So we passed 10 Million forum posts!

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Congrats to the community, and to the Staff for keeping things running smoothlyish

I joined Neowin from OSNN, and quickly found that there was a lot more active knowledgeable and helpful people here. I lurked for about a year, reading the information i needed. But then thought that taking part in discussions would be more exciting :) What keeps me here are the same reasons why i joined, active, knowledgeable and helpful community :)

So why did I join Neowin?

I had ?lurked? since 2002 via Google search results, remember when people used to join saying ?long time lurker, first time poster? but its true.

I joined after finishing Uni, I was a little lost and very opinionated but always tried to understand others. I was so frustrated in the early day with people who used to ?own? others in threads that started so innocently, they seemed to distract from this ideal community forum that I wanted to be part of.

I joined for my love of customising XP and I really went deep. Looking back I had way too much time on my hands but at the time it was so important. Nowadays I post when Im interested in a topic. I would hope I?ve built up enough of a post count to be taken as a true forum member as I consider Neowin my main home when it comes to forum posts. In summary, I joined at a time when I thought I could lead people because I had insight. After taking on manager roles in various banking organisations I realise just how hard it is to manage anything, even when you put the work in.

What has kept me active?

I can honestly say its not the ?newbies? who post for the sake of posting, its those long term users who post once every couple of months when something really peaks their interest. Neowin can?t survive on those people alone but its their advise and comments that keep the true forum member coming back. We need everyone, the second you start trying to impose your own ideals is when a community breaks down.

1. I joined because straight away after visiting the site many years ago I knew it was a good community and I wanted to help people out where I could on the forums

2. Well I haven't been as active as I would like but the incentive for me is to continue being part of such a great community and to be able to share our knowledge with each other. It's a great place to be :)

1) Tell us why you joined Neowin;

Was looking for an active, informative technology-related forum. This one seemed to stand out!

2) And what kept you here as an active user of the site.

I found an active community of knowledgeable, funny, strange, an epically weird users.

Thanks, and lets hope we can talk about this again in ten years time (with hopefully 20 Million posts, or more). (Y)

I'm setting a calendar alarm for 10 years from now just for this event. :p

Woo I'm still active =)

edit: ah crap, thought I was registered in 01 .. oh well lol =D but I am still here

Missed it by a couple of months, I knew it was a long time ago... the peeps here talked me through building my first rig. it's still my daily source for tech news. :)

Same here, came here because this was the best theming community on the net for XP. I miss a lot of the old people that were here, but still love the old ones that are still around as well as many of the new people!

Joined due to wanting to post in the themes sections. There have been times when i just wanted nothing to do with neowin, but like the mafia " it pulls me back in ". Joined as T2 because after years and years i still came back on a daily basis, and think i became T2 when it came avaliable

Honestly, I didn't know a thing about tech in 2001, as I was only 7 at the time of the board's creation, and very technologically depraved.

However, if that had not been the case, and had I been older, I probably would have joined in all the same. This board is amazing, filled with more than just tech and geek talk. Despite its enormous size, there is a very close sense of community, and not to mention the maturity level is kept at levels rare on the internet. All in all, I don't think I'll be leaving for a very long while, nor will I be removing it from my homepage. I would show my support with ads, but sadly, I can't get Admuncher's filter to work properly.

I love you, Neowin!

Tell us why you joined Neowin: I joined because I was looking for a new home on the internet after another place I frequented closed down, I was really impressed with how well the site was put together, run and maintained. I loved it almost immediately. That, and it was a recommendation from a very, very good friend of mine.

And what kept you here as an active user of the site: I'm still impressed with how well the site is put together, run and maintained.. I'm also quite impressed with the fact that the mods listen to the users and actually care about the development of the site.. unlike a lot of sights I've ever been to.. That, and the community is damn wonderful.

Sadly I did not register before 2001 :( Didn't get a compute rat home until 2003 :(

That said. I joined Neowin to help promote various games for an advertising firm back in 2005...I stayed because I actually liked the community...go figure :p

Congratulation to all on Neowin. I hope we are here for another 10 years and another 10 mil posts.

1. I can not recall what I was asking the first time I posted on Neowin, all I remember it was a problem with my first build. I got the answer that I needed and as i was roaming thru the forums discovered this is a very varied place wit plenty to read and learn.

2.This is a fun place. You can learn about every topic imaginable from technology to dirty jokes and with such a vast and diverse community there's always something new to learn and laugh about.

I remember Neowin from 2001... unfortunately I did not actually become a member until sometime in 2003.

1. I first began frequenting Neowin during the "Whistler" days and finally joined because I genuinely enjoyed learning from everyone here (I was only 14 when Neowin first began).

2. I stayed because I continue to love to learn from everyone here, read the often amusing discussions, and try to help a random user here and there (Love the Jokes section!)

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