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Apple, Microsoft, Sony try and take on Coca-Cola with cute Christmas Ads

Well known for their sentimental, heart-warming and very visually appealing Christmas (and even year round) advertising, Coca-Cola's 2010 ads, are as usual, a sight to behold

This year however, Apple's also sharing a little Christmas cheer, while hocking their wares at the same time.

The company has recently released a new advertisement featuring Facetime and iPhone 4. It is a very nice departure from the Mac vs PC ads of lore, and is also quite a bit more sentimental than their current line-up of "here's what iPhone 4 does" ads.

If there is one good thing to be said about television advertising, it's that a few times a year there are spots and commercials worth watching. This Apple commercial will join the ranks of Coca-Cola, Budweiser, GoDaddy and many other memorable and instant classic television advertisements.

Microsoft may not have the sentimental classic down, but their latest Windows 7 ad, touting the cloud, is silly and cute nonetheless. The ad features a typical kid playing with packaging rather than the toy he was given. It's very possible that some out there can relate, who hasn't made box-forts or pretended to be a robot?

Rounding up our ad-watch is Sony with their VAT Back promotion, featuring a cute Scrooge scenario.

If you spot any other awesome Christmas ads, link 'em up!


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