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Thanks for the reply! I see, what a bummer :( What I haven't understood this far, if I disable directwrite, do I lose the HA or not? :pinch:

You should be able to disable


to just disable directwrite, and still have layers enabled.

Highlight the domain name in the address bar

will be in tomorrow's nightly!


it's in latest hourly: (win32)

but there's not enough contrast IMO


What is the point of this?

You should be able to disable


to just disable directwrite, and still have layers enabled.

Thanks again! The thing is, it does not work :pinch: I set it to disabled and nothing changed. Then to be sure I made a new profile and


was by default set to disabled. Just to say what I want to do, I use Win7 with GDI++ to enhance my fonts, unfortunately, ever since Firefox 4 GDI++ wont apply anymore to it. So my goal is to retain HA and let GDI++ handle the fonts^^

What is the point of this?

Its sort of a security feature to help protect the more novice users from phishing. Some phishing sites will try to make their urls look similar to the legit site, for example: vs It makes it easier to tell if you are on the fishy site.

Thanks again! The thing is, it does not work :pinch: I set it to disabled and nothing changed. Then to be sure I made a new profile and


was by default set to disabled. Just to say what I want to do, I use Win7 with GDI++ to enhance my fonts, unfortunately, ever since Firefox 4 GDI++ wont apply anymore to it. So my goal is to retain HA and let GDI++ handle the fonts^^

In that case even if you used the new settings that landed in the nightlies, GDI++ still would not be handling the fonts. The just let you tweak directwrite's font rendering to make it look more like the classic cleartype rendering, directwrite still handles the font rendering. You may have to try turning off hw acceleration completely in the options.

In that case even if you used the new settings that landed in the nightlies, GDI++ still would not be handling the fonts. The just let you tweak directwrite's font rendering to make it look more like the classic cleartype rendering, directwrite still handles the font rendering. You may have to try turning off hw acceleration completely in the options.

Ahh okay, that explains it, thanks! I will just live without GDI++ for FF4, losing HA isn't worth it imo^^

I'd strongly suggest getting used to it (by trying it, etc.) DirectWrite is the new font rendering API Microsoft want people to use, so Firefox, IE9, Steam, etc. are just the beginning of the trend. And unlike Steam and Firefox, most apps won't let you just randomly disable it.

You should be able to disable


to just disable directwrite, and still have layers enabled.

You need to disable Direct2D, you can't mix and match them (that preference only controls forcing DirectWrite on when you're doing software rendering.)

^Fair enough. I've enabled it now and I'll be testing it for a day. To me it doesn't look as good as when I have it disabled :s

Edit: This might be a placebo effect but, did they change the way DirectWrite renders the font? Cause it looks different compared with the last time that I tried it out. Also, I can see the red and blue channels in the fonts way to easy. Is there any way that I can change this?

Yeah, they adjusted it slightly to match the way IE renders. (Basically, it ignores the default API settings, unless a user has run the ClearType Tuner) The preference "gfx.font_rendering.cleartype_params.enhanced_contrast" governs that behaviour (I think the old default was 0.5 or something)

I did run ClearType Tuner in Windows 7. But I don't feel like changing it only so that the text in Firefox looks better. If I'd do that, the text outside of Firefox will look bad.

I'll just use it a day and see how I feel about it tomorrow.

erm , yeah ie9 is faster coz of dropping support for xp and not coz of some chakra (or dead code elimination :shiftyninja: ) , so yeah xp is the one to blame :)


Some new stuff regrading the branches :D

reshack and I got that **** the same. So, whats the point? :laugh:

Tell us what does the error window say so we can figure out what may be the problem?We are not fortune tellers.

PS:Most likely it is a broken addon.

Sorry, I should have said 'Mozilla Crash Reporter' not 'error window'. I updated to the latest nightly and it still crashes so it might be an add-on incompatibility.

EDIT: I've got it running in safe mode now so I will narrow down the possibilities.

EDIT 2: Fixed the problem. One of my add-ons was responsible so I disabled it and everything is working again (thanks for the suggestion kilara)

Highlight the domain name in the address bar

will be in tomorrow's nightly!


it's in latest hourly: (win32)

but there's not enough contrast IMO


Looks like they don't have everything worked out with this yet:

They just have highlighted and not espn, like Chrome normally would have.

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