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Honestly, I kind of feel the same way. My favorite maps are Metro, Seine, and Bazaar. I just don't do well in big maps, even playing with friends. Most of the time I take a jet because that is the only fun I have in them. I don't care to much for tanks, and I usually use the trucks for C4 bait and drive them into tanks.

I generally stick to 24/7 metro maps, with high tickets, and no explosives or launchers. Every now and again I will go to a large map to pilot a helicopter for people (since I can't shoot with them) or play around in a jet, or to snipe.

I'm just hoping the Close Quarters maps will be allowed to up the player count in them, for absolute mayhem. :p


Or atleast at the moment, I did play the first 20lvls or so pretty much just in Caspian Border andd Op Firestorm. I go through phases, but generally its about a 5:1 Metro:Other ratio.

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Just a thought.

I've wondered why no members of NeoWin haven't made a server yet. It has probably been brought up before. But with a topic with 6,000+ replies and 280,000+ views...

I've thought about doing it, but the little research I did, $90+ a month is a bit steep for a 64 man server. I'm sure we could do donations. I just don't prefer PayPal, or I would do it.

I've been wanting to open a 64man, 24/7 Metro no explosives/launchers server, considering the 3-4 that exist are always full and over-queue.

Is there an interest in this? I've yet to come across anyone sporting the [NEO] clan tag as well. I feel alone out here. :(

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If I was on PC Id be up for it but atm I'm on 360...might get PC version after my Uni dissertation is handed in...

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Just a thought.

I've wondered why no members of NeoWin haven't made a server yet. It has probably been brought up before. But with a topic with 6,000+ replies and 280,000+ views...

I've thought about doing it, but the little research I did, $90+ a month is a bit steep for a 64 man server. I'm sure we could do donations. I just don't prefer PayPal, or I would do it.

I've been wanting to open a 64man, 24/7 Metro no explosives/launchers server, considering the 3-4 that exist are always full and over-queue.

Is there an interest in this? I've yet to come across anyone sporting the [NEO] clan tag as well. I feel alone out here. :(

Boz had/has some servers but I don't know if they are still up. Also the trouble is people are from all over the place, not just the US.

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Boz had/has some servers but I don't know if they are still up. Also the trouble is people are from all over the place, not just the US.

Oh, right. I completely forgot about that. Thanks for reminding me, now I can find more no explosive servers. ^_^

My ping is fairly low, even across long distances. When I played on 360, I had played on a bunch of UK servers and did fine. Not sure if it translates that well in PC, but as long as my latency is 200 or below it wouldn't bother me.

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Just a thought.

I've wondered why no members of NeoWin haven't made a server yet. It has probably been brought up before. But with a topic with 6,000+ replies and 280,000+ views...

I've thought about doing it, but the little research I did, $90+ a month is a bit steep for a 64 man server. I'm sure we could do donations. I just don't prefer PayPal, or I would do it.

I've been wanting to open a 64man, 24/7 Metro no explosives/launchers server, considering the 3-4 that exist are always full and over-queue.

Is there an interest in this? I've yet to come across anyone sporting the [NEO] clan tag as well. I feel alone out here. :(

Can donate a 10man vent server if you like. That or we could form our own wee clan.

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Can donate a 10man vent server if you like. That or we could form our own wee clan.

I have a 25man (or maybe 20 man, can't remember) vent server. I used it for SWToR, but most of my guild has quit. I still pay for it as they use it time to time, real life friends and whatnot. Do you guys need one, it isn't being used often and I have no problem continuing the payments for it?

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good idea to start a neowin server for PC players. I'm on 360 personally.

I still think this is the best online shooter ever made and love it, I will stop once at level 45. I'm at 41 now, and disappointed with DICE. The game has had almost no visible support from them since December, and many of the problems persist. Frag rounds and MAVs are still a pain. When are the fixes coming? When are we getting new maps?

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good idea to start a neowin server for PC players. I'm on 360 personally.

I still think this is the best online shooter ever made and love it, I will stop once at level 45. I'm at 41 now, and disappointed with DICE. The game has had almost no visible support from them since December, and many of the problems persist. Frag rounds and MAVs are still a pain. When are the fixes coming? When are we getting new maps?

Yay hit 35 myself and am well chuffed. But yeh totally agree about Dice, the C4 bug alone is enuff to call the game broken.

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Yay hit 35 myself and am well chuffed. But yeh totally agree about Dice, the C4 bug alone is enuff to call the game broken.

C4 bug?

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Hey Coli you mean the C4s that can't be spotted? Otherwise not sure, other than C4 being a cheap trick I would not use myself. Wouldn't call the game broken at all, but in rather pressing need of improvement for sure. Right now it looks like DICE basically forgot about it.

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C4 doesn't disappear when you switch teams. Some smart ass posted it on the BF3 forums, so now there are a whole bunch of people using it :( Fortunately it's only really useful on metro so the people I see using it are few and far between.

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Close quarters should be fun. I prefer the larger maps BUT more choice is always a boon. I do think that DICE do small maps really well though.

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I will be starting a 360 server when the optiion comes. Large vehicle maps only.

That would be brilliant!
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According to battlelog PS3 players will be able to download a new version of the Back to Karkand dlc tomorrow that will fix the weapon bugs. I don't know if there are any ps3 players here though so just putting it out there.

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Hopefully there will be a fix soon and not just for PS3. And tha ks for explaining the C4 issue, that's annoying but a small problem compared to some of the others.

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New weapons shown in the video: Spas-12, MTAR-21 (no idea what that is), ACW-R, LSAT (???), L86a1, and AUG. All in all, apart from the new guns the maps look "meh". Spam explosives to win. Which I guess is no different than how it is currently.

Edit: MTAR-21 is a sub machine gun similar in looks to the A-91 already in game.
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According to battlelog PS3 players will be able to download a new version of the Back to Karkand dlc tomorrow that will fix the weapon bugs. I don't know if there are any ps3 players here though so just putting it out there.

Intrinsica, I believe, is a PS3 player

You're right, I am. That said, Battlefield is with me in my new apartment and I haven't sorted out my Internet, I haven't played BF3 in about a month now. I should really make a move on sorting out the Internet situation...

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