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New weapons shown in the video: Spas-12, MTAR-21 (no idea what that is), ACW-R, LSAT (???), L86a1, and AUG. All in all, apart from the new guns the maps look "meh". Spam explosives to win. Which I guess is no different than how it is currently.

Edit: MTAR-21 is a sub machine gun similar in looks to the A-91 already in game.

SPAS we all know

MTAR-21 is a variant of the TAR (CoD players will recognise this one)

ACW-R can't find any info on

LSAT is an LMG looks a bit bigger the the M27 and RPK but smaller than the other big LMG's

L82A1 is a LMG version of the L85A2

and the AUG is another clip fed LMG like the M27 and RPK

Interesting they're are gonna be 3 LMG's in a CQB map pack...I'd expect, shotguns and PDW weapons...

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SPAS we all know

MTAR-21 is a variant of the TAR (CoD players will recognise this one)

ACW-R can't find any info on

LSAT is an LMG looks a bit bigger the the M27 and RPK but smaller than the other big LMG's

L82A1 is a LMG version of the L85A2

and the AUG is another clip fed LMG like the M27 and RPK

Interesting they're are gonna be 3 LMG's in a CQB map pack...I'd expect, shotguns and PDW weapons...

The ACW-R is just the ACR (same as in mw2/3). DICE apparently has licensing issues so they change the name around. The same goes for the PDW-R that is currently in the game.

I don't think that's all the weapons either, because there were no rifles of any sort shown, bolt action or otherwise and you'd figure they would include at least one. Also as you said no shotguns besides the spas-12 or pistols.

Edit, this just in:

This June expansion pack has the same scope and ambition as Back to Karkand. This means that besides new maps, the expansion pack also offers 10 new weapons that you can bring back to the base game, 10 new Assignments, 5 unique dog tags, new audio, new ways to play, and more.

So it is as I said, that was just a few of the guns that will be released. Although I hate the bull**** assignments to get them, at least the Karkand ones were a joke.


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The ACW-R is just the ACR (same as in mw2/3). DICE apparently just has licensing issues so they change the name around. The same goes for the PDW-R that is currently in the game.

I don't think that's all the weapons either, because there were no rifles of any sort shown, bolt action or otherwise and you'd figure they would include at least one. Also as you said no shotguns besides the spas-12 or pistols.

Yea I was gonna say it looked like the much as I hate to say it I'm kinda expecting a CoD AA-12 esque gun...but I will hate anyone that uses it.

and No its not all the guns I've heard there is another 10...dono if we'll have to do assignments to get them though.

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when is this coming out, do you know?

The official battlefield blog that I posted a link to on the previous page said June. No more specific date than that right now.

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The only reason why I'm looking forward to the new DLC is because of the weapons. The map in the trailer doesn't look like one that I'd like.

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That Close Quarters gameplay trailer actually looked pretty nice in my humble opinion. I don't know what the popular sentiment is like, but I actually enjoy Operation Metro quite a bit on Conquest. I haven't touched BF3 in forever (not for a lack of interest - my plate is just full with other things), but I remember having quite a bit of fun on Metro. Perhaps it's slightly antithetical to the whole idea of Battlefield, but I'll still check out the Close Quarters maps when they come out. Sucks that we have to wait until June for them, though.

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I am actually really, really looking forward to the DLC after this one. "Armored Kill" I believe is the name of it. I have always proclaimed my love for tanks in the BF series, so any maps that are geared specifically towards vehicular combat, I am all over. I have not played the game in quite some time actually. Not out of lack of interest, just because there have been so many other games I have been playing. I may hop on this weekend for a few matches, feeling like I need to visit my old friend again. But yeah, the "Armored Kill" DLC is what I am all about, but I will probably check out this DLC as well.

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That Close Quarters gameplay trailer actually looked pretty nice in my humble opinion. I don't know what the popular sentiment is like, but I actually enjoy Operation Metro quite a bit on Conquest. I haven't touched BF3 in forever (not for a lack of interest - my plate is just full with other things), but I remember having quite a bit of fun on Metro. Perhaps it's slightly antithetical to the whole idea of Battlefield, but I'll still check out the Close Quarters maps when they come out. Sucks that we have to wait until June for them, though.

As you know, Battlefield games are known for their large maps and vehicular combat. And it's the main reason I like them; however, it doesn't mean they shouldn't have small maps that encourage close quarters combat. I had a lot of fun with Operation Metro (both in the beta and the final game). I look forward to Ziba Towers as well as the other yet-to-be revealed CQC maps.

I am actually really, really looking forward to the DLC after this one. "Armored Kill" I believe is the name of it. I have always proclaimed my love for tanks in the BF series, so any maps that are geared specifically towards vehicular combat, I am all over. I have not played the game in quite some time actually. Not out of lack of interest, just because there have been so many other games I have been playing. I may hop on this weekend for a few matches, feeling like I need to visit my old friend again. But yeah, the "Armored Kill" DLC is what I am all about, but I will probably check out this DLC as well.

Armored Kill should be good. It's going to have the biggest map in Battlefield history which is definitely something to look forward to.

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Does anyone else think Armoured Kill might just favour chopper and jet pilots? Im a tank driver and whenever there is a good jet or chopper pilot, worse still, both, in a game I just get smashed! AK sounds like a lot of fun but the pro players are really going to shine here.

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Does anyone else think Armoured Kill might just favour chopper and jet pilots? Im a tank driver and whenever there is a good jet or chopper pilot, worse still, both, in a game I just get smashed! AK sounds like a lot of fun but the pro players are really going to shine here.

I'm gonna love it if there are plenty of jets and choppers....tho only the viper...havoc is a plie of s**t

Jet with rocket pods/guided run kill on a tank.

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Does anyone else think Armoured Kill might just favour chopper and jet pilots? Im a tank driver and whenever there is a good jet or chopper pilot, worse still, both, in a game I just get smashed! AK sounds like a lot of fun but the pro players are really going to shine here.

I just see them as targets in the air and not the ground to be honest. The deadly ones are those that can do damage and not fly close to you. Key is patience. Let them think you are not going to retaliate, or even better that you do not see them, and they think it is safe and fly towards you. One shot and that is all she wrote.

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Hmmm June...wish they would put it out sooner. No offense to the game or DICE, but I'm personally getting slightly bored with it and will prob move on soon. I guess for tank lovers this will be worth the wait!

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I'm one more USAS gang related death away from shoving this game back in the box and throwing it in the trash can. :angry:

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I hear ya man, those drag rounds are annoying. The MAVs are also that. But both make me laugh, its kinda funny getting blown away by drag rounds, and the sniper character models all have this intent unblinking look that cracks me up every time. I love this game, but at the same time feel like I'm close to having enough of a good thing.


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I hear ya man, those drag rounds are annoying. The MAVs are also that. But both make me laugh, its kinda funny getting blown away by drag rounds, and the sniper character models all have this intent unblinking look that cracks me up every time. I love this game, but at the same time feel like I'm close to having enough of a good thing.

It's actually very effective to use the MAV against people who abuse it initially. If they're using it to get up onto the highway in Tehran Highway, you can zip up and kill them. Since they'll sit with a Spawn Beacon you can float around until they spawn again and... yup, the circle continues. :p

FRAG rounds annoy me, but the FAMAS actually goes further to annoy me. That thing is very difficult to beat at the moment, but it might be because I'm using the M98B with Holographic and Straight Pull Bolt.

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Thinking of getting a server(It'll be NA) what game modes would people like? Hard/Normal/Infantry, Rush etc...

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