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Stratiform is an add-on for Firefox 4, which allows the user to tweak a wide range of appearance settings, which would otherwise be unavailable. The extension also doubles as a theme, allowing users to enable toolbar styles, which suit their tastes. Tab bar, Add-on bar and many other categories are also available for styling.


This is only our third alpha, but we have a lot more planned. Any kind of feedback is appreciated. If you have a bug to report please post it here.


Minefield 4.0b12pre or newer required to function correctly. Tested on 2011-02-18 build.


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Soapy, great job with this.

I was sold on this version when I noticed you can make rounded buttons in the toolbar now. :D

The customization options available are very cool and I was able to get rid of 3 Stylish scripts since Stratiform does it.

This version is definitely better than the previous one as it fixed the only bug I encountered and that was not being able to access the app menu button when the browser was maximized.

Keep up the great work and look forward to the next release.

Brilliant job guys! I've been using Stratiform in FF4b11 for a while now, and truthfully, I think it's a brilliant idea. I particularly like being able to change my App Button to have different text and stuff, because that's a great way to personalize Firefox. I'm not creative though so it's just been changed to 'Strata' :p

This is so awesome! I wasn't too impressed with the previous version, but this one totally kicks ass

These are not complaints in anyways, but I do have some questions about the future versions

1) Are you planning to add a way to not only change the tab color, but the rest of the chrome as well?

2) Are there any plans to add the roundness editor to the address bar?

3) Are there any plans to add the roundness editor to the tabs?

4) This isn't really your issue, but I use this style to put the combined stop/reload on the leftside of the toolbar. However, this messes with the add-on and prevents it from being styled properly. Is there anything you or I can do to make it work better? I have a feeling it's due to the fact that I use a button image, rather than the actual button :/

toolbar[mode="icons"][currentset*="reload-button,stop-button,urlbar-container"] #urlbar {
  -moz-border-radius: 0 4px 4px 0 !important;
  border-left: 0 !important;

toolbar[mode="icons"][currentset*="reload-button,stop-button,urlbar-container"] #reload-button,
toolbar[mode="icons"][currentset*="reload-button,stop-button,urlbar-container"] #reload-button + #stop-button{
  border-color: rgba(0,0,0,.25) rgba(0,0,0,.32) rgba(0,0,0,.37) !important;
  -moz-border-radius: 4px 0 0 4px!important;  
  -moz-box-shadow: 0 1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,.1) inset,
                   0 1px 0 rgba(255,255,255,.4) !important;
  background: rgba(255,255,255,.725) !important;
  margin-right: -3px !important;
  list-style-image: url("") !important;
  opacity: 1 !important;
  padding: 0 6px 0 6px !important;
  -moz-transition: -moz-box-shadow .1s !important;

toolbar[mode="icons"][currentset*="reload-button,stop-button,urlbar-container"] #reload-button {
  -moz-image-region: rect(0 11px 12px 0) !important;

toolbar[mode="icons"][currentset*="reload-button,stop-button,urlbar-container"] #reload-button + #stop-button {
  -moz-image-region: rect(0 22px 12px 11px) !important;

toolbar[mode="icons"][currentset*="reload-button,stop-button,urlbar-container"] #reload-button:not([disabled]):hover{
  background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(rgb(158,204,241), rgb(111,177,225) 49%,
                                   rgb(91,159,217) 50%, rgb(81,152,210) 60%,
                                   rgb(62,138,204)) !important;
  -moz-box-shadow: 0 0 1px 0 rgba(255,255,255,.40) inset, 
                   0 1px 0 rgba(255,255,255,.4) !important;

toolbar[mode="icons"][currentset*="reload-button,stop-button,urlbar-container"] #reload-button + #stop-button{
  background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(rgb(230,161,138), rgb(209,119,100) 49%,
                                   rgb(192,93,78) 50%, rgb(185,85,70) 60%,
                                   rgb(193,90,74)) !important;
  -moz-box-shadow: 0 0 1px 0 rgba(255,255,255,.40) inset, 
                   0 1px 0 rgba(255,255,255,.4) !important;

