Based on the popular Attack on Titan manga series in Japan, Koei Tecmo published the first game on Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC among other platforms in 2016. Today, the publisher announced that a sequel to the popular anime title will be coming in early 2018, and will be developed by Omega Force.
The first game, which took inspiration from the aforementioned manga series, was based around you having to defend your city against 'Titans' that eat humans for no apparent reason. Divided into three chapters, taking place at different times of Eren's life - who is the main protagonist - it told of his fight against a Colossal Titan after it ate a close friend.
It also retold several key moments in the TV series, mainly focusing on the first 19 episodes. Attack on Titan (AOT: Wings of Freedom in Europe) launched in August 2016 on Xbox One and PC, and was generally well-received.
The press release explains the concept behind the upcoming sequel as follows:
Building on the fast-paced action the series is famous for, and featuring an abundance of new gameplay mechanics, the gripping sequel will be released across America as ATTACK ON TITAN 2 in Early 2018. Players will once again don the renowned Omni-Directional Manoeuver Gear as they fight and repel the fearsome Titans that threaten humanity, to restore peace within the walls.
Although no further information was supplied surrounding the new game, Koei Tecmo did reveal some new artwork that can be viewed below and a teaser trailer.
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