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ATi gets WHQL Certification for Vista Display Drivers

Underlining the company's leadership in developing hardware and drivers to support Microsoft Corp.'s Windows Vista operating system, ATI Technologies Inc. today announced that its driver has been granted the graphics industry's first Windows Hardware Quality Lab (WHQL) certification for Windows Vista by Microsoft. WHQL certification sets a high bar for quality and reliability, and is considered essential by many business and home users.

Windows Vista is the first version of the Microsoft operating system that requires hardware for 3D acceleration. WHQL certification reassures businesses and consumers that ATI graphics processors are fully ready to unlock the stunning graphical features of the powerful Windows Vista platform, including Windows Vista Premium(1).

"ATI is working closely with Microsoft to ensure the best performance and most reliable Vista experience through our top-to-bottom line of graphics processors," said Ben Bar-Haim, vice president of software, ATI Technologies Inc. "With Windows Vista, 3D graphics now matter to everyone and ATI's WHQL certification gives businesses and consumers alike the confidence that their ATI system is ready for Vista."

Download: September 2nd Catalyst Driver Release (LDDM)
News source: ATi via MSFN

(1) Currently shipping ATI boards certified for Windows Vista Premium include the X1300, X1350, X1400, X1600, X1700, X1800, X1900 and X1950.

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