real power struggles you get. Reminds of the old CTF_Face maps in Unreal. Can see how people get put off due to base-raping etc but on Metro its part of the gameplay tbh and more a case of how well your team can battle out or get a sneaky drop on flag.

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huh? I don't find that in COD at all. In fact that's what I dislike about some of the tight maps in BF3, like metro. They seem to encourage the tight, cramped corridor gameplay.

Admittedly I stopped COD after MW2, but mainly because it became everyone loading out with multiple grenades and dual shotguns sprinting down the corridors on any tight map.

As for Metro, sure there are some choke points that people will fling RPGs down, but you usually don't have to stack up there and try and force your way through. And, if you really want to go that route, you can usually count on someone reviving you, as long as the two sides are somewhat evenly matched.

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I'm all for some more close quarters type maps. Basically looks like it'll bring some of the claustrophobia of Counterstrike to Battlefield - which I'm all for.

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Please god let it be real. Was just saying how the game needed more QCB yesterday. I know several folk will moan and say, but itss not COD. Well all Im saying is Metro and Seine are my 2 fave maps, so this is all kinds of good if true personally

Honestly, I kind of feel the same way. My favorite maps are Metro, Seine, and Bazaar. I just don't do well in big maps, even playing with friends. Most of the time I take a jet because that is the only fun I have in them. I don't care to much for tanks, and I usually use the trucks for C4 bait and drive them into tanks.

I generally stick to 24/7 metro maps, with high tickets, and no explosives or launchers. Every now and again I will go to a large map to pilot a helicopter for people (since I can't shoot with them) or play around in a jet, or to snipe.

I'm just hoping the Close Quarters maps will be allowed to up the player count in them, for absolute mayhem. :p

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My beef isn't with Close Quarters itself - hell, Bazaar and Seine are my favorite BF3 maps - its just that I want them to release all 3 DLC pieces at the same time. For those who don't like the CQB stuff, what new maps will there be for them? None. I just feel like its a lame attempt at trying to NOT be like CoD..."Ok, we won't release a new game every year; instead, we'll just piece-mail DLC to make it feel like this game has infinite stay power."

Ah well, guess I'm just complaining to complain.

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