Every day our devices become more and more connected, and soon Skynet will become self-aware, rise up, and destroy all of humanity. Until then, we continue to enjoy playing with our technology toys and marvel at things that we could only imagine a few short years ago.
Today’s free app from Amazon’s Android appstore is an example of the constantly converging devices we own. The app, called iMediaShare, let’s you stream any type of media from your phone or tablet to a supported television. The TV has to either have smarts built into it or have a device capable of supporting DLNA or PlayOn, which includes consoles. We tried it out on a Samsung Galaxy S3 and a TV connected to an Xbox 360 and were streaming YouTube, Vimeo, and pictures from our phone in less than a minute.
There are many negative reviews about iMediaShare on Amazon’s site, but most of them are complaining about being required to login with Facebook. After trying the app out ourselves, we can verify that Facebook is actually not required: Simply click the “Skip Login” button and the application will work fine. Connecting through Facebook simply allows you to play videos from the social media site.
iMediaShare normally costs $4.99, but it’s free from Amazon today only. It's also available for iOS via iTunes, but that option is not free. Try it out, it’s definitely a step in the right direction for converged media.
Source: Amazon's Android Appstore
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