Is WWE wrestling fake or real?

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As fake as movies (I think I'm gonna get alot of hate for this... haha).

Anyway, Vince as been steering away from the Wrestling name for a while, calling wrestling matches fights or bouts, calling the wrestlers Superstars and stuff like that. They dont want to be seen as a wrestling company anymore and more like an action soap opera for men (and children).

I think its actually a pretty good substitute "label", since the wrestling in the WWE as been pretty bad, save for the occasionnal 4/5 star match, for the past 6~7 years. If all I wanted was good wrestling I'd watch RoH or something.

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A soap opera for women too! i have watched it all my life practically and still love it at the age of 26! ooh and i totally smell what the rock is cooking too:)O

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A soap opera for women too! i have watched it all my life practically and still love it at the age of 26! ooh and i totally smell what the rock is cooking too:)O


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As fake as movies (I think I'm gonna get alot of hate for this... haha).

Anyway, Vince as been steering away from the Wrestling name for a while, calling wrestling matches fights or bouts, calling the wrestlers Superstars and stuff like that. They dont want to be seen as a wrestling company anymore and more like an action soap opera for men (and children).

I think its actually a pretty good substitute "label", since the wrestling in the WWE as been pretty bad, save for the occasionnal 4/5 star match, for the past 6~7 years. If all I wanted was good wrestling I'd watch RoH or something.

It is "Sports Entertainment". The key word being Entertainment.

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fixed. More for the Nascar/Monster Truck crowd who believe vehicles actually do transform and bellow fire.

So in Japan where wrestling is pretty popular they must be nascar loving rednecks as well?

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Noooo! What do you mean it's fake...

This thread never happened!

*Rock Bottoms the lot of you!* :laugh:

On a more serious note. WWE is just like any soap opera out there, except it is live action. It's scripted in that they know who will win the matches this week, next week and the week after! They know that when they get in the ring, they will hit each other a while, the goodie (babyface or face) will do well, then the baddie (heel) will do well and then whoever is scripted to win will hit his/her big move and get the win. If it is like a main event, they will add twists and turns. The heel will hit his/her finisher, the face will hit his/her finisher, if the face is due to win (be put over) the face will usually kick out of the heels pin, suddenly find super energy and hit the big clean finish. If the heel is scripted to be put over, the heel will either win clean (unlikely) or will win dirty (outside interference, illegal weapon, low blow etc etc) anything that will make the heel an even bigger bad guy and get the better crowd reaction.

It's even clearer to see in Tag Team matches. The face tag team will start with the upper hand, the heel tag team will then either get a dirty, or clean advantage, the heel team will then dominate until the face gets a lucky shot in and both end up on the floor in the middle of the ring. Both guys will make the tag and the face will usually clear the house (this is called the hot tag) then the script decides which team wins. Again, a face win is usually clean by method of the special finisher, or the heels will either win clean or again, dirty to add up the "hatred" spice.

But the moves they do are real. Very real. Sure, they won't punch each other closed fist or something that can really hurt, but they will try their best to carry out the moves in a way that will do the least or little damage. Moves like the piledriver have been banned for this very reason as it is very difficult not to almost paralyse the recipient. Other moves clearly hurt the wrestler as they carry out the move - Frog splash is a good example. A very dangerous move to carry out is the Shooting Star Press - Just ask Brock Lesnar! Seeing someone of his size doing this move was an amazing athletic feat in itself! There is no amount of fake-ness in that - He did it and he landed on his head - Could have very well snapped his neck.

Where the industry confuses it's viewers is when it does a kayfabe storyline. This can be taking a real-life event and turning it in to a storyline (an example of this was where Lita cheated on Matt Hardy with Edge, Hardy was legitimately fired for his internet remarks, the crowd went wild every time Edge and Lita came to the ring, Vince saw the potential, rehired Matt and ran a storyline where Matt Hardy looked as though he was 'invading' WWE events and breaking in, taking revenge on Edge and Lita for what they did - However, it was all scripted. Hardy even played along with it on the Internet on his website)

It's live action. They make mistakes, they get hurt, they get injured, the writers have to make changes as and when necessary, but ultimately, it's telling a story, which is totally fiction, in an interesting and unique way, as opposed to a regular soap opera like Eastenders and Coronation Street etc, which is not live action and 99% of the time, nobody is ever gonna get hurt.

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American Wrestling in general is not real as it's planned before the events, it's just a form of entertainment. True there can be mistakes that can injure people but apart from that it's basically pretend.

British Wrestling on the other hand as far as I know it's not pre-planned, I could be wrong with that generalisation with some regional companies doing just that. There was an occasion in the late 80's or early 90's where a groups of "big name" American Wrestlers that came over to Aldershot (the next town from me) to Wrestle against some of ours guys and when they realised it was not a pre-planned event they got the next plane out of here.

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WWE etc is OBVIOUSLY fake... go watch UFC and compare ;)

now THAT (i.e. UFC) is as real as it gets... it's not rocket science to figure out that WWE is more of a act/show for entertainment more than anything else. (UFC on other hand is a good test to test fighters since it's as close to a real fight as you can actually get as they have rules but minimal rules)

because it's pretty clear if those WWE guys where actually hitting each other at full force they would get messed up FAST! (because in UFC if someone lands a good punch they get rattled very quick)

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