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The OS X Nightly of today comes with the Australis theme:




You already got re-spin builds? Windows (build) sucks in build times.

Just got the Australis respin. Looks... odd... the grouped favorite star and bookmarks list look awful (both the buttons and the actual list menu ? which looks SO off). Also no more "small buttons" on the toolbar and larger tab bar. I'm not sure I'm 100% onboard with this, yet...

Microsoft Open Source contributed pointer event few patches also landed on mozilla-inbound. Touch browsing from Microsoft is moving forward.. Liked IE move...

EDIT: Bug:

You'll want Aris' extension. :)




I don't mind the changes, just not the size. I couldn't get what I wanted with that extension, but thanks for the suggestion.


Edit: Am I the only one who prefers everything to the left and not the right?

Looks like the 8 specific variant hasn't landed yet.

Edit: Also Pointer Events (Y), even if it did get backed out.

I really hope it will land soon because i like this, even though it's a mockup

After using Australia solid for about 12 hours I think I prefer it to the old theme, not a fan of the mixed bookmark button though (And old extension buttons are entirely broken, as usual)

First one looks like an (old) in-progress shot of the (second) mockup.

I'm on this build and waiting for Holly in normal update channel.

I'm also in contact with Stratiform developer, They plan to update their extension, we can count for classic look in Australis as well :D

I hope that once its finished it looks more like the windows 8 mockup on windows 8. That mockup looks very beautiful (, but in its current form it looks pretty ugly with the hardcoded win7 style blue toolbar.

I really like shorlanders mockup of Australis on win 8, so i tried to write some css to make my nightly like it. It's still a work in progress but you can grab it if you want


It has squared tabs as i don't like rounded ones :D




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