Is WWE wrestling fake or real?

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Is that true. Because I have never seen a live wrestling there are couple of videos showing that these wrestling are in fact prescript ed ? Is that true? :whistle:

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really? everyone knows its fake. watch any match where they start throwing punches to the heads, you can see how fake it is

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How do you not know the answer to this...

The outcomes are scripted as are most of the events/moves etc. I would like to think that some of it is ad-libbed but you honestly never know.

Yes, it is "fake" in the sense that the outcomes are known and they're not trying to kill one another. It is real in the sense that they take a lot of punishment regardless.

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WWE Wrestling is all scripted, but that's why people watch it. It's entertainment - it's more about performance than being an actual brutal sport.

I'm personally not a fan because of that reason, but then again I don't watch UFC or anything that's a bit more realistic.

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Yes Very Very scripted. All wrestlers talk to each other as they are fighting, to discuss which is the next move so each can prepare for their part in said move.

Also blades are kept under the ring or in the refs pocket so they can cut themselves

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Yes. All the matches, story lines and characters are scripted. The moves, however, are not fake always. And if you notice, wrestlers talk to each other during the match regarding what move to do and what the reaction will be, and the referee has earphone in his ears, may be because the responsible WWE employees tell the referee to communicate with wrestlers about the moves and the whole match, basically about what to do next.

And WWE rejects to accept itself as a wrestling company, instead they say that they are entertainment providers. Moreover, they prefer to call their wrestlers "Superstars" instead of wrestlers.

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its not real, but its great to watch them pull off these tricks, i enjoy watching it from time to time, but it cant be taking serious!

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*cough* sorry. Yes, it's fake. While the stunts themselves are real, there are safety measures in place and everyone knows what is going to happen due to the whole thing being scripted.

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I thought everyone knew premise was not "real fighting". There have been real deaths, real knockouts, however all matches, titles, etc are planned and scripted. The wrestlers know what to say, and who is going to win each fight.

I prefer UFC as it is 100% real, a Knockout is a knockout, a punch is a real punch.

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It's real. Whoever says it's fake, can't smell what the Rock is cooking.

Don't listen to those haters.

I remember when I wasn't sure if it was fake or not back in the 90's.

... Until Stone Cold started being crazy with the milk. :laugh:

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It's basically a soap opera for men.

Hahaha, this is exactly what I was going to say. I see it as a combination of a soap opera and a sport. Yes, they have to be tough and in shape and they do take some serious damage, but it's all planned and scripted.

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Is fake, but some of their moves take a lot of skill and practice so that it doesn't actually hurt each other, a lot of that falls on the responsibility of the guy who is supposedly dishing out the damage.

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What I find remarkable is that the OP had to ask the question. It's only "real" when they make mistakes, then they feel pain :p.

I remember when they used to use Black & White scenes to 'censor' the blood? Or something? I'm not sure what the point of that was...

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it depends on your definition of fake..

are they scripted? yes of course they are, but that's part of the appeal...

do they get hurt? indeed they do, there isn't a way being cat with razor wire or getting hit with a chair won't not hurt

so, fake in the sense that there is a plot (but yeah, it is after all just a manly soap opera), but very real in the pain stakes ;)

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Wrestling is scripted with storylines, match outcomes, and interviews. The moves are real, and they can cause major pain if not executed properly. They will practice and prepare for each match prior to filming it, whether live or prerecorded. This has been the way for as far back as I have watched it. There are often "shoot" interviews where the wrestlers will say what it truly on their minds, but these are few nowadays.

The "real" part of wrestling is the moves and trauma that can, and does, occur inside or outside of the ring. Randy Orton breaking his collar bone after being tossed over the top rope onto the floor was real. Triple H suffering a torn quadriceps muscle in his leg during a match was real. Mick Foley flying off the top of a Hell In A Cell match was real. These incidents can, and most often do, injure wrestlers to the point that they are out for months. This is the reasoning behind the "Don't Try This" ad campaign. The wrestlers are trained to make every move as safe as possible when performing them inside, or outside, of the squared circle.

The "fake" portion of wrestling is the storylines and interviews. Most wrestling organizations have a team of writers that will produce storylines to entertain the fans. These have been around for a long time, and are always evident by what happens right before a Pay Per View. It has always been a dead giveaway that whoever has the upper hand on the TV show prior to the Pay Per View will most likely lose at said Pay Per View.

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