toolbar[mode="icons"][currentset*="reload-button,stop-button,urlbar-container"] #reload-button + #stop-button:not([disabled]):hover{
  background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(rgb(240,161,138), rgb(219,119,100) 49%,
                                   rgb(203,93,78) 50%, rgb(195,85,70) 60%,
                                   rgb(203,90,74)) !important;

toolbar[mode="icons"][currentset*="reload-button,stop-button,urlbar-container"] #reload-button:not([disabled]):hover:active,
toolbar[mode="icons"][currentset*="reload-button,stop-button,urlbar-container"] #reload-button + #stop-button:not([disabled]):hover:active {
  -moz-box-shadow: inset 0 0 3px rgba(0,0,0,.8), 
                   0 1px 0 rgba(255,255,255,.4) !important;

#stop-button .toolbarbutton-icon,
#reload-button .toolbarbutton-icon{
  height: auto !important;
  width: auto !important;

#navigator-toolbox:not([tabsontop="true"]) toolbar[mode="icons"][currentset*="reload-button,stop-button,urlbar-container"] #reload-button,
#navigator-toolbox:not([tabsontop="true"]) toolbar[mode="icons"][currentset*="reload-button,stop-button,urlbar-container"] #reload-button + #stop-button {
  background-clip: padding-box !important;

Great add on. Would love additional options to square tabs and the toolbar too. If you select squared buttons and text boxes it looks very awkward cause everything else is rounded.

We would love to add that ability, but the tabs are actually images so we can't really do that. We might be able to replicate the tab style using css which would allow us to change the border radius.

I'd like the option to combine the home/bookmarks button like I currently have in Stylish.

And also an option to control the opacity of the navigation toolbar, I wouldn't mind making it more transparent.

I'll look into those options.

Guess it's only available for Minefield, what's the reason behind this?

A lot of things changed from beta11 to prebeta12/beta12, for example the tabs are a lot different, and now the links are show in the bottom left like Chrome. We thought it would be better to build it on Minefield so it works on beta12 once released.

This is great :D Thanks.

Shame it doesn't work on 64 bit Minefield though :(

There is no reason why it shouldn't work. Does it allow you to install it?

This is so awesome! I wasn't too impressed with the previous version, but this one totally kicks ass

These are not complaints in anyways, but I do have some questions about the future versions

1) Are you planning to add a way to not only change the tab color, but the rest of the chrome as well?

2) Are there any plans to add the roundness editor to the address bar?

3) Are there any plans to add the roundness editor to the tabs?

4) This isn't really your issue, but I use this style to put the combined stop/reload on the leftside of the toolbar. However, this messes with the add-on and prevents it from being styled properly. Is there anything you or I can do to make it work better? I have a feeling it's due to the fact that I use a button image, rather than the actual button :/

1) We might be able to do something like this, but the active tab color would need to change with it.

2) Yes that's on our todo list.

3) The tabs are images so not easy to do unless we remake the tabs using css.

4) Try this code: link

Thanks for all the great comments guys.

Hmm, the changes between this and what I had are very subtle, doesn't look like it worked.

When using the pop-out Strata40 for text fields, the stop/reload still doesn't pop out when it's on the left like it does on the right. Here's an image


Try this:

#urlbar > :not(toolbarbutton):not(#identity-box),
#urlbar > toolbarbutton > image {
  -moz-transform: scaleX(-1) !important;

#urlbar .urlbar-history-dropmarker {
  display: none !important;

Only problem is the urlbar dropmarker will be on the left, unless you remove it like in the above code. It should work with any of our text field styles.

EDIT: Should probably mention, you don't need to move the buttons anywhere. They should stay to the right of the urlbar.

Are there any known compatibility issues with XP? I cannot seem to get the add-on to install on my Minefield at work for the past few builds.

I haven't tested alpha 3 in XP, but alpha 2 worked fine. There isn't really a reason why it shouldn't work however.

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