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How to start mysqld manually ?



Here is the thread i started on apachefriends, but i hope i could get the answer here sooner.

I can start mysql (mysqld) through the xampp control panel, but i also wanted (for testing purpose) to be able to start it through the cmd.

But something's wrong..

if i try either



C:\xampp\mysql\bin>mysqld --user=mysql

also --user=root

i get the following error:

110510 2:22:03 [Warning] Can't create test file \usr\local\mysql\data\compname.lo


110510 2:22:03 [Warning] Can't create test file \usr\local\mysql\data\compname.lo


mysqld: Can't change dir to '\usr\local\\mysql\data\' (Errcode: 2)

110510 2:22:03 [ERROR] Aborting

110510 2:22:03 [Note] mysqld: Shutdown complete

(i put the folders C:\xampp\tmp, C:\xampp\mysql and C:\windows/temp in the anti-vir exceptions list.)

So how can i start mysqld manually ?

xampp 2.5.8

win xp pro


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11 answers to this question

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Looks like a permissions error. I have no experience with mysql on windows - but on Linux it needs a password argument as well as the user

mysql -u username -p

Space after the user argument, no space after the password argument. You either put the password in directly after the -p with no spacing -pPassword or you leave it blank and it asks for one.

That would be for Linux, I would assume it would be similar with Windows.

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Thanks +chevy but it's not actually that.

This code is for connecting to mysql server if mysqld deamon is already started (by xampp control panel), and in that case i'm able to connect using that command without problems:

mysql -u root

(password is not needed as i didn't set password in mysql.ini)

The problem is how to get mysqld to work without xampp, but using only cmd shell.

I used to do it once, (when i had mysql installed without any xampp alike tools) but i forgot how..

net start [service name]

It's what we use to restart the IIS service on the fly..



I haven't mysql service installed..

I want to start mysqld deamon manually.

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The easiest way I can think of doing it is to install the service, set the service default state to stopped, then use the net start command.

I don't really think there is a downside to this approach, and it gives you the pause and stop commands via Windows Service manager which will ensure orderly shutdown of the process if in use.

If this isn't a good approach, then I'm of 0 help from here on in :p Good luck :)

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Well it actually sounds as a good idea. Thanks (Y)

But it just bothers me why i can't get an exe file (mysqld.exe inside mysql/bin folder) to work..

i mean if xampp batch file can do it without permission problems, why i'm not able to do the same ??

I'm that kind of person, i can't accept that easy that things dont work :argh:

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It's been awhile since I've messed with it, but isn't there another way to configure it so the path variables stay the same? Maybe the XAMPP CLI manages that for you, so when you try running it outside of XAMPP, you get errors, because it is trying to use the standard path. Just a thought.

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Hmm path variable.. maybe you're right.. :o

I remember i had to set a path variable (when i had mysql without xampp).

Do you have an idea how it should look (i'll try to google it) ?


i added the path of the bin folder C:\xampp\mysql\bin in the system variables, but to no avail..

maybe a restart is needed.

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Hmm path variable.. maybe you're right.. :o

I remember i had to set a path variable (when i had mysql without xampp).

Do you have an idea how it should look (i'll try to google it) ?


That and the paragraph below it.

I'm not so sure if that will fix your problem or not when I look at it again. Like I said, it's been forever.

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