In contrast to Intel Corp.'s 90nm chips, AMD's microprocessors made using 90nm process technology consume less power than their 130nm counterparts, according to recently revealed data from Advanced Micro Devices. While the current products use less energy compared to today's flagship chips, future central processing units are expected to be in the same power envelope as today's top 130nm parts.
AMD currently supplies three flavours of desktop processors produced using innovative 90nm process technology: AMD Athlon 64 3000+, AMD Athlon 64 3200+ and AMD Athlon 64 3500+ chips that function at 1.80GHz, 2.00GHz and at 2.20GHz respectively, pack in 512KB of L2 cache and feature 1000MHz HyperTransport bus. Higher-end processors, such as AMD Athlon 64 3800+, 4000+, FX-53 and FX-55 are still produced using 130nm process technology.
News source: X-bit labs