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Amber Passed Away Last Night

Thanks again to Sid for this sad news.

"Amber Passed Away Last Night around 11PM. She fought very, very hard; she had to battle for most of her short life. Amber would have turned three this November. We are grateful for the many letters of support. We especially appreciate all of the prayers made in Amber's behalf. If you have children, embrace them; cherish them because life is fragile and fleeting. Don't let the chance to spend this 4th of July holiday with family and friends slip by. Mend broken fences; let those closest to you know the depth of your love. Every opportunity we have to do these things is a gift."

A very very sad story. I emailed van on behalf of neowin, and he sent us this back.

Dear Tom,

Thank you for the message, post, and prayers. They are all deeply appreciated.


Van and Kathy

As he says, cherish your loved ones. You never know what the next day will bring. As ever, why not help try and cure cancer? Got a few bucks spare? Visit the site below - some-body will appreciate your actions.

View: Donate for cancer research tax free

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