September Desktops

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Who are you? Your comments in this thread have been some of the most worthless and abusive post's I've seen for a while. You'll be in a world of hurt if you start to bag bant. My advice is to go and masturbate, get rid of that pent up rage you have before you land in hot water.

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going simple this month .. tired of fancy styles.. going to keep it for a whole month! no really i am ... ok for at least a week .... um ....


Wallpaper: um ... dono..

Style: Professional by me :D



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Haven't posted my desktop in a while, but hopefully this detailed post will be a nice way to get back into it :p.

Click for full size (1280x1024 - 800kb)

Icons: Start Menu - Noia Icons, Folders - Aqua Folders (pm me about it, there's a whole bunch), Internet Browser Icons - Assorted, Firebird by JairoB, the rest I forget, pm me, TXT File - ViViD File Types by Dangeruss, Recycling Bin - Latest icons by Carlitus, he hasn't named them yet, Dock Icons - Way to many, just pm me about any of them.

Visual Style - SmoothMilk idea by cmove, Both themes by Max, ported by KoL, I did what cmove did but change the colours around to what I liked the most, also custom Start Button that I do on all themes now :p. (Screenshot is edited so you can see the buttons even though that's not the active window).

Dock - YzDock 0.8.3

Docklets - Drives, Mail Checker, Weather - All at

Background - Scrutiny from

Mouse Pointer - BlueCurve by Dazzla

Toolbar - YzToolbar 1.3 Milk theme

Programs In System Tray - ICQ, MSN 6.0, mIRC, Norton Antivirus

Well that's it, anymore questions just post here or pm me!

Hope you like!

Hey that is one sweeeet Desktop :)

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